<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    <!-- define the block title translations -->
    <title_add>Backup Database</title_add>
    <title_view>Restore Database</title_view>
    <title_manual>Manual Backup</title_manual>
    <!-- define the menu lable translations -->
    <!-- define the field translations -->	
    <field_date_orig>Creation Date</field_date_orig>	
    <field_date_expire>Scheduled Deletion Date</field_date_expire>	
    <field_modules>Modules to backup</field_modules>
    <field_manual>File Name</field_manual>
    <!-- define the help text -->
        This module enables you to create backups of the database for later restoration.	
    <!-- define any custom resources -->
        If you have previously downloaded a backup, and it has been since been deleted,
        you can use the manual backup feature to put it back in the restore list
        so it can be used. You must upload it (via FTP or another method) to your
        /includes/files/ directory, and then enter the name of the file below once
        you have uploaded it.
        Example: backup_10.xml
    <manual_file_req>You must enter the filename, please go back and correct this.</manual_file_req>
    <manual_file_miss>The filename you entered does not exist or is not writable, please correct this and try again.</manual_file_miss>
    <download>Download Backup File</download>
        If you choose to restore this backup, all you current data in the modules in this backup
        WILL BE LOST, and all data and settings will be as they were at the time that this
        backup was made. If you are sure you wish to continue, press the button below.
    <backing_up>Currently backing up %%mod%%</backing_up>
    <backup_complete>Database Backup Complete!</backup_complete>	
    <restore_complete>Database Restore Complete!</restore_complete>				