<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * Send out first reminder for over due invoices. * * @package Invoice * @category Tasks * @author Deon George * @copyright (c) 2009-2013 Open Source Billing * @license http://dev.osbill.net/license.html */ class Task_Invoice_Remindoverdue1 extends Minion_Task { protected function remind_overdue($notice=1) { $action = array(); $key = 'remind_overdue_'.$notice; switch ($notice) { case 1: case 2: case 3: $days = ORM::factory('Invoice')->config(strtoupper($key)); break; default: $this->response->body(_('Unknown Remind Period: ').$notice); return; } foreach (ORM::factory('Invoice')->list_overdue_billing(time()-86400*$days,FALSE,FALSE) as $io) { // If we have already sent a reminder, we'll skip to the next one. if ($io->remind($key) OR ($io->account->invoice_delivery != 1)) continue; // Send our email $et = Email_Template::instance('task_invoice_'.$key); $et->to = array('account'=>array($io->account_id)); $et->variables = array( 'DUE'=>$io->due(TRUE), 'DUE_DATE'=>$io->display('due_date'), 'EMAIL'=>Company::instance()->email(), 'FIRST_NAME'=>$io->account->first_name, 'INV_NUM'=>$io->refnum(), 'INV_URL'=>URL::site(URL::link('user','invoice/view/'.$io->id),'http'), 'LATE_FEE'=>'5.50', // @todo This should come from a config file. 'PAYMENTS_TABLE'=>$io->account->payment->list_recent_table(), 'SITE_NAME'=>Company::instance()->name(), ); // @todo Record email log id if possible. if ($eloid = $et->send()) { $io->set_remind($key,time(),FALSE); array_push($action,(string)$io); } } return $action; } protected function _execute(array $params) { $action = $this->remind_overdue(1); return _('OverDue Notice #1 Reminders Sent: ').join('|',$action); } } ?>