<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');

 * This class supports OSB payments.
 * @package    Payment
 * @category   Models
 * @author     Deon George
 * @copyright  (c) 2009-2013 Open Source Billing
 * @license    http://dev.osbill.net/license.html
class Model_Payment extends ORM_OSB {
	// Relationships
	protected $_belongs_to = array(
	protected $_has_many = array(

	protected $_sorting = array(

	protected $_display_filters = array(

	// Items belonging to a payment
	protected $_sub_items_load = array(

	 * Add an item to an payment
	public function add_item(Model_Payment_Item $p=NULL) {
		$this->_sub_items_sorted = FALSE;

		// Make sure this payment item for an invoice is not already in the list
		foreach ($this->_sub_items as $pio)
			if ($pio->invoice_id == $p->invoice_id)
				return $pio;


		return $p;

	 * Calculate the remaining balance available for this payment
	public function balance($format=FALSE) {
		$result = $this->total();

		foreach ($this->subitems('ALLOC') as $pio)
			$result -= $pio->alloc_amt;

		return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result);

	 * Calculate there refund amount
	public function credit($format=FALSE) {
		$result = 0;

		foreach ($this->subitems('CREDIT') as $pio)
			$result += $pio->alloc_amt*-1;

		return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result);

	 * Return a list of invoices that this payment is applied to
	public function invoices() {
		$result = array();

		foreach ($this->_sub_items as $pio)

		return $result;

	public function invoicelist() {
		return join(',',$this->invoices());

	 * Return a list of payment items for this payment.
	 * @param type [ALLOC|CREDIT|ALL]
	 * @see payment_items
	public function subitems($type='ALL') {
		if (! $this->_sub_items_sorted) {
			$this->_sub_items_sorted = TRUE;

		$result = array();

		foreach ($this->_sub_items as $pio) {
			$return = FALSE;

			switch ($type) {
				case 'ALLOC':
					if ($pio->alloc_amt >= 0)
						$return = TRUE;

				case 'CREDIT':
					if ($pio->alloc_amt < 0)
						$return = TRUE;

				case 'ALL':
					$return = TRUE;

			if ($return)

		return $result;

	 * Save a record and payment_items
	public function save(Validation $validation = NULL) {
		// Our items will be clobbered once we save the object, so we need to save it here.
		$items = $this->subitems();

		// If a user modified this payment, we'll update the source to their ID.
		if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' AND $ao = Auth::instance()->get_user())
			$this->source_id = $ao->id;

		$this->ip = Request::$client_ip;

		// Make sure we dont over allocate
		$msg = '';
		foreach ($items as $pio)
			// Only need to check items that ave actually changed.
			if ($pio->changed() AND ($x=$pio->original_values()))
				if (($x = $pio->alloc_amt-$pio->invoice->due()-$x['alloc_amt']) > 0)
					$msg .= ($msg ? ' ' : '').sprintf('Invoice %s over allocated by %3.2f.',$pio->invoice_id,$x);

		if (($x=$this->balance()) < 0)
			$msg .= ($msg ? ' ' : '').sprintf('Payment over allocated by %3.2f.',-$x);

		if ($msg) {
				->title('Record NOT updated')

			return FALSE;

		// Save the payment

		// Need to save the associated items and their taxes
		if (! $this->changed() OR $this->saved()) {
			foreach ($items as $pio) {
				// Skip applying 0 payments to invoices.
				if (! $pio->changed() OR (Currency::round($pio->alloc_amt) == 0 AND ! $pio->loaded()))

				$pio->payment_id = $this->id;

				// @todo Mark payment as cancelled and write a memo, then...
				if (! $pio->check())
					throw HTTP_Exception::factory(501,'Problem saving payment_item for invoice :invoice - Failed check()',array(':invoice'=>$pio->invoice_id));

				// @todo Mark payment as cancelled and write a memo, then...
				if ($pio->changed() AND ! $pio->save())
					throw HTTP_Exception::factory(501,'Problem saving payment_item for invoice :invoice - Failed save()',array(':invoice'=>$pio->invoice_id));

		} else {
			throw HTTP_Exception::factory(501,'Problem saving payment :id - Failed save()',array(':id'=>$this->id));

		return $this;

	 * Reduce the total by the amount of credits returned.
	public function total($format=FALSE) {
		$result = $this->total_amt - $this->credit();

		return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result);


	 * Show recent payments for this account
	public function list_recent_table() {
		return Table::factory()

	public function list_unapplied() {
		$pid = array();

		// We cant use ORM for this complex SQL
		$db = Database::instance();

		$sql = 'SELECT A.id as id, A.total_amt, ROUND(SUM(IF(IFNULL(B.alloc_amt,0)<0,IFNULL(B.alloc_amt,0)*-1,IFNULL(B.alloc_amt,0))),2) as ALLOC';
		$sql .= ' FROM :prefix_payment A ';
		$sql .= ' LEFT JOIN :prefix_payment_item B ON (A.site_id=B.site_id AND A.id=B.payment_id)';
		$sql .= ' WHERE A.site_id=:site_id';
		$sql .= ' GROUP BY A.id';
		$sql .= ' HAVING round(A.total_amt-ALLOC,2) <> 0';

		foreach ($db->query(Database::SELECT,__($sql,array(':prefix_'=>$db->table_prefix(),':site_id'=>Site::ID()))) as $values)

		return $this->where('id','IN',$pid)->order_by('account_id')->find_all();