<?php /** * AgileBill - Open Billing Software * * This body of work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License * License as published at http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the * Agileco community forums at http://forum.agileco.com/ * * @link http://www.agileco.com/ * @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC. * @license http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * @author Tony Landis <tony@agileco.com> * @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ class CORE_graph { ######################################################################## ### Create a Bar Graph ######################################################################## function PIE_graph($module, $method, $type, $start, $extra_fields) { global $C_translate, $C_auth; include_once(PATH_CORE . 'validate.inc.php'); $dt = new CORE_validate; include (PATH_GRAPH."jpgraph.php"); #################################################################### ### Check if 'search' is authorized for this account #################################################################### # check the validation for this function if($C_auth->auth_method_by_name($module,'search')) { # validate this file exists, and include it. if (file_exists(PATH_MODULES . '/' . $module . '/' . $module . '.inc.php')) { include_once(PATH_MODULES . '/' . $module . '/' . $module . '.inc.php'); } else { ### Not exist! $error = $C_translate->translate('module_non_existant','',''); } } else { ### Not auth $error = $C_translate->translate('module_non_auth','',''); } if(isset($error)) { include (PATH_GRAPH."jpgraph_canvas.php"); // Create the graph. $graph = new CanvasGraph(460,55,"auto"); $t1 = new Text($error); $t1->Pos(0.2,0.5); $t1->SetOrientation("h"); $t1->SetBox("white","black",'gray'); $t1->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_NORMAL); $t1->SetColor("black"); $graph->AddText($t1); $graph->Stroke(); exit; } # initialize the module, if it has not already been initialized $eval = '$' . $module . ' = new ' . $module . '; '; $eval .= '$this_Obj = $' . $module . ';'; eval ($eval); # run the function $array = call_user_func (array($module, $method), $start_str, $end_str, $constraint_array, $default_array, $extra_fields); include (PATH_GRAPH."jpgraph_pie.php"); include (PATH_GRAPH."jpgraph_pie3d.php"); $data = $array['data']; $legends = $array['legends']; // Create the Pie Graph. $graph = new PieGraph(500,250,"auto"); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->SetMarginColor('#F9F9F9'); $graph->SetFrame(true,'#FFFFFF',0); $graph->SetColor('#F9F9F9'); // Create pie plot $p1 = new PiePlot3d($data); $p1->SetTheme("water"); $p1->SetCenter(0.4); $p1->SetAngle(30); $p1->value->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_NORMAL,8); $p1->SetLegends($legends); // Explode the larges slice: $largest = 0; for($i=0; $i<count($data); $i++) { if ($data[$i] > $largest) { $largest = $data[$i]; $explode = $i; } } if($explode) $p1->ExplodeSlice($explode); $graph->Add($p1); $graph->Stroke(); } ######################################################################## ### Create a Bar Graph ######################################################################## function BAR_graph($module, $type, $start, $extra_fields) { global $C_translate, $C_auth; include_once(PATH_CORE . 'validate.inc.php'); $dt = new CORE_validate; include (PATH_GRAPH."jpgraph.php"); #################################################################### ### Check if 'search' is authorized for this account #################################################################### # check the validation for this function if($C_auth->auth_method_by_name($module,'search')) { # validate this file exists, and include it. if (file_exists(PATH_MODULES . '/' . $module . '/' . $module . '.inc.php')) { include_once(PATH_MODULES . '/' . $module . '/' . $module . '.inc.php'); } else { ### Not exist! $error = $C_translate->translate('module_non_existant','',''); } } else { ### Not auth $error = $C_translate->translate('module_non_auth','',''); } if(isset($error)) { include (PATH_GRAPH."jpgraph_canvas.php"); // Create the graph. $graph = new CanvasGraph(460,55,"auto"); $t1 = new Text($error); $t1->Pos(0.2,0.5); $t1->SetOrientation("h"); $t1->SetBox("white","black",'gray'); $t1->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_NORMAL); $t1->SetColor("black"); $graph->AddText($t1); $graph->Stroke(); exit; } #################################################################### ### BY WEEK #################################################################### if ($type == 'week') { $FONT_SIZE= 7; $AbsWidth = 12; $interval = 4; $type = $C_translate->translate('week','',''); if($start == "" || $start <= 12) { ## Get the beginning/end of this week $start_str = mktime (24,0,0,12, 31, date("Y")-1); $start = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $start_str); $end_str = mktime (24,0,0,12, 30, date("Y",$start_str)); $end = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $end_str); } else { ## Get the beginning/end of the specified week $start_str = mktime (24,0,0,12, 31, date("$start")-1); $start = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $start_str); $end_str = mktime (24,0,0,12, 30, date("Y",$start_str)); $end = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $end_str); } ### Set the constraint array: $curr_str = $start_str; while ( $curr_str <= $end_str ) { $new_curr_str = mktime (0,0,0,date("m",$curr_str), date("d",$curr_str)+7, date("Y",$curr_str)); $constraint_array[] = Array('start' => $curr_str, 'end' => $new_curr_str); $curr_str = $new_curr_str; $default_array[] = 0; } } #################################################################### ### MONTH #################################################################### else if ($type == 'month') { $FONT_SIZE = 10; $AbsWidth = 12; $TickLables = $gDateLocale->GetShortMonth(); $interval =1; $type = $C_translate->translate('month','',''); if($start == "" || $start < 12) { ## Get the beginning/end of this week $start_str = mktime (24,0,0,12, 31, date("Y")-1); $start = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $start_str); $end_str = mktime (24,0,0,12, 30, date("Y",$start_str)); $end = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $end_str); } else { ## Get the beginning/end of the specified week ## Get the beginning/end of this week $start_str = mktime (24,0,0,12, 31, date("$start")-1); $start = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $start_str); $end_str = mktime (24,0,0,12, 30, date("Y",$start_str)); $end = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $end_str); } ### Set the constraint array: $curr_str = $start_str; while ( $curr_str <= $end_str ) { $new_curr_str = mktime (0,0,0,date("m",$curr_str)+1, date("d",$curr_str), date("Y",$curr_str)); $constraint_array[] = Array('start' => $curr_str, 'end' => $new_curr_str); $curr_str = $new_curr_str; $default_array[] = 0; } } #################################################################### ### BY YEAR #################################################################### else if ($type == 'year') { $FONT_SIZE = 10; $interval =1; $AbsWidth = 13; $type = $C_translate->translate('year','',''); ## Get the beginning/end of this year - 10 $start_str = mktime (0,0,0,1,1, date("Y")-9); $start = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $start_str); $end_str = mktime (0,0,0,12,30, date("Y",$start_str)+9); $end = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $end_str); ### Set the constraint array: $curr_str = $start_str; while ( $curr_str <= $end_str ) { $new_curr_str = mktime (0,0,0,date("m",$curr_str), date("d",$curr_str), date("Y",$curr_str)+1); $constraint_array[] = Array('start' => $curr_str, 'end' => $new_curr_str); $TickLables[] = date("Y",$curr_str); $curr_str = $new_curr_str; $default_array[] = 0; } } #################################################################### ### BY DAY #################################################################### else { $FONT_SIZE= 8; $interval = 3; $AbsWidth = 4; $type = $C_translate->translate('day','',''); if($start == "" || $start > 12 || $start < 1 ) { ## Get the beginning/end of this week $start_str = mktime (0,0,0,date("m"), 1, date("Y")); $start = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $start_str); $end_str = mktime (0,0,0,date("m",$start_str)+1, 1, date("Y",$start_str)); $end = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $end_str); } else { ## Get the beginning/end of the specified week $start_str = mktime (0,0,0,date("$start"), 1, date("Y")); $start = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $start_str); $end_str = mktime (0,0,0,date("m",$start_str)+1, 1, date("Y",$start_str)); $end = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT, $end_str); } ### Set the constraint array: $curr_str = $start_str; while ( $curr_str < $end_str ) { $new_curr_str = mktime (0,0,0,date("m",$curr_str), date("d",$curr_str)+1, date("Y",$curr_str)); $constraint_array[] = Array('start' => $curr_str, 'end' => $new_curr_str); $TickLables[] = date("j",$curr_str); $curr_str = $new_curr_str; $default_array[] = 0; } } # initialize the module, if it has not already been initialized $eval = '$' . $module . ' = new ' . $module . '; '; $eval .= '$this_Obj = $' . $module . ';'; eval ($eval); # run the function $array = call_user_func (array($module, "graph"), $start_str, $end_str, $constraint_array, $default_array, $extra_fields); include (PATH_GRAPH."jpgraph_bar.php"); $datay=$array['results']; // Create the graph. These two calls are always required $graph = new Graph(550,200,"auto"); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->yaxis->scale->SetGrace(25); $graph->SetMarginColor('#F9F9F9'); $graph->SetFrame(true,'darkgreen',0); $graph->SetColor('#FFFFFF'); #$graph->SetFrame(false); // Adjust the margin a bit to make more room for titles $graph->img->SetMargin(45,10,15,25); // Create a bar pot $bplot = new BarPlot($datay); // Set the X if(isset($TickLables)) $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($TickLables); $graph->xaxis->SetTextLabelInterval($interval); $graph->xaxis->SetColor("navy"); $graph->yaxis->SetColor("navy"); // Adjust fill color $bplot->SetFillColor('#506DC7'); $bplot->value->Show(); $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_NORMAL,$FONT_SIZE); $bplot->value->SetAngle(90); $bplot->value->SetFormat('%0.0f'); $bplot->value->SetColor("darkblue"); $graph->Add($bplot); // Setup the titles $title = $array['title']; $graph->title->Set($title . " $start - $end"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD); $graph->title->SetColor("black"); // Display the graph $graph->Stroke(); } } ?>