<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * This class provides OSB service admin capabilities. * * @package OSB * @subpackage Service * @category Controllers/Admin * @author Deon George * @copyright (c) 2010 Open Source Billing * @license http://dev.osbill.net/license.html */ class Controller_Admin_Service extends Controller_TemplateDefault { protected $control = array('Services'=>'services'); public $secure_actions = array( 'listbycheckout'=>TRUE, 'listadslservices'=>TRUE, 'listhspaservices'=>TRUE, ); /** * List all services by their default checkout method */ public function action_listbycheckout() { // @todo need to add the DB prefix here $services = DB::query(Database::SELECT,' SELECT c.id AS cid,c.name as checkout_plugin_name,s.id AS sid,a.company,a.first_name,a.last_name,a.id as aid FROM ab_service s LEFT JOIN ab_account_billing ab ON (s.account_billing_id=ab.id) LEFT JOIN ab_checkout c ON (ab.checkout_plugin_id=c.id),ab_account a, ab_account_group ag WHERE s.active=1 AND s.price > 0 AND s.account_id=a.id AND a.id=ag.account_id AND ((s.account_billing_id IS NOT NULL AND ag.group_id IS NOT NULL) OR (a.id=ag.account_id and ag.group_id=1003)) ORDER BY c.id,s.recur_schedule,c.name,a.company,a.last_name,a.first_name ') ->execute(); // @todo If no items, show a nice message. This is not correct for ORM. if (! count($services)) { echo Kohana::debug('No services with account_billing'); die(); } $last_checkout = ''; $last_account = ''; $i = 0; $sc = $st = 0; $output = '<table class="box-left">'; foreach ($services as $service) { $so = ORM::factory('service',$service['sid']); $si = $so->account_id.$so->recur_schedule; if (($si != $last_account) AND $last_account) { if ($sc > 1) $output .= View::factory('service/list/bycheckout_subtotal') ->set('subtotal',Currency::display($st)) ->set('i',$i++%2); $sc = $st = 0; } if (($service['cid'] != $last_checkout) OR (! is_null($last_checkout) AND ! $last_checkout)) { $output .= View::factory('service/list/bycheckout_header') ->set('checkout_name',$service['checkout_plugin_name']) ->set('last_checkout',$last_checkout); } $last_checkout = $service['cid']; $last_account = $si; // @todo This rounding should be a system default $st += round($so->price+$so->tax(),2); $sc++; $output .= View::factory('service/list/bycheckout_body') ->set('service',$so) ->set('i',$i++%2); } // Last subtotal if ($sc > 1) $output .= View::factory('service/list/bycheckout_subtotal') ->set('subtotal',$st) ->set('i',$i++%2); $output .= '</table>'; Block::add(array( 'title'=>_('List all Services by Default Payment Method'), 'body'=>$output, )); Style::add(array( 'type'=>'file', 'data'=>'css/list.css', )); $this->template->content = Block::factory(); } //@todo this should really be in a different class, since adsl wont be part of the main app public function action_listadslservices() { // @todo need to add the DB prefix here $services = DB::query(Database::SELECT,' SELECT A.service_id FROM ab_service__adsl A,ab_service B,ab_account C,ab_service D,ab_product E WHERE B.active=1 AND A.service_id=B.id AND A.site_id=B.site_id AND B.account_id=C.id AND B.site_id=C.site_id AND A.service_id=D.id AND A.site_id=D.site_id AND D.product_id=E.id AND D.site_id=E.site_id AND E.sku like "%ADSL%" ORDER BY C.last_name,B.account_id,A.service_number ') ->execute(); // @todo If no items, show a nice message. This is not correct for ORM. if (! count($services)) { echo Kohana::debug('No services for ADSL'); die(); } $last_account = ''; $i = 0; $output = '<table class="box-left">'; foreach ($services as $service) { $so = ORM::factory('service',$service['service_id']); if ($last_account != $so->account_id) { if ($i) $output .= '<tr><td colspan="10"> </td></tr>'; $output .= View::factory('service/list/adslservices_header') ->set('service',$so); $last_account = $so->account_id; } $output .= View::factory('service/list/adslservices_body') ->set('service',$so) ->set('i',$i++%2); } $output .= '</table>'; // Chart the traffic for the last 12 months. // @todo need to add the DB prefix here $traffic = DB::query(Database::SELECT,sprintf(' SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DATE,"%%y-%%m") AS MONTH,SID,MAX(NUM) AS NUM,SUM(DOWN_PEAK) AS DOWN_PEAK,SUM(IFNULL(DOWN_OFFPEAK,0)+IFNULL(PEER,0)+IFNULL(INTERNAL,0)) AS DOWN_OFFPEAK FROM ab_view_traffic_adsl_daily WHERE SID in (%s) AND DATE>"%s" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(DATE,"%%Y-%%m"),SID ','1,2',date('Y-m',time()-365*86400))) ->execute(); $peak = $offpeak = $services = array(); foreach ($traffic as $a => $v) { $peak[$v['SID']]['Peak'][$v['MONTH']] = $v['DOWN_PEAK']; $peak[$v['SID']]['OffPeak'][$v['MONTH']] = $v['DOWN_OFFPEAK']; $peak[$v['SID']]['Services'][$v['MONTH']] = $v['NUM']; } $google = GoogleChart::factory('vertical_bar'); $google->title = sprintf('ADSL traffic as at %s',date('Y-m-d',strtotime('yesterday'))); $google->series(array( 'title'=>array('Exetel-Peak','Exetel-Offpeak'), 'axis'=>'x', 'data'=>array('Exetel-Peak'=>$peak[1]['Peak'],'Exetel-OffPeak'=>$peak[1]['OffPeak']))); $google->series(array( 'title'=>array('People-Peak','People-Offpeak'), 'axis'=>'x', 'data'=>array('People-Peak'=>$peak[2]['Peak'],'People-OffPeak'=>$peak[2]['OffPeak']))); $google->series(array( 'title'=>'Exetel-Services', 'axis'=>'r', 'data'=>array('Exetel-Services'=>$peak[1]['Services']))); $google->series(array( 'title'=>'People-Services', 'axis'=>'r', 'data'=>array('People-Services'=>$peak[2]['Services']))); Block::add(array( 'body'=>$google, )); Block::add(array( 'title'=>_('List all ADSL Services'), 'body'=>$output, )); Style::add(array( 'type'=>'file', 'data'=>'css/list.css', )); $this->template->content = Block::factory(); } public function action_listhspaservices() { // @todo need to add the DB prefix here $services = DB::query(Database::SELECT,' SELECT A.service_id FROM ab_service__adsl A,ab_service B,ab_account C,ab_service D,ab_product E WHERE B.active=1 AND A.service_id=B.id AND A.site_id=B.site_id AND B.account_id=C.id AND B.site_id=C.site_id AND A.service_id=D.id AND A.site_id=D.site_id AND D.product_id=E.id AND D.site_id=E.site_id AND E.sku like "%HSPA%" ORDER BY C.last_name,B.account_id,A.service_number ') ->execute(); // @todo If no items, show a nice message. This is not correct for ORM. if (! count($services)) { echo Kohana::debug('No services for HSPA'); die(); } $last_account = ''; $i = 0; $output = '<table class="box-left">'; foreach ($services as $service) { $so = ORM::factory('service',$service['service_id']); if ($last_account != $so->account_id) { if ($i) $output .= '<tr><td colspan="10"> </td></tr>'; $output .= View::factory('service/list/adslservices_header') ->set('service',$so); $last_account = $so->account_id; } $output .= View::factory('service/list/adslservices_body') ->set('service',$so) ->set('i',$i++%2); } $output .= '</table>'; // Chart the traffic for the last 12 months. // @todo need to add the DB prefix here $traffic = DB::query(Database::SELECT,sprintf(' SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DATE,"%%y-%%m") AS MONTH,SID,MAX(NUM) AS NUM,SUM(DOWN_PEAK)*1000 AS DOWN_PEAK,SUM(IFNULL(DOWN_OFFPEAK,0)+IFNULL(PEER,0)+IFNULL(INTERNAL,0))*1000 AS DOWN_OFFPEAK FROM ab_view_traffic_adsl_daily WHERE SID=%s AND DATE>"%s" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(DATE,"%%Y-%%m"),SID ',3,date('Y-m',time()-365*86400))) ->execute(); $peak = $offpeak = $services = array(); foreach ($traffic as $a => $v) { $peak['Peak'][$v['MONTH']] = $v['DOWN_PEAK']; $peak['OffPeak'][$v['MONTH']] = $v['DOWN_OFFPEAK']; $peak['Services'][$v['MONTH']] = $v['NUM']; } $google = GoogleChart::factory('vertical_bar'); $google->title = sprintf('HSPA traffic as at %s',date('Y-m-d',strtotime('yesterday'))); $google->series(array('title'=>array('Peak','Offpeak'),'axis'=>'x','data'=>array('Peak'=>$peak['Peak'],'OffPeak'=>$peak['OffPeak']))); $google->series(array('title'=>'Services','axis'=>'r','data'=>array('Services'=>$peak['Services']))); Block::add(array( 'body'=>$google, )); Block::add(array( 'title'=>_('List all HSPA Services'), 'body'=>$output, )); Style::add(array( 'type'=>'file', 'data'=>'css/list.css', )); $this->template->content = Block::factory(); } /** * Reconcile billing for an ADSL supplier * * @todo this should really be in a different class, since adsl wont be part of the main app */ public function action_listadslbilling($id) { $aso = ORM::factory('adsl_supplier',$id); // Process upload // @todo This should be separated out by supplier in case each supplier has a different format $files = Validate::factory($_FILES); $files->rules('csv',array( 'Upload::valid'=>array(), 'Upload::not_empty'=>array(), 'Upload::type'=>array('Upload::type' => array('csv')), 'Upload::size'=>array('10M')) ); if ($files->check()) { foreach ($files as $file) { $csv = $this->process($file); } } // @todo add a display if there are no items $i = $j = 0; $total = 0; $summary = ''; $output = View::factory('service/list/adslbilling_head'); $output .= '<table class="box-left">'; foreach ($aso->services(TRUE) as $so) { // Reset our uploaded data $uploaded = array(); // If our uploaded file has some cost data. if (! empty($csv[$so->service_adsl->service_number])) { $uploaded['amount'] = (empty($csv[$so->service_adsl->service_number]['cost']) ? 0 : $csv[$so->service_adsl->service_number]['cost']) + (empty($csv[$so->service_adsl->service_number]['credit']) ? 0 : $csv[$so->service_adsl->service_number]['credit']); // Record the the exception if the cost is not expected if (round($so->service_adsl->adsl_plan->adsl_supplier_plan->base_cost+$so->service_adsl->adsl_plan->adsl_supplier_plan->tax(),2) != $uploaded['amount']) { $summary .= View::factory('service/list/adslbilling_summary') ->set('service',$so) ->set('amount',$uploaded['amount']) ->set('i',$j++%2); $uploaded['checked'] = ''; } else { $uploaded['checked'] = 'checked="checked"'; } unset($csv[$so->service_adsl->service_number]); } else { $uploaded['checked'] = ''; $uploaded['amount'] = 0; } $total += $uploaded['amount']; $output .= View::factory('service/list/adslbilling_body') ->set('service',$so) ->set('checked',$uploaded['checked']) ->set('amount',$uploaded['amount']) ->set('adsl',$so->service_adsl) ->set('i',$i++%2); } $output .= View::factory('service/list/adslbilling_foot') ->set('total',$total); $output .= '</table>'; // Summary Report of remaining CSV items. if (! empty($csv)) foreach ($csv as $service => $item) { $summary .= View::factory('service/list/adslbilling_summary_exception') ->set('service',$service) ->set('item',$item) ->set('i',$j++%2); } $output .= Form::open(NULL,array('enctype'=>'multipart/form-data')); $output .= '<div>'; $output .= Form::file('csv'); $output .= Form::submit('submit','upload'); $output .= '</div>'; $output .= Form::close(); Block::add(array( 'title'=>_('ADSL Services'), 'body'=>$output, )); if ($summary) Block::add(array( 'title'=>_('Exception Charges'), 'body'=>'<table class="box-left">'.$summary.'</table>', )); Style::add(array( 'type'=>'file', 'data'=>'css/list.css', )); $this->template->content = Block::factory(); } private function process(array $file) { $data = file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']); if (! $data) return; $start = $end = FALSE; $return = array(); foreach (preg_split("/\n/",$data) as $line) { // Items start after "Item ID" if (! $start && preg_match('/^Item ID,/',$line)) { $start = true; continue; // Items end after "Subtotal" } elseif ($start && ! $end && preg_match('/^Subtotal:,/',$line)) { $end = true; continue; // If we havent started or not ended, continue } elseif (! $start || $end) { continue; } list($id,$ref,$unknown,$linedata,$q,$cost,$total) = explode(',',$line); // Extract the phone number from the $linedata @list($service,$description) = explode(':',(preg_replace('/([0-9]+)\s+-\s+(.*)$/',"$1:$2",$linedata))); // If the description says Monthly Charge, we know its the monthly fee. if (preg_match('/^Monthly Charge/',$description)) $return[$service]['cost'] = preg_replace('/\$/','',$total); // If the description says VISP credit, we know this is commission. elseif (preg_match('/^VISP Credit/',$description)) $return[$service]['credit'] = preg_replace('/\$/','',$total); // If the description says Excess, we know this is commission. elseif (preg_match('/^Excess usage/',$description)) $return[$service]['excess'] = preg_replace('/\$/','',$total); else $return[$service]['info'] = $line; } return $return; } } ?>