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2011-07-18 16:20:23 +10:00

355 lines
8.1 KiB

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Documentation generator.
* @package Kohana/Userguide
* @category Base
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2008-2009 Kohana Team
* @license
class Kohana_Kodoc {
* @var string PCRE fragment for matching 'Class', 'Class::method', 'Class::method()' or 'Class::$property'
public static $regex_class_member = '((\w++)(?:::(\$?\w++))?(?:\(\))?)';
* Make a class#member API link using an array of matches from [Kodoc::$regex_class_member]
* @param array $matches array( 1 => link text, 2 => class name, [3 => member name] )
* @return string
public static function link_class_member($matches)
$link = $matches[1];
$class = $matches[2];
$member = NULL;
if (isset($matches[3]))
// If the first char is a $ it is a property, e.g. Kohana::$base_url
if ($matches[3][0] === '$')
$member = '#property:'.substr($matches[3], 1);
$member = '#'.$matches[3];
return HTML::anchor(Route::get('docs/api')->uri(array('class' => $class)).$member, $link, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
public static function factory($class)
return new Kodoc_Class($class);
* Creates an html list of all classes sorted by category (or package if no category)
* @return string the html for the menu
public static function menu()
$classes = Kodoc::classes();
foreach ($classes as $class)
if (isset($classes['kohana_'.$class]))
// Remove extended classes
$menu = array();
$route = Route::get('docs/api');
foreach ($classes as $class)
$class = Kodoc_Class::factory($class);
// Test if we should show this class
if ( ! Kodoc::show_class($class))
$link = HTML::anchor($route->uri(array('class' => $class->class->name)), $class->class->name);
if (isset($class->tags['package']))
foreach ($class->tags['package'] as $package)
if (isset($class->tags['category']))
foreach ($class->tags['category'] as $category)
$menu[$package][$category][] = $link;
$menu[$package]['Base'][] = $link;
$menu['[Unknown]']['Base'][] = $link;
// Sort the packages
return View::factory('userguide/api/menu')
->bind('menu', $menu);
* Returns an array of all the classes available, built by listing all files in the classes folder and then trying to create that class.
* This means any empty class files (as in complety empty) will cause an exception
* @param array array of files, obtained using Kohana::list_files
* @return array an array of all the class names
public static function classes(array $list = NULL)
if ($list === NULL)
$list = Kohana::list_files('classes');
$classes = array();
foreach ($list as $name => $path)
if (is_array($path))
$classes += Kodoc::classes($path);
// Remove "classes/" and the extension
$class = substr($name, 8, -(strlen(EXT)));
// Convert slashes to underscores
$class = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_', strtolower($class));
$classes[$class] = $class;
return $classes;
* Get all classes and methods of files in a list.
* > I personally don't like this as it was used on the index page. Way too much stuff on one page. It has potential for a package index page though.
* > For example: class_methods( Kohana::list_files('classes/sprig') ) could make a nice index page for the sprig package in the api browser
* > ~bluehawk
public static function class_methods(array $list = NULL)
$list = Kodoc::classes($list);
$classes = array();
foreach ($list as $class)
$_class = new ReflectionClass($class);
if (stripos($_class->name, 'Kohana_') === 0)
// Skip transparent extension classes
$methods = array();
foreach ($_class->getMethods() as $_method)
$declares = $_method->getDeclaringClass()->name;
if (stripos($declares, 'Kohana_') === 0)
// Remove "Kohana_"
$declares = substr($declares, 7);
if ($declares === $_class->name OR $declares === "Core")
$methods[] = $_method->name;
$classes[$_class->name] = $methods;
return $classes;
* Parse a comment to extract the description and the tags
* @param string the comment retreived using ReflectionClass->getDocComment()
* @return array array(string $description, array $tags)
public static function parse($comment)
// Normalize all new lines to \n
$comment = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n"), "\n", $comment);
// Remove the phpdoc open/close tags and split
$comment = array_slice(explode("\n", $comment), 1, -1);
// Tag content
$tags = array();
foreach ($comment as $i => $line)
// Remove all leading whitespace
$line = preg_replace('/^\s*\* ?/m', '', $line);
// Search this line for a tag
if (preg_match('/^@(\S+)(?:\s*(.+))?$/', $line, $matches))
// This is a tag line
$name = $matches[1];
$text = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '';
switch ($name)
case 'license':
if (strpos($text, '://') !== FALSE)
// Convert the lincense into a link
$text = HTML::anchor($text);
case 'link':
$text = preg_split('/\s+/', $text, 2);
$text = HTML::anchor($text[0], isset($text[1]) ? $text[1] : $text[0]);
case 'copyright':
if (strpos($text, '(c)') !== FALSE)
// Convert the copyright sign
$text = str_replace('(c)', '&copy;', $text);
case 'throws':
if (preg_match('/^(\w+)\W(.*)$/', $text, $matches))
$text = HTML::anchor(Route::get('docs/api')->uri(array('class' => $matches[1])), $matches[1]).' '.$matches[2];
$text = HTML::anchor(Route::get('docs/api')->uri(array('class' => $text)), $text);
case 'uses':
if (preg_match('/^'.Kodoc::$regex_class_member.'$/i', $text, $matches))
$text = Kodoc::link_class_member($matches);
// Don't show @access lines, they are shown elsewhere
case 'access':
continue 2;
// Add the tag
$tags[$name][] = $text;
// Overwrite the comment line
$comment[$i] = (string) $line;
// Concat the comment lines back to a block of text
if ($comment = trim(implode("\n", $comment)))
// Parse the comment with Markdown
$comment = Markdown($comment);
return array($comment, $tags);
* Get the source of a function
* @param string the filename
* @param int start line?
* @param int end line?
public static function source($file, $start, $end)
if ( ! $file) return FALSE;
$file = file($file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
$file = array_slice($file, $start - 1, $end - $start + 1);
if (preg_match('/^(\s+)/', $file[0], $matches))
$padding = strlen($matches[1]);
foreach ($file as & $line)
$line = substr($line, $padding);
return implode("\n", $file);
* Test whether a class should be shown, based on the api_packages config option
* @param Kodoc_Class the class to test
* @return bool whether this class should be shown
public static function show_class(Kodoc_Class $class)
$api_packages = Kohana::config('userguide.api_packages');
// If api_packages is true, all packages should be shown
if ($api_packages === TRUE)
return TRUE;
// Get the package tags for this class (as an array)
$packages = Arr::get($class->tags, 'package', array('None'));
$show_this = FALSE;
// Loop through each package tag
foreach ($packages as $package)
// If this package is in the allowed packages, set show this to true
if (in_array($package, explode(',', $api_packages)))
$show_this = TRUE;
return $show_this;
} // End Kodoc