
 * The directory in which your application specific resources are located.
 * The application directory must contain the bootstrap.php file.
 * @see  http://kohanaframework.org/guide/about.install#application
$application = 'application';

 * The directory in which your modules are located.
 * @see  http://kohanaframework.org/guide/about.install#modules
$modules = 'modules';

 * The directory in which the Kohana resources are located. The system
 * directory must contain the classes/kohana.php file.
 * @see  http://kohanaframework.org/guide/about.install#system
$system = 'system';

 * This directory in which we can override classes that may not yet be accepted
 * upstream.
$override = 'override';

 * The default extension of resource files. If you change this, all resources
 * must be renamed to use the new extension.
 * @see  http://kohanaframework.org/guide/about.install#ext
define('EXT', '.php');

 * Set the PHP error reporting level. If you set this in php.ini, you remove this.
 * @see  http://php.net/error_reporting
 * When developing your application, it is highly recommended to enable notices
 * and strict warnings. Enable them by using: E_ALL | E_STRICT
 * In a production environment, it is safe to ignore notices and strict warnings.
 * Disable them by using: E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE
 * When using a legacy application with PHP >= 5.3, it is recommended to disable
 * deprecated notices. Disable with: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);

 * End of standard configuration! Changing any of the code below should only be
 * attempted by those with a working knowledge of Kohana internals.
 * @see  http://kohanaframework.org/guide/using.configuration

// Set the full path to the docroot
define('DOCROOT', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

// Make the application relative to the docroot
if ( ! is_dir($application) AND is_dir(DOCROOT.$application))
	$application = DOCROOT.$application;

// Make the modules relative to the docroot
if ( ! is_dir($modules) AND is_dir(DOCROOT.$modules))
	$modules = DOCROOT.$modules;

// Make the system relative to the docroot
if ( ! is_dir($system) AND is_dir(DOCROOT.$system))
	$system = DOCROOT.$system;

// Make the override relative to the docroot
if ( ! is_dir($override) AND is_dir(DOCROOT.$override))
	$override = DOCROOT.$override;

// Define the absolute paths for configured directories
define('APPPATH', realpath($application).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
define('MODPATH', realpath($modules).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
define('SYSPATH', realpath($system).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

if (is_dir(realpath($override)))
	define('OVERPATH', realpath($override).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
	define('OVERPATH', '');

// Clean up the configuration vars
unset($application, $modules, $system, $override);

if (file_exists('install'.EXT))
	// Load the installation check
	return include 'install'.EXT;

// Load the base, low-level functions
require SYSPATH.'base'.EXT;

// Load the core Kohana class
require SYSPATH.'classes/kohana/core'.EXT;

if (is_file(OVERPATH.'application/classes/kohana'.EXT))
	// Override Application extends the core
	require OVERPATH.'application/classes/kohana'.EXT;
elseif (is_file(APPPATH.'classes/kohana'.EXT))
	// Application extends the core
	require APPPATH.'classes/kohana'.EXT;
elseif (is_file(OVERPATH.'system/classes/kohana'.EXT))
	// Override system extends the core
	require APPPATH.'system/classes/kohana'.EXT;
	// Load empty core extension
	require SYSPATH.'classes/kohana'.EXT;

// Bootstrap the application
require APPPATH.'bootstrap'.EXT;