<?php /** * AgileBill - Open Billing Software * * This body of work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License * License as published at http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * * Originally authored by Tony Landis, AgileBill LLC * * Recent modifications by Deon George * * @author Deon George <deonATleenooksDOTnet> * @copyright 2009 Deon George * @link http://osb.leenooks.net * * @link http://www.agileco.com/ * @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC. * @license http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * @author Tony Landis <tony@agileco.com> * @package AgileBill * @subpackage Core:Session */ /** * The main AgileBill Session Class * * @package AgileBill * @subpackage Core:Session */ class CORE_session { # Our session ID private $id = ''; # The time our session expires private $sess_date_expire = 0; public function __construct() { global $C_debug,$VAR; $session_arr = array(); # Get our SESSION ID, either as a GET/POST or COOKIE if (isset($_GET['s']) && trim($_GET['s'])) array_push($session_arr,$_GET['s']); elseif (isset($_POST['s']) && trim($_POST['s'])) array_push($session_arr,$_POST['s']); elseif(isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_NAME]) && trim($_COOKIE[COOKIE_NAME])) { array_push($session_arr,$_COOKIE[COOKIE_NAME]); # Clear the cookie, as we'll validate it $this->id = $_COOKIE[COOKIE_NAME]; $this->setcookies(true); $this->id = ''; } foreach ($session_arr as $s) if ($validate = $this->validate($s)) $this->id = $s; $this->sess_date_expire = time()+(SESSION_EXPIRE*60); if (! $this->id) { $this->tid = empty($VAR['tid']) ? DEFAULT_THEME : $VAR['tid']; $this->lid = empty($VAR['lid']) ? DEFAULT_LANGUAGE : $VAR['lid']; $this->cid = empty($VAR['cid']) ? DEFAULT_COUNTRY : $VAR['cid']; $this->cyid = empty($VAR['cyid']) ? DEFAULT_CURRENCY : $this->get_currency($VAR['cyid']); $this->wid = empty($VAR['wid']) ? DEFAULT_WEIGHT : $VAR['wid']; $this->rid = empty($VAR['rid']) ? null : $VAR['rid']; $this->aid = $this->get_session_link(0,'affiliate'); $this->caid = $this->get_session_link(0,'campaign'); $this->sess_logged = false; $this->sess_account_id = false; $this->session(); } else { $this->tid = empty($VAR['tid']) ? $validate['theme_id'] : $VAR['tid']; $this->lid = empty($VAR['lid']) ? $validate['language_id'] : $VAR['lid']; $this->cid = empty($VAR['cid']) ? $validate['country_id'] : $VAR['cid']; $this->cyid = empty($VAR['cyid']) ? $validate['currency_id'] : $this->get_currency($VAR['cyid']); $this->wid = empty($VAR['wid']) ? $validate['weight_id'] : $VAR['wid']; $this->rid = empty($VAR['rid']) ? $validate['reseller_id'] : $VAR['rid']; $this->aid = empty($VAR['aid']) ? $validate['affiliate_id'] : $this->get_session_link($validate['affiliate_id'],'affiliate'); $this->caid = empty($VAR['caid']) ? $validate['campaign_id'] : $this->get_session_link($validate['campaign_id'],'campaign'); $this->sess_logged = $validate['logged']; $this->sess_account_id = $validate['account_id']; $db = &DB(); # Only update the session (every 5 mins) if we are logged in if ($validate['logged'] && $this->sess_date_expire+60*5 < time()) $db->Execute( sqlUpdate($db,'session',array( 'date_last'=>time(), 'date_expire'=>$this->sess_date_expire, 'ip'=>USER_IP, 'theme_id'=>$this->tid, 'country_id'=>$this->cid, 'language_id'=>$this->lid, 'currency_id'=>$this->cyid, 'weight_id'=>$this->wid, 'reseller_id'=>$this->rid, 'affiliate_id'=>$this->aid, 'campaign_id'=>$this->caid, ),array('id'=>$this->id))); } if (! defined('SESS')) define('SESS',$this->id); $this->setcookies(); } private function validate($session_id) { global $C_debug; $db = &DB(); $q = str_replace('{p}',AGILE_DB_PREFIX,str_replace('{s}',DEFAULT_SITE,sprintf( 'SELECT A.*,B.id AS acct_id,B.status,B.date_expire AS account_date_expire,C.date_expire AS sess_auth_date_expire,C.group_arr,C.module_arr FROM {p}session AS A LEFT JOIN {p}account AS B ON B.id=A.account_id LEFT JOIN {p}session_auth_cache AS C ON A.id=C.session_id WHERE A.id=%s AND A.site_id={s} AND ((B.site_id={s} AND A.account_id IS NOT NULL) OR (B.site_id IS NULL AND A.account_id IS NULL)) AND C.site_id={s}',$db->qstr($session_id) ))); $rs = $db->Execute($q); if (! $rs) { $C_debug->error(__FILE__,__METHOD__,$db->ErrorMsg()); printf('Unable to start session: Database Error: %s',$db->ErrorMsg()); return false; } elseif ($rs->RecordCount() == 0) { return false; } # Set the auth caching for use in the auth module to save a query there: $this->auth_cache['date_expire'] = $rs->fields['sess_auth_date_expire']; $this->auth_cache['group_arr'] = $rs->fields['group_arr']; $this->auth_cache['module_arr'] = $rs->fields['module_arr']; if ($rs->fields['logged'] == 1) { if ($rs->fields['status'] != 1) return false; elseif (! empty($rs->fields['account_date_expire']) && $rs->fields['account_date_expire'] < time()) return false; elseif (SESSION_EXPIRE != 0 && $rs->fields['date_expire'] <= time()) { $this->logout($session_id); return false; } } if (SESSION_IP_MATCH && ($rs->fields['ip'] != USER_IP)) { $this->delete($session_id); return false; } return $rs->fields; } /** * Set or expire cookies */ private function setcookies($expire=false) { if (defined('AGILE_COOKIE') && AGILE_COOKIE != '') { $domain = AGILE_COOKIE; } else { global $_SERVER; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } elseif (function_exists('getallheaders')) { $server = getallheaders(); $domain = $server['Host']; } else { echo '<PRE>';print_r($_SERVER);echo '</PRE>'; echo 'ERROR: Cant work out our domain?'; die(); } $domain = '.'.preg_replace('/^www./','',$domain); } if ($expire) $cookie_expire = 0; elseif (COOKIE_EXPIRE == 0) $cookie_expire = (time()+86400*365); else $cookie_expire = (time()+(COOKIE_EXPIRE*60)); if (empty($domain) || preg_match('/localhost/',$domain)) setcookie(COOKIE_NAME,$this->id,$cookie_expire,'/'); else setcookie(COOKIE_NAME,$this->id,$cookie_expire,'/',$domain); # Affiliate Cookie if (! empty($this->aid)) { $aid_cookie_name = COOKIE_NAME.'aid'; if ($expire) $aid_expire = 0; else $aid_expire = time()+86400*720; if (empty($domain) || preg_match('/localhost/',$domain)) setcookie($aid_cookie_name,$this->aid,$aid_expire,'/'); else setcookie($aid_cookie_name,$this->aid,$aid_expire,'/',$domain); } # Campaign Cookie if (! empty($this->caid)) { $cid_cookie_name = COOKIE_NAME.'caid'; if ($expire) $cid_expire = 0; else $cid_expire = time()+86400*720; if (empty($domain) || preg_match('/localhost/',$domain)) setcookie($cid_cookie_name,$this->caid,$cid_expire,'/'); else setcookie($cid_cookie_name,$this->caid,$cid_expire,'/',$domain); } } private function get_session_link($id,$type) { global $VAR; switch($type) { case 'affiliate' : $var = 'aid'; $table = 'affiliate'; break; case 'campaign' : $var = 'caid'; $table = 'campaign'; break; default: return ''; } $cookie_name = sprintf('%s%s',COOKIE_NAME,$var); if (isset($VAR[$var])) $i = $VAR[$var]; elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) $i = $_COOKIE[$cookie_name]; if (empty($i)) return ''; elseif ($i == $id) return $i; # Validate else { $db = &DB(); $rs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($table,'id',array('where'=>array('id'=>$i)))); if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount()) return $i; else return ''; } } private function get_currency($id) { $db = &DB(); $rs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect('currency','status',array('where'=>array('id'=>$id)))); if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount() && $rs->fields['status'] == 1) return $id; global $VAR; $VAR['cyid'] = DEFAULT_CURRENCY; return DEFAULT_CURRENCY; } /** * Create a session */ private function session() { global $C_debug; $db = &DB(); mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $this->id = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(),1)); $rs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect('session','id',array('where'=>array('id'=>$this->id)))); if (! $rs) { echo 'SESSION FAILED: Unable to connect to database'; exit; } if (! $rs->RecordCount()) { $rs = $db->Execute( sqlInsert($db,'session',array( 'date_orig'=>time(), 'date_last'=>time(), 'date_expire'=>$this->sess_date_expire, 'affiliate_id'=>$this->aid, 'reseller_id'=>$this->rid, 'country_id'=>$this->cid, 'language_id'=>$this->lid, 'currency_id'=>$this->cyid, 'weight_id'=>$this->wid, 'theme_id'=>$this->tid, 'campaign_id'=>$this->caid, 'logged'=>0, 'ip'=>USER_IP ),$this->id)); if (! $rs) { $C_debug->error(__FILE__,__METHOD__,$db->ErrorMsg()); printf('Unable to start session: Db error<br/><br/>%s<br/><br/>%s',$q,$db->ErrorMsg()); exit; } } } private function logout($sess) { $db = &DB(); $rs = $db->Execute(sqlUpdate($db,'session',array('logged'=>0),array('id'=>$sess))); if (! $rs) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error(__FILE__,__METHOD__,$db->ErrorMsg()); return false; } $db->Execute(sqlDelete($db,'session_auth_cache',array('session_id'=>$sess))); define('FORCE_SESS_ACCOUNT',0); define('FORCE_SESS_LOGGED',false); if (CACHE_SESSIONS == '1') { $VAR['_login'] = '1'; $force = true; $C_auth = new CORE_auth($force); global $C_auth2; $C_auth2 = $C_auth; } } /** * Delete a session */ private function delete($sess) { $db = &DB(); $rs = $db->Execute(sqlDelete($db,'session',array('id'=>$sess))); if (! $rs === false) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error(__FILE__,__METHOD__,$db->ErrorMsg()); return false; } } /** * Define the session constants */ public function session_constant() { # Define the constants define('SESS_THEME',$this->tid); define('SESS_LANGUAGE',$this->lid); define('SESS_COUNTRY',$this->cid); define('SESS_CURRENCY',$this->cyid); define('SESS_WEIGHT',$this->wid); define('SESS_RESELLER',$this->rid); define('SESS_AFFILIATE',$this->aid); define('SESS_CAMPAIGN',$this->caid); } public function session_constant_log() { global $VAR; if (isset($VAR['_login']) || isset($VAR['_logout'])) { $db = &DB(); $rs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect('session','logged,account_id',array('where'=>array('id'=>$this->id)))); if (! $rs) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error(__FILE__,__METHOD__,$db->ErrorMsg()); return; } if (! defined('SESS_LOGGED')) define('SESS_LOGGED',$rs->fields['logged']); if (! defined('SESS_ACCOUNT')) define('SESS_ACCOUNT',$rs->fields['account_id']); } else { if (! defined('SESS_LOGGED')) define('SESS_LOGGED',$this->sess_logged); if (! defined('SESS_ACCOUNT')) define('SESS_ACCOUNT',$this->sess_account_id); } if (SESS_LOGGED) define('SESS_EXPIRES',$this->sess_date_expire); else define('SESS_EXPIRES',0); } } ?>