<?php /** * AgileBill - Open Billing Software * * This body of work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License * License as published at http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the * Agileco community forums at http://forum.agileco.com/ * * @link http://www.agileco.com/ * @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC. * @license http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * @author Tony Landis <tony@agileco.com> * @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ class host_server { # Open the constructor for this mod function host_server() { # name of this module: $this->module = "host_server"; # location of the construct XML file: $this->xml_construct = PATH_MODULES . "" . $this->module . "/" . $this->module . "_construct.xml"; # open the construct file for parsing $C_xml = new CORE_xml; $construct = $C_xml->xml_to_array($this->xml_construct); $this->method = $construct["construct"]["method"]; $this->trigger = $construct["construct"]["trigger"]; $this->field = $construct["construct"]["field"]; $this->table = $construct["construct"]["table"]; $this->module = $construct["construct"]["module"]; $this->cache = $construct["construct"]["cache"]; $this->order_by = $construct["construct"]["order_by"]; $this->limit = $construct["construct"]["limit"]; } # manual add function host_manual_new($service, $server, $account) { } # manual edit function host_manual_edit($service, $server, $account) { } # manual activate function host_manual_active($service, $server, $account) { } # manual deactivate function host_manual_inactive($service, $server, $account) { } # manual delete function host_manual_delete($service, $server, $account) { } # Generate a new login function generate_login($service,$account,$max_un_len, $max_pw_len, $shared) { # define username if($service['host_username'] != '') { $ret['username'] = $service['host_username']; } else { if ($shared == false) { # is username already in use on this server? $db = &DB(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'service WHERE id != ' . $db->qstr( $service['id'] ) . ' AND host_server_id = ' . $db->qstr( $service['host_server_id'] ) . ' AND host_username = ' . $db->qstr( $account['username'] ) . ' AND site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $rs = $db->Execute($sql); if ($rs->RecordCount() == 0) { $ret['username'] = $account['username']; } else { $ret['username'] = $this->generate_login1($max_un_len); } } else { $ret['username'] = $account['username']; } } # define password if($service['host_password'] != '') { $ret['password'] = $service['host_password']; } else { $ret['password'] = $this->generate_login1($max_pw_len); } # save the username/password for this service $db = &DB(); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'service SET host_username = ' . $db->qstr( $ret['username'] ) . ', host_password = ' . $db->qstr( $ret['password'] ) . ' WHERE id = ' . $db->qstr( $service['id'] ) . ' AND site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $db->Execute($sql); return $ret; } # random un/pw function generate_login1($length) { srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $vowels = array("a", "e", "i", "o", "u"); $cons = array("b", "c", "d", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "tr", "cr", "br", "fr", "th", "dr", "ch", "ph", "wr", "st", "sp", "sw", "pr", "sl", "cl"); $num_vowels = count($vowels); $num_cons = count($cons); for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){ @$rand .= $cons[rand(0, $num_cons - 1)] . $vowels[rand(0, $num_vowels - 1)]; } return $rand; } # use ip address function useipaddress($service, $server) { if($service['host_ip'] != '') return $service['host_ip']; $pat = "\r\n"; $ips_r = ''; @$ips = explode($pat, $server['ip_based_ip']); for($i=0; $i<count(@$ips); $i++) { if($i==0) { if($ips[0] != '') $ip = $ips[0]; else return false; } else { if($ips[$i] != '') @$ips_r .= $ips[$i].$pat; } } # update this service $db = &DB(); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'service SET host_ip = ' . $db->qstr( $ip ) . ' WHERE id = ' . $db->qstr( $service['id'] ) . ' AND site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $db->Execute($sql); # update ip list for this server $sql = 'UPDATE ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'host_server SET ip_based_ip = ' . $db->qstr( $ips_r ) . ' WHERE id = ' . $db->qstr( $server['id'] ) . ' AND site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $db->Execute($sql); return $ip; } # re-use ip address function unuseipaddress($server, $ip) { if(empty($ip)) return false; # update ip list for this server $ips = $ip; if(!empty($server['ip_based_ip'])) $ips .= "\r\n".$server['ip_based_ip']; # update $db = &DB(); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'host_server SET ip_based_ip = ' . $db->qstr( $ips ) . ' WHERE id = ' . $db->qstr( $server['id'] ) . ' AND site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $db->Execute($sql); return true; } ############################## ## ADD ## ############################## function add($VAR) { $VAR['host_server_keycode'] = md5(rand(99,999) . microtime()); $type = "add"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->add($VAR, $this, $type); } ############################## ## VIEW ## ############################## function view($VAR) { global $smarty; $type = "view"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $dx = new CORE_database; $rs = $dx->view($VAR, $this, $type); # get the list of available servers to define as "next server" $db = &DB(); $sql= 'SELECT id,name FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'host_server WHERE id != ' . $db->qstr( $rs[0]['id'] ) . ' AND next_host_server_id != ' . $db->qstr( $rs[0]['id'] ) . ' AND provision_plugin = ' . $db->qstr( $rs[0]['provision_plugin'] ) . ' AND site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $rs = $db->Execute($sql); if(@$rs->RecordCount() > 0) { $arr[0] = ''; while(!$rs->EOF) { $arr[$rs->fields['id']] = $rs->fields['name']; $rs->MoveNext(); } $smarty->assign('next_server_options', $arr); $smarty->assign('next_server', true); } else { $smarty->assign('next_server', false); } } ############################## ## UPDATE ## ############################## function update($VAR) { $type = "update"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->update($VAR, $this, $type); } ############################## ## DELETE ## ############################## function delete($VAR) { $db = new CORE_database; $db->mass_delete($VAR, $this, ""); } ############################## ## SEARCH FORM ## ############################## function search_form($VAR) { $type = "search"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->search_form($VAR, $this, $type); } ############################## ## SEARCH ## ############################## function search($VAR) { $type = "search"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->search($VAR, $this, $type); } ############################## ## SEARCH SHOW ## ############################## function search_show($VAR) { $type = "search"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->search_show($VAR, $this, $type); } } ?>