<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');

 * This class provides invoice rending use TCPDF
 * @package    Invoice
 * @category   Helpers
 * @author     Deon George
 * @copyright  (c) 2009-2013 Open Source Billing
 * @license    http://dev.osbill.net/license.html
class Invoice_TCPDF_Default extends Invoice_Tcpdf {
	// Current line being printed
	public $sum_y = 0;

	private $max_lines_page = 51;
	protected $show_service_range = TRUE;

	 * Draw the logo
	public function drawCompanyLogo() {
		$x = 9; $y = 7;
		$size = 25;
		$logo = $this->co->logo_file();

		if (is_file($logo))

	 * Draw the Company Address
	public function drawCompanyAddress() {
		// Add the company address next to the logo
		$x = 40; $y = 7;

		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->co->name()); $y += 4;

		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->co->taxid()); $y += 6;

		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->co->street(', ')); $y += 4;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,sprintf('%s, %s %s',$this->co->city(),$this->co->state(),$this->co->pcode())); $y += 4;

		$y += 2;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Phone:'); $this->SetXY($x+16,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->co->phone()); $y += 4;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Fax:'); $this->SetXY($x+16,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->co->fax()); $y += 4;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Web:'); $this->SetXY($x+16,$y); $this->addHtmlLink(URL::base(TRUE,TRUE),URL::base(TRUE,TRUE)); $y += 4;

	 * Draw the remmittence stub
	public function drawRemittenceStub() {
		// Draw the remittance line

		$x = 18; $y = 200;

		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Payment Remittence')); $y +=5;

		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Please return this portion with your cheque or money order')); $y +=3;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('made payable to').' '.$this->co->name());

		// Due Date
		$x = 110; $y = 200;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Issue Date'));
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->display('date_orig'),0,0,'R');

		// Account ID
		$y = 205;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Account Number'));
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->account->accnum(),0,0,'R');

		// Invoice number
		$y = 210;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Invoice Number'));
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->id(),0,0,'R');

		// Company Address
		$y = 216;
		$this->SetXY(18,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->co->name()); $y += 4;
		$this->SetXY(18,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->co->street(', ')); $y += 4;
		$this->SetXY(18,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,sprintf('%s, %s %s',$this->co->city(),$this->co->state(),$this->co->pcode())); $y += 4;

		// Previous Due
		$y = 215;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Previous Due'));
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->account->invoices_due_total($this->io->date_orig,TRUE),0,0,'R');

		$y = 219;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Amount Due').' '.$this->io->display('due_date'));
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->due(TRUE),0,0,'R');

		// Total Due
		$y = 224;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Total Payable'));
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,Currency::display($this->io->due() ? $this->io->total()+$this->io->account->invoices_due_total($this->io->date_orig,TRUE) : 0),0,0,'R');

		// Draw the Customers Address
		$x = 25; $y = 248;


		if ($this->billToCompany && ! empty($this->io->account->company))
			$name = $this->io->account->company;
			$name = $this->io->account->name();

		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,html_entity_decode($name,ENT_NOQUOTES)); $y += 5;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,sprintf('%s %s ',$this->io->account->address1,$this->io->account->address2)); $y += 5;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,sprintf('%s, %s %s',$this->io->account->city,$this->io->account->state,$this->io->account->zip)); $y += 5;

	 * Draw the invoice header
	public function drawInvoiceHeader() {
		$x = 125; $y = 10;

		// Draw a box.
		$this->SetXY($x-1,$y-1); $this->Cell(0,35+5+($this->io->total_credits() ? 5 : 0),'',1,0,'',1);

		// Draw a box around the invoice due date and amount due.
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'TAX INVOICE');
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->id(),0,0,'R');

		// Invoice number at top of page.
		$y += 7;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Issue Date')); $y += 5;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Amount Due'));

		$y -= 5;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->display('date_orig'),0,0,'R'); $y += 5;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->display('due_date'),0,0,'R');

		$y += 5;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Previous Due'));
		$this->SetXY($x+55,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->account->invoices_due_total($this->io->date_orig,TRUE),0,0,'R');

		$y += 5;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Current Charges'));
		$this->SetXY($x+55,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->total(TRUE),0,0,'R');

		$y += 5;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Payments Received');
		$this->SetXY($x+55,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->payments_total('TRUE'),0,0,'R');

		if ($this->io->total_credits()) {
			$y += 5;
			$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Credits Received');
			$this->SetXY($x+55,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->total_credits(TRUE),0,0,'R');

		$y += 5;
		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Total Payable');
		$this->SetXY($x+55,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,Currency::display($this->io->due() ? $this->io->total()+$this->io->account->invoices_due_total($this->io->date_orig) : 0),0,0,'R');

	 * Draw any news messages
	 * @todo Limit the size of the news to 6 lines
	public function drawNews($news) {
		if (! $news)

		$x = 9; $y = 170;

		# Draw a box.
		$this->SetXY($x-1,$y-1); $this->Cell(0,20,'',1,0,'',1);

		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->MultiCell(0,3,str_replace('\n',"\n",$news),0,'L',0);

	 * Draw our available payment methods
	 * @todo make this list dynamic
	public function drawPaymentMethods() {
		$x = 120; $y = 242;

		# Draw a box.
		$this->SetXY($x-1,$y-2); $this->Cell(0,32,'',1,0,'',1);

		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'This invoice can be paid by:'); $y += 4;

		# Direct Credit
		$logo = Kohana::find_file('media','img/invoice-payment-dd','png');
		$this->SetXY($x+10,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Direct Credit to our Bank Account'); $y += 3;
		$this->SetXY($x+10,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'BSB:'); $y += 3;
		$this->SetXY($x+10,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'ACCOUNT:'); $y += 3;
		$this->SetXY($x+10,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'REF:'); $y += 3;

		$y -= 9;
		$this->SetXY($x+30,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,Company::bsb()); $y += 3;
		$this->SetXY($x+30,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,Company::account()); $y += 3;
		$this->SetXY($x+30,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,$this->io->refnum()); $y += 3;

		# Direct Debit
		$y += 3;
		$logo = sprintf('%s/%s',PATH_THEMES.DEFAULT_THEME,'invoice/invoice-payment-dd.png');
		$this->SetXY($x+10,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Direct Debit'); $y += 3;
		$this->SetXY($x+10,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Please visit '); $this->SetXY($x+30,$y); $this->addHtmlLink($inv->print['site']['URL'].'?_page=invoice:user_view&id='.$inv->getPrintInvoiceNum(),$inv->print['site']['URL']); $y += 3;

		# Paypal
		$y += 3;
		$logo = Kohana::find_file('media','img/invoice-payment-pp','png');
		$this->SetXY($x+10,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Pay Pal/Credit Card'); $y += 3;
		$this->SetXY($x+10,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Please visit '); $this->SetXY($x+30,$y); $this->addHtmlLink(URL::base(TRUE,TRUE),URL::base(TRUE,TRUE)); $y += 3;

	 * Draw previous invoices due
	public function drawSummaryInvoicesDue() {
		$x = 125; $y = $this->sum_y ? $this->sum_y : 50;

		$items = $this->io->account->invoices_due($this->io->date_orig);

		# Calculate the box size
		$box = count($items) < $this->itemsPreviousMax ? count($items) : $this->itemsPreviousMax;

		# Draw a box.
		$this->SetXY($x-1,$y-1); $this->Cell(0,5*(1+$box)+1,'',1,0,'',1);

		$this->SetXY($x,$y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Previous Invoices Due')); $y += 5;

		$i = 0;
		$sum_total = 0;
		foreach ($items as $line) {
			if (++$i < $this->itemsPreviousMax) {
				$this->Cell(0,0,sprintf('%s %s',$line->display('date_orig'),$line->id()));
				$this->Cell(0,0,$line->due(TRUE),0,0,'R'); $y += 5;

			} else {
				$sum_total += $line->due();

		if ($sum_total) {
			$this->Cell(0,0,'Other invoices');
			$this->Cell(0,0,Currency::display($sum_total),0,0,'R'); $y += 5;

		$this->sum_y = $y+5;

	 * This will draw the Summary Box, with the summary of the items
	 * on the invoice.
	public function drawSummaryLineItems() {
		if (! $this->show_itemized)

		$items = $this->io->items_summary();

		// Calculate the box size
		$box = count($items) < $this->itemsSummaryMax ? count($items) : $this->itemsSummaryMax;

		// Our starting position
		$x = 10; $y = $this->sum_y ? $this->sum_y : 55;

		// Draw a box.
			1+1+1+3+($this->io->total_discounts() ? 1 : 0)+1+($this->io->total_credits() ? 1 : 0)+$box

		$this->Cell(0,0,_('Current Charges Summary')); $y += 5;


		$i = $subtotal = 0;
		foreach ($items as $name => $line) {
			if ($i < $this->itemsSummaryMax) {

				$y += 5;

			if ($i == $this->itemsSummaryMax) {
				$this->Cell(0,0,_('The above is just a summary. To view a detailed list of charges, please visit our website.'));

			$subtotal += $line['subtotal'];

		// Calculate our rounding error
		// @todo This shouldnt be required.
		#$subtotal = Currency::round($subtotal-$this->io->total_discounts());

		if (Currency::round($this->io->subtotal()) != $subtotal) {

			$y += 5;

		// Draw Discounts.
		if ($this->io->total_discounts()) {
			$y += 5;


		// Subtotal and tax.
		$y += 5;

		$this->Cell(0,0,'Sub Total');

		$y += 5;


		$y += 5;

		$this->Cell(0,0,'Total Charges This Invoice');

		// Show payments already received for this invoice
		$y += 5;

		$this->Cell(0,0,'Payments Received');

		if ($this->io->total_credits()) {
			$y += 5;

			$this->Cell(0,0,_('Less Credits'));

		$y += 5;
		$this->Cell(0,0,'Balance Due');

	 * This will draw the Summary Box, with the summary of the items
	 * on the invoice.
	public function drawDetailLineItems() {
		$this->i = 0;
		foreach ($this->io->subitems() as $io)

	 * Draws Invoice Detail Item
	 * @todo need to make sure that this pages well, when there are many items (with many sub details).
	private function drawLineItem($ito) {
		$x = 10;
		if ($this->i == 0 || $this->i%$this->max_lines_page == 0) {
			$this->y = 5;

			$this->SetXY($x,$this->y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Itemised Charges'));
			$this->Cell(0,0,_('Page #').$this->PageNo(),0,0,'R');
			$this->SetXY($x,$this->y); $this->Cell(0,0,_('Invoice #').$this->io->id(),0,0,'C');

			// Draw table headers
			$this->y += 10;
			$this->Cell(10,0,_('Unit Cost'),0,0,'R');

			$this->y += 5;

		$this->Cell(0,0,sprintf('%s - %s',$ito->product->title(),$ito->service->name()));

		if ($ito->price_base) {

		if ($ito->quantity) {


		if ($this->show_service_range && $ito->period()) {
			$this->y += 3;
			$this->SetXY($x+10,$this->y); $this->Cell(0,0,'Service Period');
			$this->SetXY($x+40,$this->y); $this->Cell(0,0,$ito->period());

		if ($ito->invoice_detail_items())
			foreach ($ito->invoice_detail_items() as $k=>$v) {
				$this->y += 3;
				$this->SetXY($x+10,$this->y); $this->Cell(0,0,$k);
				$this->SetXY($x+40,$this->y); $this->Cell(0,0,$v);

		$this->y += 5;