<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * This class provides User Statement functions * * @package Statement * @category Controllers/User * @author Deon George * @copyright (c) 2009-2013 Open Source Billing * @license http://dev.osbill.net/license.html */ class Controller_User_Statement extends Controller_TemplateDefault_User { protected $secure_actions = array( 'show'=>TRUE, ); /** * Show a payments received */ public function action_show() { $ta = array(); foreach ($this->ao->payment->find_all() as $o) { $i = count($ta); $ta[$i]['time'] = $o->date_payment; $ta[$i]['payment'] = $o; } foreach ($this->ao->invoice->list_active() as $o) { $i = count($ta); $ta[$i]['time'] = $o->date_orig; $ta[$i]['invoice'] = $o; } Sort::MAsort($ta,'time'); $t = 0; $a = 0; foreach ($ta as $k => $v) { // If 2 metrics have the same time, we need to increment 1 by a small number so that it doesnt affect the next sorting if ($a == $v['time']) { $ta[$k]['time'] += 1; } if (isset($v['invoice'])) $t += $v['invoice']->total(); elseif (isset($v['payment'])) $t -= $v['payment']->total(); $ta[$k]['total'] = $t; $a = $v['time']; } Sort::MAsort($ta,'time',1); $pag = new Pagination(array( 'total_items'=>count($ta), )); $output = (string)$pag; $output .= View::factory($this->viewpath().'/head'); $i = 0; foreach ($ta as $k => $v) { if (++$i < $pag->current_first_item()) continue; elseif ($i > $pag->current_last_item()) break; $output .= View::factory($this->viewpath().'/body') ->set('o',$v) ->set('trc',$i%2 ? 'odd' : 'even'); } $output .= View::factory($this->viewpath().'/foot'); Block::add(array( 'title'=>sprintf('%s: %s - %s',_('Transactions For'),$this->ao->accnum(),$this->ao->name(TRUE)), 'body'=>$output, )); } } ?>