* @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ ############################################## # DB installation class ############################################## class install_db { ############################################## ## insert the default data ############################################## function add_data ( $arr ) { $db = &DB(); for($i=0; $iinstall_sql_data($arr[$i]); $sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . '' . $arr[$i] . '_id'; $result = $db->Execute($sql); if($result == true && $result->fields["id"] <= "0") { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . '' . $arr[$i] . '_id SET id = 1'; $db->Execute($sql); } } } ############################################## ## INSTALL DEFAULT DATA ## ############################################## function install_sql_data($module) { # check the file: $f = PATH_MODULES . '' . $module . '/' . $module . '_install_data.xml'; if(is_file($f)) { # open the XML backup file: $C_xml = new CORE_xml; $backup = $C_xml->xml_to_array($f); $db = &DB(); $arr = $backup['install']; # loop through each table in this array if(is_array($arr) ) { while (list ($table,$records) = each ($arr)) { $runsql = false; $sqls = 'INSERT INTO '.AGILE_DB_PREFIX.'' . $table . ' SET '; if (is_array($records) ) { # loop through each of the fields for this module $sql = ''; $sqlcount = 0; while (list ($fld,$val) = each ($records)) { if (is_array($val)) { # loop through each of the fields for this module $sql = ''; $sqlcount = 0; while (list ($fld2,$val2) = each ($val)) { if ($sqlcount != 0) $sql .= ', '; $sql .= $fld2 .' = '.$db->qstr($val2); $sqlcount++; } ## echo '
' . $sqls. ' ' . $sql; $sql = ereg_replace("site_id = '1',", "site_id = ".DEFAULT_SITE.",",$sql); $result = $db->Execute($sqls. ' ' . $sql); } else { if ($sqlcount != 0) $sql .= ', '; $sql .= $fld .' = '.$db->qstr($val); $sqlcount++; $runsql = true; } } if ($runsql) { $sql = ereg_replace("site_id = '1',", "site_id = ".DEFAULT_SITE.",",$sql); #echo '
' . $sqls. ' ' . $sql; $result = $db->Execute($sqls. ' ' . $sql); if($result === false) @$this->error .= "
". $sqls. ' ' . $sql; } } } } } } ############################################## ## INSTALL TABLES, FIELDS, & MODULES ## ############################################## function install_sql($module) { global $VAR; @$this->tables_created .= "
Created Table `$module`"; ########################################### ### Load the install XML file... $C_xml = new CORE_xml; $xml_install = PATH_MODULES . "" . $module . "/" . $module . "_install.xml"; $install = $C_xml->xml_to_array($xml_install); ########################################### ### Load the construct XML file... $C_xml = new CORE_xml; $xml_construct = PATH_MODULES . "" . $module . "/" . $module . "_construct.xml"; $construct = $C_xml->xml_to_array($xml_construct); ### Check that this Module has any db installation required... if(isset($construct["construct"]["table"])) { ### Create the module DB table $table = $construct["construct"]["table"]; ### Create the module DB fields $arr_field = $construct["construct"]["field"]; ### Loop through the fields to build the list: $index_flds = ''; while (list ($key, $value) = each($arr_field)) { $field = $key; $t_s = $arr_field["$key"]["type"]; if(ereg('[(]',$t_s)) { $ts = preg_split('/[(]/',$t_s); $type = $ts[0]; $size = ereg_replace('[)]', '', $ts[1]); $flds[] = Array($field, $type, $size); } else { $flds[] = Array($field, $t_s); } } ### Check that the tables for this module have not been created already: $install_db = true; for($i=0; $icore_modules); $i++) { if ($module == $this->core_modules[$i]) $install_db = false; } for($i=0; $iskip_modules); $i++) { if ($module == $this->skip_modules[$i]) $install_db = false; } ### Check that this is not a site_id creation: if(defined('DEFAULT_SITE') && DEFAULT_SITE > 1) $install_db = false; if ($install_db) { ### Create the table & colums using the ADODB Data Dictionary functions: $db = &DB(); $dict = NewDataDictionary($db); $table_options = array('mysql' => 'TYPE=MyISAM'); $sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL(AGILE_DB_PREFIX.''.$table, $flds, $table_options); $result = $db->Execute($sqlarray[0]); if ($result === false) { echo "

" . $sqlarray[0]; echo "
Error (install_sql-1): ". $db->ErrorMsg(); @$this->error .= "
Error: ". $db->ErrorMsg(); } # create site_id index: $dbres = $db->Execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IDS on ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."$table (site_id, id)"); if ($dbres === false) { echo "

" . $sqlarray[0]; echo "
Error (install_sql-2): ". $db->ErrorMsg(); @$this->error .= "
Error: ". $db->ErrorMsg(); } # Create custom indexes if(@$new_indexes = $construct["construct"]["index"]) { while (list ($index, $fields) = each($new_indexes)) { if(!empty($index) && !empty($fields)) { # create index $dict = NewDataDictionary($db); if(eregi("fulltext", $index) && AGILE_DB_TYPE == 'mysql') $sqlarray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL($index, AGILE_DB_PREFIX.$table, $fields, array('FULLTEXT')); else $sqlarray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL($index, AGILE_DB_PREFIX.$table, $fields); $dbres = $db->Execute($sqlarray[0]); if ($dbres === false) { echo "

" . $sqlarray[0]; echo "
Error (install_sql-3): ". $db->ErrorMsg(); @$this->error .= "
Error: ". $db->ErrorMsg(); } } } } ### Create the starting auto-increment table $db->GenID(AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $table . '_id'); $db->Execute('DELETE FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $table . '_id'); } } ################################################################## ### Get the module properties: if(@$install["install"]["module_properties"]["menu_display"] == '0') $menu_display = '0'; else if(@$install["install"]["module_properties"]["menu_display"] != '1') $menu_display = '0'; else $menu_display = '1'; if(isset($install["install"]["module_properties"]["notes"])) $notes = $install["install"]["module_properties"]["notes"]; else $notes = ''; ################################################################### ### Get the parent module... $db = &DB(); $module_id = $db->GenID(AGILE_DB_PREFIX . "" . 'module_id'); if(isset($install["install"]["module_properties"]["parent"])) { $q = 'SELECT id FROM '.AGILE_DB_PREFIX.'module WHERE site_id = '.$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE).' AND name = '.$db->qstr($install["install"]["module_properties"]["parent"]); $result = $db->Execute($q); # Error checking if ($result === false) { @$this->error .= "
Error: ". $db->ErrorMsg(); #return false; } if($result->fields["id"] == '') $parent_id = $module_id; else $parent_id = $result->fields["id"]; } else { $parent_id = $module_id; } ################################################################## ### Create the module record, & get the module ID ### get the ID of the parent, and create it as child if needed... ### else the record is a child of itself... $q = 'INSERT INTO '.AGILE_DB_PREFIX.'module SET id = ' .$db->qstr($module_id).', site_id = ' .$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE).', name = ' .$db->qstr($install["install"]["module_properties"]["name"]).', parent_id = ' .$db->qstr($parent_id).', notes = ' .$db->qstr($notes).', status = ' .$db->qstr('1').', date_orig = ' .$db->qstr(time()).', date_last = ' .$db->qstr(time()).', menu_display = '.$db->qstr($menu_display); $result = $db->Execute($q); ################################################################### ### Create the module_method records, and get the ID for each one $methods = $install["install"]["sql_inserts"]["module_method"]; if (gettype($methods) == 'array') { while (list ($key, $value) = each($methods)) { $name = $key; $method_id = $db->GenID(AGILE_DB_PREFIX . "" . 'module_method_id'); if(isset($methods[$key]["notes"])) $notes = $methods[$key]["notes"]; else $notes = ''; if(isset($methods[$key]["page"])) $page = $methods[$key]["page"]; else $page = ''; if(isset($methods[$key]["menu_display"])) $menu_display = '1'; else $menu_display = '0'; $q = 'INSERT INTO '.AGILE_DB_PREFIX .'module_method SET id = '.$db->qstr($method_id).', site_id = '.$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE).', name = '.$db->qstr($name).', module_id = '.$db->qstr($module_id).', notes = '.$db->qstr($notes).', page = '.$db->qstr($page).', menu_display = '.$db->qstr($menu_display); $result = $db->Execute($q); # Error checking if ($result === false) { @$this->error .= "
Error: ". $db->ErrorMsg(); #return false; } ############################################################### ### Create the group_method records, with the ID from each ### of the above methods... ### Get the groups to add to (FROM THE install.tpl form!) for($i=0; $iGenID(AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'group_method_id'); $q = 'INSERT INTO '.AGILE_DB_PREFIX .'group_method SET id = '.$db->qstr($group_method_id).', site_id = '.$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE).', method_id = '.$db->qstr($method_id).', module_id = '.$db->qstr($module_id).', group_id = '.$db->qstr($VAR["module_group"][$i]); $result = $db->Execute($q); # Error checking if ($result === false) { @$this->error .= "
Error: ". $db->ErrorMsg(); #return false; } } } } # all done! return true; } ############################################## ## INSTALL TABLES & FIELDS ONLY ## ############################################## function install_sql_tbl($module) { ########################################### ### Load the install XML file... $C_xml = new CORE_xml; $xml_install = PATH_MODULES . "" . $module . "/" . $module . "_install.xml"; $install = $C_xml->xml_to_array($xml_install); ########################################### ### Load the construct XML file... $C_xml = new CORE_xml; $xml_construct = PATH_MODULES . "" . $module . "/" . $module . "_construct.xml"; $construct = $C_xml->xml_to_array($xml_construct); ### Check that this Module has any db installation required... if(isset($construct["construct"]["table"])) { ### Create the module DB table $table = $construct["construct"]["table"]; ### Create the module DB fields $arr_field = $construct["construct"]["field"]; ### Loop through the fields to build the list: while (list ($key, $value) = each($arr_field)) { $field = $key; $t_s = $arr_field["$key"]["type"]; if(ereg('[(]',$t_s)) { $ts = preg_split('/[(]/',$t_s); $type = $ts[0]; $size = ereg_replace('[)]', '', $ts[1]); $flds[] = Array($field, $type, $size); } else { $flds[] = Array($field, $t_s); } } # Check this is not a multi site id install if( DEFAULT_SITE == 1) { ### Create the table & colums using the ADODB Data Dictionary functions: $db = &DB(); $dict = NewDataDictionary($db); $table_options = array('mysql' => 'TYPE=MyISAM'); $sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL(AGILE_DB_PREFIX.''.$table, $flds, $table_options); $result = $db->Execute($sqlarray[0]); if ($result === false) { echo "

". $sql[0]; echo "
5 Error: ". $db->ErrorMsg(); @$this->error .= "
Error (install_sql_tbl-1): ". $db->ErrorMsg(); #return false; } # Create unique index on site_id,id (mysql specific) $db->Execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IDS on ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."$table (site_id, id)"); # Create custom indexes if(@$new_indexes = $construct["construct"]["index"]) { while (list ($index, $fields) = each($new_indexes)) { if(!empty($index) && !empty($fields)) { # create index $dict = NewDataDictionary($db); if(eregi("fulltext", $index) && AGILE_DB_TYPE == 'mysql') $sqlarray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL($index, AGILE_DB_PREFIX.$table, $fields, array('FULLTEXT')); else $sqlarray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL($index, AGILE_DB_PREFIX.$table, $fields); $dbres = $db->Execute($sqlarray[0]); if ($dbres === false) { echo "

" . $sqlarray[0]; echo "
Error (install_sql-3): ". $db->ErrorMsg(); @$this->error .= "
Error: ". $db->ErrorMsg(); } } } } } } } } ?>