loaded()) { $invoice_ids = array(); foreach ($po->payment_item->find_all() as $pio) { // If our invoice ID is not blank, then the payment was applied to an invoice if ($pio->invoice->id) { // Record our invoice IDs for the summary array_push($invoice_ids,$pio->invoice->id); $qio = new Quicken_Invoice; $qio->TRNSID = sprintf('%06s',$pio->invoice->id); $qio->DATE = date('m/d/Y',$pio->invoice->date_orig); $qio->MEMO = 'Import from OSB'; $qio->CLEAR = 'N'; $qio->TOPRINT = 'N'; $qio->PAID = 'N'; $qio->ADDR1 = $po->account->address1; $qio->ADDR2 = $po->account->address2; $qio->ADDR3 = sprintf('%s, %s %s',$po->account->city,$po->account->state,$po->account->zip); // @todo - should be configurable $qio->TERMS = '7 Days'; // @todo - should be configurable $qio->INVTITLE = Company::name().' Invoice'; // @todo - should be configurable $qio->INVMEMO = 'Thank you for using '.Company::name(); $qio->DOCNUM = sprintf('%06s',$pio->invoice->id); $qio->DUEDATE = date('m/d/Y',$pio->invoice->due_date); $qio->AMOUNT = sprintf('%3.2f',$pio->invoice->total()); if ($po->account->company) $qio->NAME = $po->account->company; else $qio->NAME = sprintf('%s %s',$po->account->last_name,$po->account->first_name); // Other Quicken fields not used. #$qio->CLASS = ''; #$qio->SHIPVIA = ''; #$qio->SHIPDATE = ''; #$qio->OTHER1 = ''; #$qio->REP = ''; #$qio->FOB = ''; #$qio->PONUM = ''; #$qio->SADDR1 = ''; #$qio->SADDR2 = ''; #$qio->SADDR3 = ''; #$qio->SADDR4 = ''; #$qio->SADDR5 = ''; // Add the items to the invoice foreach ($pio->invoice->invoice_item->find_all() as $iio) { $qto = new Quicken_InvoiceItem; if ($iio->period()) $daterange = $iio->period(); // @todo This should go. elseif ($iio->product_attr && preg_match('/^a/',$iio->product_attr)) { echo 'Uncaptured';die(); // @todo This should go. } elseif ($iio->product_attr && preg_match('/^s/',$iio->product_attr)) $daterange = preg_replace("/\r?\n/",' ',unserialize($iio->product_attr)); else $daterange = ''; if ($iio->product_id) { $mo = ORM::factory('Module',array('name'=>'product')); $eo = ORM::factory('Export') ->where('plugin_name','=',strtolower($this->plugin)) ->and_where('module_id','=',$mo->id) ->and_where('item_id','=',$iio->product_id) ->find(); if ($eo->loaded()) { $qto->ACCNT = $eo->map_data['account']; $qto->INVITEM = $eo->map_data['item']; } else { throw new Kohana_Exception('Missing product map data for :product (:id)', array(':product'=>$iio->product->name(),':id'=>$iio->product_id)); $qto->ACCNT = 'Other Income'; $qto->INVITEM = 'Product:Unknown'; } $qto->MEMO = sprintf('%s (%s)', $iio->product->product_translate->find()->name,$daterange); } else { $qto->ACCNT = 'Other Income'; $qto->INVITEM = 'Unknown'; $qto->MEMO = sprintf('%s (%s)', $iio->product->product_translate->find()->name,$daterange); } $qto->CLEAR = 'N'; $qto->QNTY = -1; if ($pio->invoice->tax()) { $qto->TAXABLE = 'Y'; # @todo, get this from OSB $qto->TAXCODE = 'GST'; $qto->TAXRATE = sprintf('%3.2f%%','0.10'); $qto->TAXAMOUNT = sprintf('%3.2f',$iio->tax()*-1); } else { $qto->TAXAMOUNT = 0; } // @todo This rounding should be a system config. $qto->PRICE = sprintf('%3.2f',round($iio->subtotal()-$iio->discount(),2)); $qto->AMOUNT = sprintf('%3.2f',round($iio->subtotal()-$iio->discount(),2)*-1); $qio->addInvoiceItem($qto); } // Add credits as a other item $qto = new Quicken_InvoiceItem; $qto->ACCNT = 'Other Income'; $qto->INVITEM = 'Product:Unknown'; $qto->CLEAR = 'N'; $qto->QNTY = 1; $qto->MEMO = 'Credit Item'; if ($pio->invoice->tax()) { $qto->TAXABLE = 'Y'; # @todo, get this from OSB $qto->TAXCODE = 'GST'; $qto->TAXRATE = sprintf('%3.2f%%','0.10'); $tax = round($pio->invoice->credit_amt/11,2); $qto->TAXAMOUNT = sprintf('%3.2f',$tax); } else { $qto->TAXAMOUNT = 0; } $qto->PRICE = sprintf('%3.2f',round(($pio->invoice->credit_amt-$tax)*-1,2)); $qto->AMOUNT = sprintf('%3.2f',round(($pio->invoice->credit_amt-$tax),2)); $qio->addInvoiceItem($qto); $qo->addInvoice($qio); } } $qpo = new Quicken_Payment; $qpo->AMOUNT = sprintf('%3.2f',$po->total_amt); $qpo->TRNSID = sprintf('P%06s',$po->id); $qpo->DATE = date('m/d/Y',$po->date_payment); // @todo this should be from a function - when no invoice is paid we cant use $qio if ($po->account->company) $qpo->NAME = $po->account->company; else $qpo->NAME = sprintf('%s %s',$po->account->last_name,$po->account->first_name); $qpo->CLEAR = 'N'; $qpo->MEMO = sprintf('Payment for invoice(s) %s (%s)',implode(':',$invoice_ids),$po->checkout->name); // @todo Accounts/Payment should be configurable switch ($po->checkout->checkout_plugin) { // @todo this is direct debit case 'MANUAL': $qpo->PAYMETH = 'DirectDebit'; $qpo->ACCNT = 'Ezypay'; break; case 'REMIT_CHECK': $qpo->PAYMETH = 'Cheque'; $qpo->ACCNT = 'Undeposited Funds'; break; case 'REMIT_BANK_WIRE': $qpo->PAYMETH = 'DirectCredit'; $qpo->ACCNT = 'Bendigo Bank'; break; case 'PAYPAL': $qpo->PAYMETH = 'Paypal'; $qpo->ACCNT = 'Paypal'; break; default: $qpo->PAYMETH = 'TBA'; $qpo->ACCNT = 'Undeposited Funds'; } if (isset($qio)) $qio->addPayment($qpo); } } } if (! empty($qo)) $this->response->body($qo->export()); $this->response->send_file(TRUE,'quicken-import.iif',array('mime_type'=>'text/plain')); } } ?>