<?php /** * AgileBill - Open Billing Software * * This body of work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License * License as published at http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the * Agileco community forums at http://forum.agileco.com/ * * @link http://www.agileco.com/ * @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC. * @license http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * @author Tony Landis <tony@agileco.com> * @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ function CORE_database_search($VAR, &$construct, $type) { $db = &DB(); include_once(PATH_CORE . 'validate.inc.php'); $validate = new CORE_validate; # set the search criteria array $arr = $VAR; # loop through the submitted field_names to get the WHERE statement $where_list = ''; $i=0; while (list ($key, $value) = each ($arr)) { if($i == 0) { if($value != '') { $pat = "^" . $construct->module . "_"; if(eregi($pat, $key)) { $field = eregi_replace($pat,"",$key); if(eregi('%',$value)) { # do any data conversion for this field (date, encrypt, etc...) if(isset($construct->field["$field"]["convert"])) { $value = $validate->convert($field, $value, $construct->field["$field"]["convert"]); } $where_list .= " WHERE " . $field . " LIKE " . $db->qstr($value, get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $i++; } else { # check if array if(is_array($value)) { for($i_arr=0; $i_arr < count($value); $i_arr++) { if($value["$i_arr"] != '') { # determine any field options (=, >, <, etc...) $f_opt = '='; $pat_field = $construct->module.'_'.$field; $VAR['field_option']["$pat_field"]["$i_arr"]; if(isset($VAR['field_option']["$pat_field"]["$i_arr"])) { $f_opt = $VAR['field_option']["$pat_field"]["$i_arr"]; # error checking, safety precaution if($f_opt != '=' && $f_opt != '>' && $f_opt != '<' && $f_opt != '>=' && $f_opt != '<=' && $f_opt != '!=') $f_opt = '='; } # do any data conversion for this field (date, encrypt, etc...) if(isset($construct->field["$field"]["convert"])) { $value["$i_arr"] = $validate->convert($field, $value["$i_arr"], $construct->field["$field"]["convert"]); } if($i_arr == 0) { $where_list .= " WHERE " . $field . " $f_opt " . $db->qstr($value["$i_arr"], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $i++; } else { $where_list .= " AND " . $field . " $f_opt " . $db->qstr($value["$i_arr"], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $i++; } } } } else { $where_list .= " WHERE " . $field . " = " . $db->qstr($value, get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $i++; } } } } } else { if($value != '') { $pat = "^" . $construct->module . "_"; if(eregi($pat, $key)) { $field = eregi_replace($pat,"",$key); if(eregi('%',$value)) { # do any data conversion for this field (date, encrypt, etc...) if(isset($construct->field["$field"]["convert"])) { $value = $validate->convert($field, $value, $construct->field["$field"]["convert"]); } $where_list .= " AND " . $field . " LIKE " . $db->qstr($value, get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $i++; } else { # check if array if(is_array($value)) { for($i_arr=0; $i_arr < count($value); $i_arr++) { if($value["$i_arr"] != '') { # determine any field options (=, >, <, etc...) $f_opt = '='; $pat_field = $construct->module.'_'.$field; if(isset($VAR['field_option']["$pat_field"]["$i_arr"])) { $f_opt = $VAR['field_option']["$pat_field"]["$i_arr"]; # error checking, safety precaution if($f_opt != '=' && $f_opt != '>' && $f_opt != '<' && $f_opt != '>=' && $f_opt != '<=' && $f_opt != '!=') $f_opt = '='; } # do any data conversion for this field (date, encrypt, etc...) if(isset($construct->field["$field"]["convert"])) { $value["$i_arr"] = $validate->convert($field, $value["$i_arr"], $construct->field["$field"]["convert"]); } $where_list .= " AND " . $field . " $f_opt " . $db->qstr($value["$i_arr"], get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $i++; } } } else { $where_list .= " AND " . $field . " = ". $db->qstr($value, get_magic_quotes_gpc()); $i++; } } } } } } #### finalize the WHERE statement if($where_list == '') { $where_list .= ' WHERE '; } else { $where_list .= ' AND '; } # get limit type if(isset($VAR['limit'])) { $limit = $VAR['limit']; } else { $limit = $construct->limit; } # get order by if(isset($VAR['order_by'])) { $order_by = $VAR['order_by']; } else { $order_by = $construct->order_by; } ### Get any addition fields to select: if(isset($construct->custom_EXP)) { for($ei=0; $ei<count($construct->custom_EXP); $ei++) { if($ei == 0) $field_list = "," . $construct->custom_EXP[$ei]['field']; } } # generate the full query $q = "SELECT id".$field_list." FROM ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."$construct->table $where_list site_id = '" . DEFAULT_SITE . "'"; $q_save = "SELECT %%fieldList%% FROM %%tableList%% ".$where_list." %%whereList%% "; $result = $db->Execute($q); //////////////// DEBUG //// #echo "<PRE>$q</PRE>"; #exit; # error reporting if ($result === false) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('database.inc.php','search', $db->ErrorMsg()); if(isset($construct->trigger["$type"])) { include_once(PATH_CORE . 'trigger.inc.php'); $trigger = new CORE_trigger; $trigger->trigger($construct->trigger["$type"], 0, $VAR); } return; } # get the result count: $results = $result->RecordCount(); # get the first record id: if($results == 1) $record_id = $result->fields['id']; ### Run any custom validation on this result for ### this module if(isset($construct->custom_EXP)) { $results = 0; while(!$result->EOF) { for($ei=0; $ei<count($construct->custom_EXP); $ei++) { $field = $construct->custom_EXP[$ei]["field"]; $value = $construct->custom_EXP[$ei]["value"]; if($result->fields["$field"] == $value) { //$result->MoveNext(); $ei = count($construct->custom_EXP); $results++; } } $result->MoveNext(); } } # define the DB vars as a Smarty accessible block global $smarty; # Create the definition for fast-forwarding to a single record: if ($results == 1 && !isset($construct->fast_forward)) { $smarty->assign('record_id', $record_id); } # create the search record: if($results > 0) { # create the search record include_once(PATH_CORE . 'search.inc.php'); $search = new CORE_search; $arr['module'] = $construct->module; $arr['sql'] = $q_save; $arr['limit'] = $limit; $arr['order_by']= $order_by; $arr['results'] = $results; $search->add($arr); # define the search id and other parameters for Smarty $smarty->assign('search_id', $search->id); # page: $smarty->assign('page', '1'); # limit: $smarty->assign('limit', $limit); # order_by: $smarty->assign('order_by', $order_by); } # define the result count $smarty->assign('results', $results); if(isset($construct->trigger["$type"])) { include_once(PATH_CORE . 'trigger.inc.php'); $trigger = new CORE_trigger; $trigger->trigger($construct->trigger["$type"], 1, $VAR); } } ?>