<?php /** * AgileBill - Open Billing Software * * This body of work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License * License as published at http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the * Agileco community forums at http://forum.agileco.com/ * * @link http://www.agileco.com/ * @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC. * @license http://www.agileco.com/agilebill/license1-4.txt * @author Tony Landis <tony@agileco.com> * @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ include_once(PATH_MODULES.'checkout/base_checkout_plugin.class.php'); class plg_chout_CYBERSOURCE extends base_checkout_plugin { # Get the config values for this checkout plugin: function plg_chout_CYBERSOURCE($checkout_id=false) { $this->name = 'CYBERSOURCE'; $this->type = 'gateway'; // redirect, gateway, or other $this->recurr_only = false; $this->checkout_id = $checkout_id; $this->support_cur = Array ('USD'); $this->success_url = URL . '?_page=invoice:thankyou'; $this->getDetails($checkout_id); } # Is the PHP Extension loaded? function validate_env() { if (!extension_loaded("cybersource")) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('plg_chout_CYBERSOURCE','validate_env','The Cybersource PHP extension was not found.'); return false; } return true; } function handle_error($status, $request, $reply) { switch ($status) { case CYBS_S_PHP_PARAM_ERROR: return "Please check the parameters passed to cybs_run_transaction for correctness."; break; case CYBS_S_PRE_SEND_ERROR: return "The following error occurred before the request could be sent:\n".$reply[CYBS_SK_ERROR_INFO]; break; case CYBS_S_SEND_ERROR: return "The following error occurred while sending the request:\n".$reply[CYBS_SK_ERROR_INFO]; break; case CYBS_S_RECEIVE_ERROR: return "The following error occurred while waiting for or retrieving the reply:\n".$reply[CYBS_SK_ERROR_INFO]; #handleCriticalError( $status, $request, $reply ); break; case CYBS_S_POST_RECEIVE_ERROR: return "The following error occurred after receiving and during processing of the reply:\n".$reply[CYBS_SK_ERROR_INFO]; #handleCriticalError( $status, $request, $reply ); break; case CYBS_S_CRITICAL_SERVER_FAULT: return "The server returned a CriticalServerError fault:\n".$this->getFaultContent( $reply ); #handleCriticalError( $status, $request, $reply ); break; case CYBS_S_SERVER_FAULT: return "The server returned a ServerError fault:\n%s\n".$this->getFaultContent( $reply ); break; case CYBS_S_OTHER_FAULT: return "The server returned a fault:\n".$this->getFaultContent( $reply ); break; case CYBS_S_HTTP_ERROR: return "An HTTP error occurred:\n%s\nResponse Body:\n".$reply[CYBS_SK_ERROR_INFO]."\n".$reply[CYBS_SK_RAW_REPLY]; break; } } function getFaultContent($reply) { $requestID = $reply[CYBS_SK_FAULT_REQUEST_ID]; if ( $requestID == "") $requestID = "(unavailable)"; return( sprintf( "Fault code: %s\nFault string: %s\nRequestID: %s\nFault document: %s", $reply[CYBS_SK_FAULT_CODE], $reply[CYBS_SK_FAULT_STRING], $requestID, $reply[CYBS_SK_FAULT_DOCUMENT] ) ); } # Validate the user submitted billing details at checkout: function validate($VAR) { return true; } # Perform the checkout transaction (new purchase): function bill_checkout( $amount, $invoice, $currency_iso, $acct_fields, $total_recurring=false, $recurr_bill_arr=false) { # Do we have the API available? if (!$this->validate_env()) { $msg = 'The CYBERSOURCE PHP extension was not detected on this system. Please install the CYBERSOURCE PHP API.'; $ret = '<script language=Javascript> alert(\''.$msg.'\'); </script>'; echo $ret; return false; } # Validate currency if(!$this->validate_currency($currency_iso)) return false; $ret=false; if(!$this->validate_card_details($ret)) return false; # Get the country $country = $this->getCountry('name', $this->account["country_id"]); // setup the configuration $config = array(); $config['merchantID'] = $this->cfg['merchantID']; $config['keysDirectory'] = $this->cfg['keysDirectory']; $config['targetAPIVersion'] = $this->cfg['targetAPIVersion']; if ($this->cfg['mode'] == 1) $config['sendToProduction'] = true; else $config['sendToProduction'] = false; if (strlen($this->cfg['sslCertFile'])) $config['sslCertFile'] = $this->cfg['sslCertFile']; // set up the request by creating an array and adding fields to it $request = array(); $request['ccAuthService_run'] = 'true'; $request['ccCaptureService_run'] = 'true'; $request['merchantReferenceCode'] = 'INVOICE-'.$invoice; $request['billTo_firstName'] = $this->account["first_name"]; $request['billTo_lastName'] = $this->account["last_name"]; $request['billTo_street1'] = $this->account["address1"] . ' ' . $this->account["address2"]; $request['billTo_city'] = $this->account["city"]; $request['billTo_state'] = $this->account["state"]; $request['billTo_postalCode'] = $this->account["zip"]; $request['billTo_country'] = $country; $request['billTo_email'] = $acct_fields["email"]; $request['billTo_ipAddress'] = USER_IP; $request['shipTo_firstName'] = $this->account["first_name"]; $request['shipTo_lastName'] = $this->account["last_name"]; $request['shipTo_street1'] = $this->account["address1"] . ' ' . $this->account["address2"]; $request['shipTo_city'] = $this->account["city"]; $request['shipTo_state'] = $this->account["state"]; $request['shipTo_postalCode'] = $this->account["zip"]; $request['shipTo_country'] = $country; $request['card_accountNumber'] = $this->billing["cc_no"]; $request['card_expirationMonth'] = $this->billing["exp_month"]; $request['card_expirationYear'] = '20'.$this->billing["exp_year"]; $request['card_cvNumber'] = $this->billing["ccv"]; $request['purchaseTotals_currency'] = $currency_iso; $request['purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount'] = $amount; // add other fields here per your business needs // send request now $reply = array(); $status = cybs_run_transaction( $config, $request, $reply ); $ret['status'] = 0; if ($status == 0) { $decision = $reply['decision']; if (strtoupper($decision) == 'ACCEPT') { $ret['status'] = 1; } else if (strtoupper($decision) == 'REJECT') { @$ret['msg'] = "Card was rejected: Code ".$reply['ccAuthReply_reasonCode']; global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('plg_chout_CYBERSOURCE','REJECT',"Card was rejected: Code ".$reply['ccAuthReply_reasonCode']); } else { @$ret['msg'] = "There was an error while processing your card: Code ".$reply['ccAuthReply_reasonCode']; global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('plg_chout_CYBERSOURCE','ERROR',"Error: Code ".$reply['ccAuthReply_reasonCode']); } } else { global $C_debug; $msg = $this->handle_error($status, $request, $reply); $C_debug->error('plg_chout_CYBERSOURCE','validate_env',$msg); return false; } # Transaction ID: @$ret['avs'] = $reply['requestID']; @$ret['transaction_id'] = $reply['ccCaptureReply_reconciliationID']; @$ret['authorization'] = $reply['ccAuthReply_authorizationCode']; # AVS Details: switch (@$reply['ccAuthReply_avsCode']) { case 'A': $ret['avs'] = 'avs_address_only'; break; case 'E': $ret['avs'] = 'avs_error'; break; case 'I': $ret['avs'] = 'avs_address_unavail'; break; case 'N': $ret['avs'] = 'avs_no_match'; break; case 'S': case 'G': case 'C': $ret['avs'] = 'avs_not_supported'; break; case 'U': $ret['avs'] = 'avs_na'; break; case 'X': case 'M': case 'D': $ret['avs'] = 'avs_exact'; break; case 'Y': case 'B': $ret['avs'] = 'avs_address_zip'; break; case 'Z': case 'W': case 'P': $ret['avs'] = 'avs_fullzip_only'; break; case '1': case '2': case 'R': default: $ret['avs'] = 'avs_error'; break; } # return if($ret['status'] == 1) { return $ret; } else { global $VAR; @$VAR['msg']=$ret["msg"]; return false; } } # Stores new billing details, & return account_billing_id (gateway only) function store_billing($VAR, $account=SESS_ACCOUNT) { return $this->saveCreditCardDetails($VAR); } # Perform a transaction for an (new invoice): function bill_invoice($VAR) { return true; } # Issue a refund for a paid invoice (captured charges w/gateway) function refund($VAR) { return true; } # Void a authorized charge (gateways only) function void($VAR) { return true; } } ?>