<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');

 * This class provides invoice PDF rendering capability
 * @package    OSB
 * @subpackage Invoice
 * @category   Helpers
 * @author     Deon George
 * @copyright  (c) 2010 Deon George
 * @license    http://dev.leenooks.net/license.html


 * PDF Invoice Base
 * @subpackage Module:Invoice
abstract class Invoice_TCPDF extends TCPDF {
	// Our invoice object
	protected $io;

	protected $billToCompany = true;
	protected $itemsSummaryMax = 16;
	protected $itemsPreviousMax = 5;
	protected $news = '';
	protected $pageType = 'blank';
	protected $show_itemized = true;
	protected $show_service_range = false;
	private $invoiceCurrency = '$';
	private $invoiceDecimals = 2;

	# Store previous invoices due
	private $itemsPrevious = array();
	# Stores the invoice items
	protected $invoice;
	protected $itemsFull;
	protected $account;
	# Iteration of drawing the items on the invoice
	protected $iteration;
	# Store the date range, that the invoice covers
	protected $dateRange;

	public function __construct($io) {

		$this->io = $io;

		// Set up the invoice
		$this->SetCreator('Open Source Billing');
		$this->SetTitle(sprintf('%s Invoice',Company::name()));
		$this->SetSubject(sprintf('Invoice #%06s',$this->io->id()));

	abstract public function drawCompanyLogo();
	abstract public function drawCompanyAddress();
	abstract public function drawInvoiceHeader();
	abstract public function drawSummaryLineItems();
	abstract public function drawPaymentMethods();
	abstract public function drawRemittenceStub();

	public function drawCustom() {}
	public function drawInvoiceDueNotice() {}
	public function drawInvoicePaidNotice() {}
	public function setLateFeeNotice() {}

	 * Get a PDF invoice template
	public function getTemplate() {}

	public function setItemsFull($items) {
		$this->itemsFull = $items;

	public function setItemsPrevious($items) {
		$this->itemsPrevious = $items;

	public function setDateRange($periodStart,$periodEnd) {
		$this->dateRange = sprintf('%s - %s',date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT,$periodStart),date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT,$periodEnd));

	public function setCurrency($currency) {
		$this->invoiceCurrency = $currency;

	public function setDecimals($decimals) {
		$this->invoiceDecimals = $decimals;

	 * Render an amount into a currency display
	protected function _currency($num) {
		global $C_list;

		if ($this->invoiceDecimals>3)
			return $this->invoiceCurrency.number_format($num,$this->invoiceDecimals);
			return $C_list->format_currency_num($num,$this->invoice['actual_billed_currency_id']);

	 * Add a watermark to the PDF
	public function addWaterMark($text) {