* @copyright 2009 Deon George * @link http://osb.leenooks.net * * @link http://www.agileco.com/ * @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC. * @license http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * @author Tony Landis * @package AgileBill * @subpackage Core */ /** * The main AgileBill CORE Database Class * * @package AgileBill * @subpackage Core */ class CORE_database { public function add($VAR,$construct,$type) { include_once(PATH_CORE.'database_add.inc.php'); return CORE_database_add($VAR,$construct,$type); } public function update($VAR,$construct,$type) { include_once(PATH_CORE.'database_update.inc.php'); return CORE_database_update($VAR,$construct,$type); } public function search_form($VAR,$construct,$type) { include_once(PATH_CORE.'database_search_form.inc.php'); return CORE_database_search_form($VAR,$construct,$type); } public function search($VAR,$construct,$type) { include_once(PATH_CORE.'database_search.inc.php'); return CORE_database_search($VAR,$construct,$type); } public function search_show($VAR,$construct,$type) { include_once(PATH_CORE.'database_search_show.inc.php'); return CORE_database_search_show($VAR,$construct,$type); } public function view($VAR,$construct,$type) { include_once(PATH_CORE.'database_view.inc.php'); return CORE_database_view($VAR,$construct,$type); } public function mass_delete($VAR,$construct,$type) { include_once(PATH_CORE.'database_mass_delete.inc.php'); return CORE_database_mass_delete($VAR,$construct,$type); } public function delete($VAR,$construct,$type) { include_once(PATH_CORE.'database_delete.inc.php'); return CORE_database_delete($VAR,$construct,$type); } public function join_fields($result,$linked) { include_once(PATH_CORE.'database_join_fields.inc.php'); return CORE_database_join_fields($result,$linked); } // replaced in v1.4.91 (use sqlSelect) # @todo To deprecate public function sql_select($TableList,$FieldList,$Conditions,$Order,&$db) { return sqlSelect($db,$TableList,$FieldList,$Conditions,$Order); } /** * Remove fields from the standard construct type to ignore insert/select/validation rules set in construct * * @param array $ignore_fields * @param string $construct_fields * @return array */ public function ignore_fields($ignore_fields,$construct_fields) { if (! is_array($construct_fields)) $fields = explode(',',$construct_fields); else $fields = $construct_fields; foreach ($fields as $id=>$fld) if (in_array($fld,$ignore_fields)) unset($fields[$id]); return $fields; } } /** * The main AgileBill CORE Debugger Class * * @package AgileBill * @subpackage Core */ class CORE_debugger { public function alert($message) { $this->alert = array($message); } public function error($module,$method,$message) { $this->error = sprintf('%s:%s => %s
',$module,$method,$message); if (defined('ERROR_REPORTING') && ERROR_REPORTING > 0) $this->alert($this->error); $db = &DB(); $result = $db->Execute(sqlInsert($db,'log_error',array('date_orig'=>time(),'account_id'=>SESS_ACCOUNT,'module'=>$module,'method'=>$method,'message'=>$message))); } } /** * The main AgileBill CORE Database Function */ function DB($debug=false) { static $saved_db_conn; if (isset($saved_db_conn) && defined('AGILE_DB_CACHE')) { if ($debug) $saved_db_conn->debug = true; else $saved_db_conn->debug = false; return $saved_db_conn; } $saved_db_conn = NewADOConnection(AGILE_DB_TYPE); if (defined('AGILE_DB_PCONNECT') && AGILE_DB_PCONNECT == true) $saved_db_conn->PConnect(AGILE_DB_HOST,AGILE_DB_USERNAME,AGILE_DB_PASSWORD,AGILE_DB_DATABASE); else $saved_db_conn->Connect(AGILE_DB_HOST,AGILE_DB_USERNAME,AGILE_DB_PASSWORD,AGILE_DB_DATABASE); if ($debug) $saved_db_conn->debug = true; else $saved_db_conn->debug = false; $saved_db_conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); return $saved_db_conn; } /** * Get the next SQL index ID for a table * * @param $db * @param $table * @return int */ function sqlGenID($db,$table) { $id = 0; # Check if our ID table exists, and if not static $CACHE = array(); $dbname = md5($db->databaseType.$db->host.$db->database.$db->user); if (! isset($CACHE[$dbname][$table])) { $CACHE[$dbname][$table] = true; $rs = $db->Execute(sprintf('SELECT id FROM %s%s_id WHERE 1=0',AGILE_DB_PREFIX,$table)); if ($rs) { $rs = $db->Execute(sprintf('SELECT MAX(id) AS max FROM %s%s',AGILE_DB_PREFIX,$table)); if ($rs) $id = $rs->fields['max']+1; } } return $db->GenID(sprintf('%s%s_id',AGILE_DB_PREFIX,$table),$id); } /** * Generate SQL Conditions for a Query */ function sqlConditions($db,$Conditions=false,$Tables=false) { $db = &DB(); $where = 'WHERE '; if ($Conditions) { if (is_array($Conditions)) { foreach ($Conditions as $a => $b) if (is_array($b)) $where .= sprintf("%s IN ('%s') AND ",$a,implode("','",$b)); elseif ($db->qstr($b) == 'NULL') $where .= sprintf('%s IS NULL AND ',$a); else $where .= sprintf('%s=%s AND ',$a,$db->qstr($b)); } else { if (preg_match('/::/',$Conditions)) { $s = explode('::',$Conditions); $ii = 1; $Conditions = ''; for ($i=0; $iqstr($s[$i]); $ii = 1; } } } $where .= sprintf('%s AND ',$Conditions); } } # Add the SITE ID if (! is_array($Tables) || count($Tables) == 1) { $where .= sprintf('site_id=%s',DEFAULT_SITE); } else { $tbarr = array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V'); for ($i=0; $i0) $where .= ' AND '; $where .= sprintf(' %s.site_id = %s',$tbarr[$i],DEFAULT_SITE); } } $where = str_replace('{p}',AGILE_DB_PREFIX,$where); return $where; } /** * Generate SQL to delete from the database */ function sqlDelete($db,$table,$where) { $db = &DB(); $where = sqlConditions($db,$where); return sprintf('DELETE FROM %s%s %s',AGILE_DB_PREFIX,$table,$where); } /** * Generate SQL to insert into the database */ function sqlInsert($db,$table,$FieldList,$id=false) { $db = &DB(); if (! $id) $id = sqlGenID($db,$table); $FieldList['id'] = $id; if (empty($FieldList['site_id'])) $FieldList['site_id'] = DEFAULT_SITE; $table = AGILE_DB_PREFIX.$table; return $db->GetInsertSQL($table,$FieldList,get_magic_quotes_gpc()); } /** * Generate SQL to update records in the database */ function sqlUpdate($table,$FieldList,$options=array()) { $sql = array(); $force = false; $db = &DB(); # Transition until all calls to sqlUpdate() are changed # @todo To deprecate if (func_num_args() >= 4) { $args = func_get_args(); $db = array_shift($args); $table = array_shift($args); $FieldList = array_shift($args); if (! is_array($FieldList)) $FieldList=array($FieldList); $options['where'] = array_shift($args); $options['force'] = count($args) ? array_shift($args) : false; } if (isset($options['force'])) $force = $options['force']; if (isset($options['where'])) $sql['where'] = $options['where']; $rs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($table,'*',$sql)); return $db->GetUpdateSQL($rs,$FieldList,$force,get_magic_quotes_gpc()); } /** * Generate SQL to select records from the database */ function sqlSelect($TableList,$FieldList,$sql=array()) { # Transition until all calls to sqlSelect() are changed # @todo To deprecate if (func_num_args() >= 4) { $sql = array(); $args = func_get_args(); $db = array_shift($args); $TableList = array_shift($args); $FieldList = array_shift($args); $sql['where'] = array_shift($args); $sql['orderby'] = count($args) ? array_shift($args) : ''; $sql['limit'] = count($args) ? array_shift($args) : 0; $sql['distinct'] = count($args) ? array_shift($args) : false; $sql['groupby'] = count($args) ? array_shift($args) : ''; } # Table(s) if (is_array($TableList)) { $tbarr = array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V'); $table = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($TableList as $index => $value) { if ($i++>0) $table .= ','; $table .= sprintf('%s%s AS %s',AGILE_DB_PREFIX,$value,$tbarr[$index]); } } else { $table = AGILE_DB_PREFIX.$TableList; } # Field(s) if (isset($sql['distinct']) && $sql['distinct']) $fields = 'DISTINCT '.$FieldList; else $fields = $FieldList; # Condition(s) $where = sqlConditions($db,$sql['where'],$TableList); $line = ''; # Group By if (isset($sql['groupby']) && $sql['groupby']) $line .= sprintf(' GROUP BY %s',$sql['groupby']); # Order By if (isset($sql['orderby']) && $sql['orderby']) $line .= sprintf(' ORDER BY %s',$sql['orderby']); # Limit if (isset($sql['limit']) && $sql['limit']) $line .= 'LIMIT '.$sql['limit']; $SQL = sprintf('SELECT %s FROM %s %s %s',$fields,$table,$where,$line); if (isset($sql['debug'])) printf('
',$SQL); return $SQL; } ?>