<?php /** * AgileBill - Open Billing Software * * This body of work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License * License as published at http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * * Originally authored by Tony Landis, AgileBill LLC * * Recent modifications by Deon George * * @author Deon George <deonATleenooksDOTnet> * @copyright 2009 Deon George * @link http://osb.leenooks.net * * @link http://www.agileco.com/ * @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC. * @license http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * @author Tony Landis <tony@agileco.com> * @package AgileBill * @subpackage Module:Invoice */ /** * The main AgileBill Invoice Item Class * * @package AgileBill * @subpackage Module:Invoice */ class invoice_item extends OSB_module { # Hold the Tax information for this object private $tax_arr; # Hold the Discount information for this object private $discount_arr; # The prorate rate for this item private $prorata = 1; # Set the base price - used to work out the recurring amount private $base = 0; private function setBase() { if ($this->base && $this->prorata) $this->setRecordAttr('price_base',$this->base*$this->prorata); } public function setProRata($amt) { $this->prorata = $amt; # Automatically reduce the base rate $this->setBase(); } public function setBaseRate($amt) { $this->base = $amt; # Automatically reduce the base rate $this->setBase(); } /** * Calculate the tax for an item record * * @uses account * @uses tax */ private function pCalcTax() { $total = 0; foreach ($this->getTaxArr() as $tax) $total += $tax['rate']; return $total; } public function getTaxArr() { if (! is_array($this->tax_arr)) { # If we dont have an Account ID we cant calculate tax if (is_null($this->getRecordAttr('account_id'))) return false; include_once(PATH_MODULES.'tax/tax.inc.php'); $to = new tax; include_once(PATH_MODULES.'account/account.inc.php'); $ao = new account($this->getRecordAttr('account_id')); $total = ($this->getRecordAttr('price_base')+$this->getRecordAttr('price_setup'))*$this->getRecordAttr('quantity')-$this->getRecordAttr('discount_amt'); $this->tax_arr = $to->calculate($total,$ao->getRecordAttr('country_id'),$ao->getRecordAttr('state')); $this->setRecordAttr('tax_amt',$this->pCalcTax()); } return $this->tax_arr; } public function sGetTaxAmt() { return $this->pCalcTax(); } /** * Calculate Discounts applicable for item * * @uses discount */ private function pCalcDiscount($iamt) { $total = 0; foreach ($this->getDiscountArr($iamt) as $discount) $total += $discount['amount']; return $total; } public function getDiscountArr($iamt) { if (! is_array($this->discount_arr)) { include_once(PATH_MODULES.'discount/discount.inc.php'); $do = new discount; $total = ($this->getRecordAttr('price_base')+$this->getRecordAttr('price_setup'))*$this->getRecordAttr('quantity'); $this->discount_arr = $do->calc_all_discounts(1,$this->getRecordAttr('product_id'),$total,$this->getRecordAttr('account_id'),$iamt); $this->setRecordAttr('discount_amt',$this->pCalcDiscount($iamt)); } return $this->discount_arr; } /** * Get the Discount Total for this Item */ public function sGetDiscountAmt($total=0) { return $this->pCalcDiscount($total); } public function sGetSubTotalAmt() { return ($this->getRecordAttr('price_base')+$this->getRecordAttr('price_setup'))*$this->getRecordAttr('quantity'); } public function sGetTotalAmt($recalc=false) { static $total; if ($total && ! $recalc) return $total; else $total = 0; # Work out our discount if we havent already if (is_null($this->getRecordAttr('discount_amt'))) $this->setRecordAttr('discount_amt',$this->pCalcDiscount($this->sGetSubTotalAmt())); # Work out our tax if we havent already if (is_null($this->getRecordAttr('tax_amt'))) $this->setRecordAttr('tax_amt',$this->sGetTaxAmt()); $total = ($this->getRecordAttr('price_base')+$this->getRecordAttr('price_setup'))*$this->getRecordAttr('quantity') -$this->getRecordAttr('discount_amt') +$this->getRecordAttr('tax_amt'); $this->setRecordAttr('total_amt',$total); return $total; } /** * Work out the recurring amount * * This amount excludes taxes and discounts * * @uses product */ public function sGetRecurAmt() { if ($this->getRecordAttr('price_type') != 1) return 0; return $this->base*$this->getRecordAttr('quantity'); } /** * Save records * * Taxes and discounts should already be set and configured. * * @uses discount * @uses tax */ public function sql_SaveRecord($noconvert=false,$calc=true) { # If our discounts and taxes were calculated already we can skip them if ($calc) { $this->setRecordAttr('discount_amt',$this->pCalcDiscount($this->sGetSubTotalAmt())); $this->setRecordAttr('tax_amt',$this->sGetTaxAmt()); $this->setRecordAttr('total_amt',$this->sGetTotalAmt(true)); } if ($id = parent::sql_SaveRecord($noconvert)) { # Save the Discount Object include_once(PATH_MODULES.'discount/discount.inc.php'); $do = new discount; include_once(PATH_MODULES.'tax/tax.inc.php'); $to = new tax; # Save the Tax & Discount Details if ($this->discount_arr) $do->invoice_item($this->getRecordAttr('invoice_id'),$id,$this->getRecordAttr('account_id'),$this->discount_arr); if ($this->tax_arr) $to->invoice_item($this->getRecordAttr('invoice_id'),$id,$this->getRecordAttr('account_id'),$this->tax_arr); } return $id; } /** * Return the items on an invoice */ public function sInvoiceItems($id) { return $this->sql_GetRecords(array('where'=>array('invoice_id'=>$id))); } } ?>