{assign var=meth value=':'|explode:$VAR._page}
{if $SESS_LOGGED != '1'}
{if ($method->result == false)}
{if $results == 0}
{t}Your cart is empty, please select one or more products to continue{/t}
{if $VAR.option != ''}
{if $plugin_template != false}
{t}Currency{/t} |
{if $smarty.const.SHOW_DISCOUNT_CODE == 1}
{if $list->is_installed('affiliate') == 1 && $smarty.const.SHOW_AFFILIATE_CODE == 1}
{t}To edit or remove items, click here.{/t}
{t}Click here to hide itemised list.{/t}
{foreach from=$cart item=cart}
{if $cart.cart_type == '2'}
{include file='file:../cart/cart_table_type_2.tpl' disable=true}
{elseif $cart.cart_type == "3"}
{include file='file:../cart/cart_table_type_3.tpl'}
{include file='file:../cart/cart_table_type_x.tpl' disable=true}
{include file='file:../cart/cart_table_assoc.tpl'}
{t}Click here for an itemised list of items in this purchase.{/t}
{t}Totals{/t} |
{t}Sub-Total{/t} |
{$list->format_currency_num($sub_total, $smarty.const.SESS_CURRENCY)} |
{foreach from=$discount item=discount}
{if $discounttotal > 0}
{t}Discount{/t} ({$discount.name}) |
- {$list->format_currency_num($discount.total, $smarty.const.SESS_CURRENCY)} |
{if $tax != false}
{foreach from=$tax item=amount key=name}
{$name} |
{$list->format_currency_num($amount, $smarty.const.SESS_CURRENCY)} |
{t}Total{/t} |
{$list->format_currency_num($total, $smarty.const.SESS_CURRENCY)} |