array( array('Config::datetime',array(':value')), ), ); public function run() { $r = rand(0,9999); $tlo = ORM::factory('task_log'); $tlo->task_id = $this->id; if (! $this->loaded()) $tlo->message = sprintf('Unknown Task ID %s',$this->id); elseif (! $this->status) $tlo->message = sprintf('Task %s is not active',$this->id); elseif ($this->running) $tlo->message = sprintf('Task %s is already running',$this->id); elseif (! preg_match('/\//',$this->command)) $tlo->message = sprintf('Task %s uses the old configuration, ignoring :command',$this->id,$this->command); else { try { // Get a lock $this->running = 1; $this->running_host = $r; $this->save(); // Check we are the winning host to run this task $this->reload(); if ($this->running_host != $r) return; switch ($this->type) { case 0: $r = Request::factory($this->command)->execute(); break; default: throw new Kohana_Exception('Unknown task type :type',array(':type'=>$this->type)); } // Clear our lock and update the last run time $this->date_run = time(); $this->running = 0; $this->running_host = NULL; $this->save(); $tlo->result = 0; $tlo->message = $r->body(); } catch (Exception $e) { $tlo->result = $e->getCode(); $tlo->message = $e->getMessage(); } } if ($this->log) $tlo->save(); } /** LIST FUNCTIONS **/ private function _list_active() { return $this->where('status','=',1)->find_all(); } public function list_active() { $return = array(); foreach ($this->_list_active() as $to) { $ct = sprintf('%s %s %s %s %s',$to->int_min,$to->int_hour,$to->int_month_day,$to->int_month,$to->int_week_day); $c = new Cron($ct,$to->command); $return[$to->id]['task'] = $to; $return[$to->id]['next'] = $c->next($to->date_run); } return $return; } public function list_next() { $return = array(); foreach ($this->list_active() as $v) if ((! $return OR $v['next']<$return['next']) AND ! $v['task']->running) $return = $v; return array($return['task']->id=>$return); } } ?>