<?php /** * AgileBill - Open Billing Software * * This body of work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License * License as published at http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the * Agileco community forums at http://forum.agileco.com/ * * @link http://www.agileco.com/ * @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC. * @license http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * @author Tony Landis <tony@agileco.com> * @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ ################################################################################ ### Database Map for: Invision Power Board 2 ### Last Update: 10-28-2004 ################################################################################ class map_INVISION_POWER_BOARD_2 { ############################################################################ ### Define the settings for this database map ############################################################################ function map_INVISION_POWER_BOARD_2 () { $this->map = Array ( 'map' => 'Invision_Power_Board_2', 'db_type' => 'mysql', 'notes' => 'This is for Invision Power Board 2.x', 'group_type' => 'db-status', // db, status, none ### Define the group fields in the target db 'group_map' => Array ( 'table' => 'groups', 'id' => 'g_id', 'name' => 'g_title' ), ### Define the account mapping properties 'account_map_field' => 'members', 'account_status_field' => 'mgroup', 'account_default_status' => '1', 'account_sync_field'=> Array ( 'delete' => '1' ), 'account_fields' => Array ( 'id' => Array ( 'map_field' => 'id', 'unique' => true ), 'date_orig' => Array ( 'map_field' => 'joined' ), 'date_last' => Array ( 'map_field' => false ), 'date_expire' => Array ( 'map_field' => false ), 'language_id' => Array ( 'map_field' => false ), 'country_id' => Array ( 'map_field' => false ), 'username' => Array ( 'map_field' => 'name' ), 'password' => Array ( 'map_field' => 'legacy_password' ), 'misc' => Array ( 'map_field' => false ), 'first_name' => Array ( 'map_field' => false ), 'last_name' => Array ( 'map_field' => false ), 'middle_name' => Array ( 'map_field' => false ), 'company' => Array ( 'map_field' => false ), 'status' => Array ( 'map_field' => false ), 'email' => Array ( 'map_field' => 'email' ), 'email_type' => Array ( 'map_field' => false ) ), ### Define any extra fields for account table in the target db: 'extra_field' => Array ( Array ( 'name' => 'ip_address', 'value' => USER_IP, 'add' => 1, 'edit' => 0 ), Array ( 'name' => 'view_sigs', 'value' => 1, 'add' => 1, 'edit' => 0 ), Array ( 'name' => 'view_avs', 'value' => 1, 'add' => 1, 'edit' => 0 ), Array ( 'name' => 'view_pop', 'value' => 1, 'add' => 1, 'edit' => 0 ), Array ( 'name' => 'view_img', 'value' => 1, 'add' => 1, 'edit' => 0 ), Array ( 'name' => 'last_visit', 'value' => mktime(), 'add' => 1, 'edit' => 0 ) ) ); } ######################################################################## ### Syncronize all accounts & groups ######################################################################## function sync($id, $file) { $db_map = new db_mapping; $this = $db_map->MAP_sync ($id, $file, $this); } ######################################################################## ### Create a new account in the target DB ######################################################################## function account_add($account_id) { $db_map = new db_mapping; $db_map->MAP_account_add ($account_id, $this); ### Sync the groups for this account: if( $this->map['group_type'] != 'none' && $this->map['group_type'] != 'add_remove' ) $this->account_group_sync( $account_id ); } ######################################################################## ### Edit an existing account in the target DB ######################################################################## function account_edit($account_id, $old_username) { $db_map = new db_mapping; $db_map->MAP_account_edit ($account_id, $old_username, $this); ### Update the groups in the remote db if( $this->map['group_type'] != 'none' && $this->map['group_type'] != 'add_remove' ) $this->account_group_sync($account_id); return true; } ######################################################################## ### Delete an existing account from the target DB ######################################################################## function account_delete($account_id, $username) { $db_map = new db_mapping; $db_map->MAP_account_delete ($account_id, $username, $this); } ######################################################################## ### Export / Update all accounts / groups to the target DB ######################################################################## function account_import($remote_account_id) { $db_map = new db_mapping; $db_map->MAP_account_import ($remote_account_id, $this); } ######################################################################## ### Create the cookie/session for login sync ######################################################################## function login($account_id) { $db_map_misc = new dbmapping_misc; $db_map_misc->MAP_account_login ($account_id, $this); } ######################################################################## ### Delete the cookie/session on account logout ######################################################################## function logout($account_id) { $db_map_misc = new dbmapping_misc; $db_map_misc->MAP_account_logout ($account_id, $this); } ######################################################################## ### Syncronize the groups for a specific account in the remote DB ######################################################################## function account_group_sync($account_id) { if ( $this->map['group_type'] == 'db') { $db_map = new db_mapping; return $db_map->MAP_account_group_sync_db ($account_id, $this); } elseif ( $this->map['group_type'] == 'status') { $db_map = new db_mapping; return $db_map->MAP_account_group_sync_status ($account_id, $this); } elseif ( $this->map['group_type'] == 'db-status') { $db_map = new db_mapping; return $db_map->MAP_account_group_sync_db_status ($account_id, $this); } else { return false; } } } ########################################################################################################### ### Misc IBF class extends db_mapping################################################################ ########################################################################################################### class dbmapping_misc extends db_mapping { ######################################################################## #>>>>> IBF login ######################################################################## function MAP_account_login ($account_id, $MAP_this) { $user_agent = addslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $today = time(); ### Get the username from the account_id $db = &DB(); $sql= 'SELECT username,password FROM '.AGILE_DB_PREFIX.'account WHERE id = '.$db->qstr($account_id).' AND site_id = '.$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('db_mapping.inc.php','Map_account_login_get_account_username', $db->ErrorMsg()); } unset($db); $username = $result->fields['username']; ### Get the remote account id from the username $dbm = new db_mapping; $dbm = $dbm->DB_connect(false, $MAP_this->map['map']); eval ( '@$db_prefix = DB2_PREFIX'. strtoupper($MAP_this->map['map']) .';' ); $sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'members WHERE name = '.$dbm->qstr($username); $result = $dbm->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('db_mapping.inc.php','Map_account_login_get_remote_account_id', $dbm->ErrorMsg()); return false; } $remote_account_id = $result->fields['id']; if (!empty($remote_account_id)) { ### Select required info for the session table $sql = 'SELECT name,mgroup,legacy_password FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'members WHERE id='.$dbm->qstr($remote_account_id); $result = $dbm->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('db_mapping.inc.php','Map_account_login_get_remote_account_id', $dbm->ErrorMsg()); return false; } $account_member_name = $result->fields['name']; $account_mgroup = $result->fields['mgroup']; $account_password = $result->fields['legacy_password']; ### cookies setcookie("session_id",SESS,0,'/'); setcookie("member_id",$remote_account_id,0,'/'); setcookie("pass_hash",$account_password,0,'/'); ### Delete any old sessions $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'sessions WHERE member_id='.$dbm->qstr($remote_account_id).' OR id='.$dbm->qstr(SESS); $result = $dbm->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('db_mapping.inc.php','Map_account_login_delete_sessions', $dbm->ErrorMsg()); } ### Insert new session into remote db $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $db_prefix . 'sessions SET id = '.$dbm->qstr(SESS).', member_name = '.$dbm->qstr($account_member_name).', member_id = '.$dbm->qstr($remote_account_id).', ip_address = '.$dbm->qstr(USER_IP).', browser = '.$dbm->qstr($user_agent).', running_time = '.$dbm->qstr($today).', login_type = '.$dbm->qstr('-1').', location = '.$dbm->qstr('idx,,').', member_group = '.$dbm->qstr($account_mgroup).', in_forum = '.$dbm->qstr(0).', in_topic = '.$dbm->qstr(0); $result = $dbm->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('db_mapping.inc.php','Map_account_login_insert_session', $dbm->ErrorMsg()); } } } ######################################################################## #>>>>> IBF logout ######################################################################## function MAP_account_logout ($account_id, $MAP_this) { ### Clear the session info in IBF $dbm = new db_mapping; $db = $dbm->DB_connect(false, $MAP_this->map['map']); eval ( '@$db_prefix = DB2_PREFIX'. strtoupper($MAP_this->map['map']) .';' ); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $db_prefix . 'sessions SET member_name ='.$db->qstr('NULL').', member_id ='.$db->qstr(0).', login_type ='.$db->qstr(0).', member_group ='.$db->qstr(2).' WHERE id ='.$db->qstr(SESS); $result = $db->Execute($sql); ### error reporting: if ($result === false) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('db_mapping.inc.php','Map_account_logout_delete_account_session', $db->ErrorMsg()); $smarty->assign('db_mapping_result', $db->ErrorMsg()); return; } ### Clear the IBF cookies setcookie("session_id",0,0,'/'); setcookie("member_id",0,0,'/'); setcookie("pass_hash",0,0,'/'); return; } } ?>