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2013-05-27 22:10:41 +10:00

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<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.');
* OAuth Request
* @package Kohana/OAuth
* @category Request
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2010 Kohana Team
* @license
* @author Deon George
* @copyright (c) 2009-2013 Deon George
* @license
* @since 3.0.7
class Kohana_OAuth_Request {
* Create a new request object.
* $request = OAuth_Request::factory('token', '');
* @param string request type
* @param string request URL
* @param string request method
* @param array request parameters
* @return OAuth_Request
public static function factory($type, $method, $url = NULL, array $params = NULL)
$class = 'OAuth_Request_'.ucfirst($type);
return new $class($method, $url, $params);
* @var integer connection timeout
public $timeout = 10;
* @var boolean send Authorization header?
public $send_header = TRUE;
* @var string request type name: token, authorize, access, resource
protected $name;
* @var string request method: GET, POST, etc
protected $method = 'GET';
* @var string request URL
protected $url;
* @var string request body
protected $body;
* @var string OAuth parameters matching regex
protected $auth_params = '/^oauth_/';
* @var array request parameters
protected $params = array();
* @var array upload parameters
protected $upload = array();
* @var array required parameters
protected $required = array();
* Set the request URL, method, and parameters.
* @param string request method
* @param string request URL
* @param array request parameters
* @uses OAuth::parse_url
public function __construct($method, $url, array $params = NULL)
if ($method)
// Set the request method
$this->method = strtoupper($method);
// Separate the URL and query string, which will be used as additional
// default parameters
list ($url, $default) = OAuth::parse_url($url);
// Set the request URL
$this->url = $url;
if ($default)
// Set the default parameters
if ($params)
// Set the request parameters
if ($this->required('oauth_version') AND ! isset($this->params['oauth_version']))
// Set the version of this request
$this->params['oauth_version'] = OAuth::$version;
if ($this->required('oauth_timestamp') AND ! isset($this->params['oauth_timestamp']))
// Set the timestamp of this request
$this->params['oauth_timestamp'] = $this->timestamp();
if ($this->required('oauth_nonce') AND ! isset($this->params['oauth_nonce']))
// Set the unique nonce of this request
$this->params['oauth_nonce'] = $this->nonce();
* Return the value of any protected class variable.
* // Get the request parameters
* $params = $request->params;
* // Get the request URL
* $url = $request->url;
* @param string variable name
* @return mixed
public function __get($key)
return $this->$key;
* Generates the UNIX timestamp for a request.
* $time = $request->timestamp();
* [!!] This method implements [OAuth 1.0 Spec 8](
* @return integer
public function timestamp()
return time();
* Generates the nonce for a request.
* $nonce = $request->nonce();
* [!!] This method implements [OAuth 1.0 Spec 8](
* @return string
* @uses Text::random
public function nonce()
return Text::random('alnum', 40);
* Get the base signature string for a request.
* $base = $request->base_string();
* [!!] This method implements [OAuth 1.0 Spec A5.1](
* @param OAuth_Request request to sign
* @return string
* @uses OAuth::urlencode
* @uses OAuth::normalize_params
public function base_string()
$url = $this->url;
// Get the request parameters
$params = array_diff_key($this->params, $this->upload);
// "oauth_signature" is never included in the base string!
// method & url & sorted-parameters
return implode('&', array(
* Parameter getter and setter. Setting the value to `NULL` will remove it.
* // Set the "oauth_consumer_key" to a new value
* $request->param('oauth_consumer_key', $key);
* // Get the "oauth_consumer_key" value
* $key = $request->param('oauth_consumer_key');
* @param string parameter name
* @param mixed parameter value
* @param boolean allow duplicates?
* @return mixed when getting
* @return $this when setting
* @uses Arr::get
public function param($name, $value = NULL, $duplicate = FALSE)
if ($value === NULL)
// Get the parameter
return Arr::get($this->params, $name);
if (isset($this->params[$name]) AND $duplicate)
if ( ! is_array($this->params[$name]))
// Convert the parameter into an array
$this->params[$name] = array($this->params[$name]);
// Add the duplicate value
$this->params[$name][] = $value;
// Set the parameter value
$this->params[$name] = $value;
return $this;
* Set multiple parameters.
* $request->params($params);
* @param array parameters
* @param boolean allow duplicates?
* @return $this
* @uses OAuth_Request::param
public function params(array $params, $duplicate = FALSE)
foreach ($params as $name => $value)
$this->param($name, $value, $duplicate);
return $this;
public function body($body)
$this->body = $body;
return $this;
* Upload getter and setter. Setting the value to `NULL` will remove it.
* // Set the "image" file path for uploading
* $request->upload('image', $file_path);
* // Get the "image" file path
* $key = $request->param('oauth_consumer_key');
* @param string upload name
* @param mixed upload file path
* @return mixed when getting
* @return $this when setting
* @uses OAuth_Request::param
public function upload($name, $value = NULL)
if ($value !== NULL)
// This is an upload parameter
$this->upload[$name] = TRUE;
// Get the mime type of the image
$mime = File::mime($value);
// Format the image path for CURL
$value = "@{$value};type={$mime}";
return $this->param($name, $value, FALSE);
* Get and set required parameters.
* $request->required($field, $value);
* @param string parameter name
* @param boolean field value
* @return boolean when getting
* @return $this when setting
public function required($param, $value = NULL)
if ($value === NULL)
// Get the current status
return ! empty($this->required[$param]);
// Change the requirement value
$this->required[$param] = (boolean) $value;
return $this;
* Convert the request parameters into an `Authorization` header.
* $header = $request->as_header();
* [!!] This method implements [OAuth 1.0 Spec 5.4.1](
* @return string
public function as_header()
$header = array();
// Check for the existance of "realm"
if(array_key_exists('realm', $this->params) and ! empty($this->params['realm']))
// OAuth Spec 5.4.1
// "Parameter names and values are encoded per Parameter Encoding [RFC 3986]."
$header[] = OAuth::urlencode('realm').'="'.OAuth::urlencode($this->params['realm']).'"';
foreach ($this->params as $name => $value)
if (strpos($name, 'oauth_') === 0)
// OAuth Spec 5.4.1
// "Parameter names and values are encoded per Parameter Encoding [RFC 3986]."
$header[] = OAuth::urlencode($name).'="'.OAuth::urlencode($value).'"';
return $header ? 'OAuth '.implode(', ', $header) : NULL;
* Convert the request parameters into a query string, suitable for GET and
* POST requests.
* $query = $request->as_query();
* [!!] This method implements [OAuth 1.0 Spec 5.2 (2,3)](
* @param boolean include oauth parameters?
* @param boolean return a normalized string?
* @return string
public function as_query($include_oauth = NULL, $as_string = TRUE)
if ($include_oauth === NULL)
// If we are sending a header, OAuth parameters should not be
// included in the query string.
$include_oauth = ! $this->send_header;
if ($include_oauth)
$params = $this->params;
$params = array();
foreach ($this->params as $name => $value)
if ( ! preg_match($this->auth_params, $name))
// This is not an OAuth parameter
$params[$name] = $value;
return $as_string ? OAuth::normalize_params($params) : $params;
* Return the entire request URL with the parameters as a GET string.
* $url = $request->as_url();
* @return string
* @uses OAuth_Request::as_query
public function as_url()
return $this->url.'?'.$this->as_query(TRUE);
* Sign the request, setting the `oauth_signature_method` and `oauth_signature`.
* @param OAuth_Signature signature
* @param OAuth_Consumer consumer
* @param OAuth_Token token
* @return $this
* @uses OAuth_Signature::sign
public function sign(OAuth_Signature $signature, OAuth_Consumer $consumer, OAuth_Token $token = NULL)
// Create a new signature class from the method
$this->param('oauth_signature_method', $signature->name);
// Sign the request using the consumer and token
$this->param('oauth_signature', $signature->sign($this, $consumer, $token));
return $this;
* Checks that all required request parameters have been set. Throws an
* exception if any parameters are missing.
* try
* {
* $request->check();
* }
* catch (OAuth_Exception $e)
* {
* // Request has missing parameters
* }
* @return TRUE
* @throws Kohana_OAuth_Exception
public function check()
foreach ($this->required as $param => $required)
if ($required AND ! isset($this->params[$param]))
throw new Kohana_OAuth_Exception('Request to :url requires missing parameter ":param"', array(
':url' => $this->url,
':param' => $param,
return TRUE;
* Execute the request and return a response.
* @param array additional cURL options
* @return string request response body
* @uses OAuth_Request::check
* @uses Arr::get
* @uses Remote::get
public function execute(array $options = NULL)
// Check that all required fields are set
// Get the URL of the request
$url = $this->url;
if ($query = $this->as_query())
// Append the parameters to the query string
$url = "{$url}?{$query}";
if ( ! isset($options[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT]))
// Use the request default timeout
$options[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT] = $this->timeout;
if ($this->send_header AND $header = $this->as_header())
// Store the new headers
$options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Authorization: '.$header;
// Set the request method for this request
$options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = $this->method;
if ($this->body)
$options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $this->body;
elseif ($this->method === 'POST')
if ($post = $this->as_query(empty($header), empty($this->upload)))
// Attach the post fields to the request
$options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $post;
if (! is_null($this->body))
$options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Content-Length: '.strlen($this->body);
return OAuth::remote($url, $options);
} // End OAuth_Request