<?php /** * AgileBill - Open Billing Software * * This body of work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License * License as published at http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * * Originally authored by Tony Landis, AgileBill LLC * * Recent modifications by Deon George * * @author Deon George <deonATleenooksDOTnet> * @copyright 2009 Deon George * @link http://osb.leenooks.net * * @link http://www.agileco.com/ * @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC. * @license http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * @author Tony Landis <tony@agileco.com> * @package AgileBill * @subpackage Core */ /** * The main AgileBill CORE Theme Class * * @package AgileBill * @subpackage Core * @uses CORE_block */ class CORE_theme { public $id; function __construct() { global $VAR,$C_debug,$C_translate,$smarty; # Get the cuurent session theme: if(defined('SESS_THEME') && file_exists(PATH_THEMES.SESS_THEME.'/template.tpl')) { if (SESS_THEME == 'default_admin' && SESS_LOGGED != true ) define ('THEME_NAME',DEF_THEME_N); elseif (defined('ADMIN_FORCE')) define ('THEME_NAME','default_admin'); elseif (! defined('ADMIN_FORCE') && SESS_THEME != 'default_admin') define ('THEME_NAME',SESS_THEME); else define ('THEME_NAME',DEF_THEME_N); } elseif(file_exists(PATH_THEMES.DEFAULT_THEME.'/template.tpl')) { define ('THEME_NAME',DEFAULT_THEME); } else { define ('THEME_NAME',DEF_THEME_N); } # load the block class $block = new CORE_block; # Set smarty vars if (isset($smarty->template_dir)) unset($smarty->template_dir); $smarty->use_sub_dirs = false; $smarty->template_dir = PATH_THEMES.THEME_NAME.'/'; $smarty->compile_dir = PATH_SMARTY.'templates/'; $smarty->config_dir = PATH_SMARTY.'configs/'; $smarty->cache_dir = PATH_SMARTY.'cache/'; $this->caching = false; $this->compile_check = true; $smarty->assign('THEME_NAME',THEME_NAME); # Frame Theme Escape if (THEME_NAME == 'default_admin') { if (! empty($VAR['tid']) && empty($VAR['_escape'])) { # Get URL string to pass to mainFrame $url = ''; $i = 0; while (list($key,$val) = each($VAR)) { if ($key != 'tid') { if ($i==0) $url .= '?'; else $url .= '&'; $url .= sprintf('%s=%s',$key,$val); $i++; } } $url = preg_replace('/tid=default_admin/','',$url); $smarty->assign('mainFrameUrl',$url); $this_template = sprintf('file:%s%s/template.tpl',PATH_THEMES,THEME_NAME); $smarty->display($this_template); exit; } if (empty($VAR['_escape'])) $block->display('core:top_frame'); # Force or define page set? if (defined('FORCE_PAGE')) { $block->display(FORCE_PAGE); } elseif (@$VAR['_page']) { $block->display($VAR['_page']); } else { $block->display('core:admin'); } if (empty($VAR['_escape'])) $block->display('core:bottom_frame'); exit(); } # Standard themes if (isset($VAR['_escape'])) { if (isset($VAR['_print'])) { # Load printer friendly version $block->display('core:top_frame'); $block->display($VAR['_page']); $block->display('core:bottom_print'); exit(); } else { # Check for force page: if(defined('FORCE_PAGE')) $block->display(FORCE_PAGE); else $block->display($VAR['_page']); exit(); } } else { if (defined('FORCE_PAGE')) { define('THEME_PAGE',FORCE_PAGE); } else { if (isset($VAR['_page'])) define('THEME_PAGE',$VAR['_page']); else define('THEME_PAGE','core:main'); } # Load the block normally $this_template = sprintf('file:%s%s/template.tpl',PATH_THEMES,THEME_NAME); $smarty->display($this_template); } } } class CORE_block { public function display($block_r) { global $smarty; $savedir = ''; # If we are in a module, we need to preserve our template path if (isset($smarty->_tpl_vars['meth'][0]) && $smarty->_tpl_vars['meth'][0] != 'core') $savedir = $smarty->template_dir; @$resource = explode(':',$block_r); @$module = $resource[0]; @$block = $resource[1]; $displayBlock = false; if ($module == 'TEMPLATE') { $smarty->template_dir = PATH_THEMES.THEME_NAME.'/'; $displayBlock = true; } else { if (is_file(sprintf('%s%s/blocks/%s/%s.tpl',PATH_THEMES,THEME_NAME,$module,$block))) { $smarty->template_dir = sprintf('%s%s/blocks/%s/',PATH_THEMES,THEME_NAME,$module); $displayBlock = true; } elseif (is_file(sprintf('%s%s/blocks/%s/%s.tpl',PATH_THEMES,DEF_THEME_N,$module,$block))) { $smarty->template_dir = sprintf('%s%s/blocks/%s/',PATH_THEMES,DEF_THEME_N,$module); $displayBlock = true; } elseif (is_file(sprintf('%s%s/blocks/%s/%s.tpl',PATH_THEMES,'default',$module,$block))) { $smarty->template_dir = sprintf('%s%s/blocks/%s/',PATH_THEMES,'default',$module); $displayBlock = true; } else { $smarty->display(sprintf('file:%s%s/blocks/core/invalid_page.tpl',PATH_THEMES,DEF_THEME_N)); } } if ($displayBlock) { if (! isset($smarty->_tpl_vars['VAR']['_page']) || ! $smarty->_tpl_vars['VAR']['_page']) $smarty->_tpl_vars['VAR']['_page'] = $block_r; $smarty->display(sprintf('file:%s%s.tpl',$smarty->template_dir,$block)); } if ($savedir) $smarty->template_dir = $savedir; } } ?>