This repository has been archived on 2024-04-08. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
anubis fae6352bf2 Update to PEAR 1.7.2, Image_Canvas 0.3.1, Image_Color 1.0.3, Image_Graph 0.7.2, XML_Parser 1.3.1.
Removed PHP_Compat, and references to it.
Removed ionCube/Zend/mmCache compatibility checks in test.php script.
Changed minimum PHP requirement to 5.0 in test.php script.
2009-01-04 19:22:54 -05:00

1071 lines
46 KiB

* PEAR_Command_Registry (list, list-files, shell-test, info commands)
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category pear
* @package PEAR
* @author Stig Bakken <>
* @author Greg Beaver <>
* @copyright 1997-2008 The PHP Group
* @license PHP License 3.0
* @version CVS: $Id: Registry.php,v 1.81 2008/01/03 20:26:36 cellog Exp $
* @link
* @since File available since Release 0.1
* base class
require_once 'PEAR/Command/Common.php';
* PEAR commands for registry manipulation
* @category pear
* @package PEAR
* @author Stig Bakken <>
* @author Greg Beaver <>
* @copyright 1997-2008 The PHP Group
* @license PHP License 3.0
* @version Release: 1.7.2
* @link
* @since Class available since Release 0.1
class PEAR_Command_Registry extends PEAR_Command_Common
// {{{ properties
var $commands = array(
'list' => array(
'summary' => 'List Installed Packages In The Default Channel',
'function' => 'doList',
'shortcut' => 'l',
'options' => array(
'channel' => array(
'shortopt' => 'c',
'doc' => 'list installed packages from this channel',
'arg' => 'CHAN',
'allchannels' => array(
'shortopt' => 'a',
'doc' => 'list installed packages from all channels',
'channelinfo' => array(
'shortopt' => 'i',
'doc' => 'output fully channel-aware data, even on failure',
'doc' => '<package>
If invoked without parameters, this command lists the PEAR packages
installed in your php_dir ({config php_dir}). With a parameter, it
lists the files in a package.
'list-files' => array(
'summary' => 'List Files In Installed Package',
'function' => 'doFileList',
'shortcut' => 'fl',
'options' => array(),
'doc' => '<package>
List the files in an installed package.
'shell-test' => array(
'summary' => 'Shell Script Test',
'function' => 'doShellTest',
'shortcut' => 'st',
'options' => array(),
'doc' => '<package> [[relation] version]
Tests if a package is installed in the system. Will exit(1) if it is not.
<relation> The version comparison operator. One of:
<, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne
<version> The version to compare with
'info' => array(
'summary' => 'Display information about a package',
'function' => 'doInfo',
'shortcut' => 'in',
'options' => array(),
'doc' => '<package>
Displays information about a package. The package argument may be a
local package file, an URL to a package file, or the name of an
installed package.'
// }}}
// {{{ constructor
* PEAR_Command_Registry constructor.
* @access public
function PEAR_Command_Registry(&$ui, &$config)
parent::PEAR_Command_Common($ui, $config);
// }}}
// {{{ doList()
function _sortinfo($a, $b)
$apackage = isset($a['package']) ? $a['package'] : $a['name'];
$bpackage = isset($b['package']) ? $b['package'] : $b['name'];
return strcmp($apackage, $bpackage);
function doList($command, $options, $params)
$reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
$channelinfo = isset($options['channelinfo']);
if (isset($options['allchannels']) && !$channelinfo) {
return $this->doListAll($command, array(), $params);
if (isset($options['allchannels']) && $channelinfo) {
// allchannels with $channelinfo
$channels = $reg->getChannels();
$errors = array();
foreach ($channels as $channel) {
$options['channel'] = $channel->getName();
$ret = $this->doList($command, $options, $params);
if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
$errors[] = $ret;
if (count($errors)) {
// for now, only give first error
return PEAR::raiseError($errors[0]);
return true;
if (count($params) == 1) {
return $this->doFileList($command, $options, $params);
if (isset($options['channel'])) {
if ($reg->channelExists($options['channel'])) {
$channel = $reg->channelName($options['channel']);
} else {
return $this->raiseError('Channel "' . $options['channel'] .'" does not exist');
} else {
$channel = $this->config->get('default_channel');
$installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, $channel);
usort($installed, array(&$this, '_sortinfo'));
$data = array(
'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' .
$channel . ':',
'border' => true,
'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'),
'channel' => $channel,
if ($channelinfo) {
$data['headline'] = array('Channel', 'Package', 'Version', 'State');
if (count($installed) && !isset($data['data'])) {
$data['data'] = array();
foreach ($installed as $package) {
$pobj = $reg->getPackage(isset($package['package']) ?
$package['package'] : $package['name'], $channel);
if ($channelinfo) {
$packageinfo = array($pobj->getChannel(), $pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(),
$pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null);
} else {
$packageinfo = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(),
$pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null);
$data['data'][] = $packageinfo;
if (count($installed) == 0) {
if (!$channelinfo) {
$data = '(no packages installed from channel ' . $channel . ')';
} else {
$data = array(
'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' .
$channel . ':',
'border' => true,
'channel' => $channel,
'data' => '(no packages installed)',
$this->ui->outputData($data, $command);
return true;
function doListAll($command, $options, $params)
// This duplicate code is deprecated over
// list --channelinfo, which gives identical
// output for list and list --allchannels.
$reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
$installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, null);
foreach ($installed as $channel => $packages) {
usort($packages, array($this, '_sortinfo'));
$data = array(
'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':',
'border' => true,
'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'),
'channel' => $channel
foreach ($packages as $package) {
$pobj = $reg->getPackage(isset($package['package']) ?
$package['package'] : $package['name'], $channel);
$data['data'][] = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(),
$pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null);
if (count($packages)==0) {
$data = array(
'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':',
'border' => true,
'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)')),
'channel' => $channel
$this->ui->outputData($data, $command);
return true;
function doFileList($command, $options, $params)
if (count($params) != 1) {
return $this->raiseError('list-files expects 1 parameter');
$reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
$fp = false;
if (!is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0],
'r'))) {
if ($fp) {
if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) {
require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php';
$pkg = &new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug);
$info = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL);
$headings = array('Package File', 'Install Path');
$installed = false;
} else {
$parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel'));
if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) {
return $this->raiseError($parsed);
$info = &$reg->getPackage($parsed['package'], $parsed['channel']);
$headings = array('Type', 'Install Path');
$installed = true;
if (PEAR::isError($info)) {
return $this->raiseError($info);
if ($info === null) {
return $this->raiseError("`$params[0]' not installed");
$list = ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) ?
$info->getFilelist() : $info->getContents();
if ($installed) {
$caption = 'Installed Files For ' . $params[0];
} else {
$caption = 'Contents of ' . basename($params[0]);
$data = array(
'caption' => $caption,
'border' => true,
'headline' => $headings);
if ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) {
foreach ($list as $file => $att) {
if ($installed) {
if (empty($att['installed_as'])) {
$data['data'][] = array($att['role'], $att['installed_as']);
} else {
if (isset($att['baseinstalldir']) && !in_array($att['role'],
array('test', 'data', 'doc'))) {
$dest = $att['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
} else {
$dest = $file;
switch ($att['role']) {
case 'test':
case 'data':
case 'doc':
$role = $att['role'];
if ($role == 'test') {
$role .= 's';
$dest = $this->config->get($role . '_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
$info->getPackage() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest;
case 'php':
$dest = $this->config->get('php_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
$dest = preg_replace(array('!\\\\+!', '!/!', "!$ds2+!"),
$file = preg_replace('!/+!', '/', $file);
$data['data'][] = array($file, $dest);
} else { // package.xml 2.0, not installed
if (!isset($list['dir']['file'][0])) {
$list['dir']['file'] = array($list['dir']['file']);
foreach ($list['dir']['file'] as $att) {
$att = $att['attribs'];
$file = $att['name'];
$role = &PEAR_Installer_Role::factory($info, $att['role'], $this->config);
$role->setup($this, $info, $att, $file);
if (!$role->isInstallable()) {
$dest = '(not installable)';
} else {
$dest = $role->processInstallation($info, $att, $file, '');
if (PEAR::isError($dest)) {
$dest = '(Unknown role "' . $att['role'] . ')';
} else {
list(,, $dest) = $dest;
$data['data'][] = array($file, $dest);
$this->ui->outputData($data, $command);
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ doShellTest()
function doShellTest($command, $options, $params)
if (count($params) < 1) {
return PEAR::raiseError('ERROR, usage: pear shell-test packagename [[relation] version]');
$reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
$info = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel'));
if (PEAR::isError($info)) {
exit(1); // invalid package name
$package = $info['package'];
$channel = $info['channel'];
// "pear shell-test Foo"
if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) {
if ($channel == '') {
if ($reg->packageExists($package, '')) {
$channel = ''; // magically change channels for extensions
if (sizeof($params) == 1) {
if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) {
// "pear shell-test Foo 1.0"
} elseif (sizeof($params) == 2) {
$v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel);
if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[1]}", "ge")) {
// "pear shell-test Foo ge 1.0"
} elseif (sizeof($params) == 3) {
$v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel);
if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[2]}", $params[1])) {
} else {
$this->raiseError("$command: expects 1 to 3 parameters");
// }}}
// {{{ doInfo
function doInfo($command, $options, $params)
if (count($params) != 1) {
return $this->raiseError('pear info expects 1 parameter');
$info = $fp = false;
$reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
if ((file_exists($params[0]) && is_file($params[0]) && !is_dir($params[0])) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r')) {
if ($fp) {
if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) {
require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php';
$pkg = &new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug);
$obj = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL);
if (PEAR::isError($obj)) {
$uinfo = $obj->getUserInfo();
if (is_array($uinfo)) {
foreach ($uinfo as $message) {
if (is_array($message)) {
$message = $message['message'];
return $this->raiseError($obj);
if ($obj->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0') {
$info = $obj->toArray();
} else {
return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, false);
} else {
$parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel'));
if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) {
return $this->raiseError($parsed);
$package = $parsed['package'];
$channel = $parsed['channel'];
$info = $reg->packageInfo($package, null, $channel);
if (isset($info['old'])) {
$obj = $reg->getPackage($package, $channel);
return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, true);
if (PEAR::isError($info)) {
return $info;
if (empty($info)) {
$this->raiseError("No information found for `$params[0]'");
if (isset($info['xsdversion'])) {
$info['package.xml version'] = $info['xsdversion'];
if (isset($info['packagerversion'])) {
$info['packaged with PEAR version'] = $info['packagerversion'];
$keys = array_keys($info);
$longtext = array('description', 'summary');
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (is_array($info[$key])) {
switch ($key) {
case 'maintainers': {
$i = 0;
$mstr = '';
foreach ($info[$key] as $m) {
if ($i++ > 0) {
$mstr .= "\n";
$mstr .= $m['name'] . " <";
if (isset($m['email'])) {
$mstr .= $m['email'];
} else {
$mstr .= $m['handle'] . '';
$mstr .= "> ($m[role])";
$info[$key] = $mstr;
case 'release_deps': {
$i = 0;
$dstr = '';
foreach ($info[$key] as $d) {
if (isset($this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']])) {
$rel = $this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']];
} else {
$rel = $d['rel'];
if (isset($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']])) {
$type = ucfirst($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']]);
} else {
$type = $d['type'];
if (isset($d['name'])) {
$name = $d['name'] . ' ';
} else {
$name = '';
if (isset($d['version'])) {
$version = $d['version'] . ' ';
} else {
$version = '';
if (isset($d['optional']) && $d['optional'] == 'yes') {
$optional = ' (optional)';
} else {
$optional = '';
$dstr .= "$type $name$rel $version$optional\n";
$info[$key] = $dstr;
case 'provides' : {
$debug = $this->config->get('verbose');
if ($debug < 2) {
$pstr = 'Classes: ';
} else {
$pstr = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ($info[$key] as $p) {
if ($debug < 2 && $p['type'] != "class") {
// Only print classes when verbosity mode is < 2
if ($debug < 2) {
if ($i++ > 0) {
$pstr .= ", ";
$pstr .= $p['name'];
} else {
if ($i++ > 0) {
$pstr .= "\n";
$pstr .= ucfirst($p['type']) . " " . $p['name'];
if (isset($p['explicit']) && $p['explicit'] == 1) {
$pstr .= " (explicit)";
$info[$key] = $pstr;
case 'configure_options' : {
foreach ($info[$key] as $i => $p) {
$info[$key][$i] = array_map(null, array_keys($p), array_values($p));
$info[$key][$i] = array_map(create_function('$a',
'return join(" = ",$a);'), $info[$key][$i]);
$info[$key][$i] = implode(', ', $info[$key][$i]);
$info[$key] = implode("\n", $info[$key]);
default: {
$info[$key] = implode(", ", $info[$key]);
if ($key == '_lastmodified') {
$hdate = date('Y-m-d', $info[$key]);
$info['Last Modified'] = $hdate;
} elseif ($key == '_lastversion') {
$info['Previous Installed Version'] = $info[$key] ? $info[$key] : '- None -';
} else {
$info[$key] = trim($info[$key]);
if (in_array($key, $longtext)) {
$info[$key] = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $info[$key]);
$caption = 'About ' . $info['package'] . '-' . $info['version'];
$data = array(
'caption' => $caption,
'border' => true);
foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
$key = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $key)));
$data['data'][] = array($key, $value);
$data['raw'] = $info;
$this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info');
// }}}
* @access private
function _doInfo2($command, $options, $params, &$obj, $installed)
$reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
$caption = 'About ' . $obj->getChannel() . '/' .$obj->getPackage() . '-' .
$data = array(
'caption' => $caption,
'border' => true);
switch ($obj->getPackageType()) {
case 'php' :
$release = 'PEAR-style PHP-based Package';
case 'extsrc' :
$release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (source code)';
case 'zendextsrc' :
$release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (source code)';
case 'extbin' :
$release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (binary)';
case 'zendextbin' :
$release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (binary)';
case 'bundle' :
$release = 'Package bundle (collection of packages)';
$extends = $obj->getExtends();
$extends = $extends ?
$obj->getPackage() . ' (extends ' . $extends . ')' : $obj->getPackage();
if ($src = $obj->getSourcePackage()) {
$extends .= ' (source package ' . $src['channel'] . '/' . $src['package'] . ')';
$info = array(
'Release Type' => $release,
'Name' => $extends,
'Channel' => $obj->getChannel(),
'Summary' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getSummary()),
'Description' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getDescription()),
$info['Maintainers'] = '';
foreach (array('lead', 'developer', 'contributor', 'helper') as $role) {
$leads = $obj->{"get{$role}s"}();
if (!$leads) {
if (isset($leads['active'])) {
$leads = array($leads);
foreach ($leads as $lead) {
if (!empty($info['Maintainers'])) {
$info['Maintainers'] .= "\n";
$info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['name'] . ' <';
$info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['email'] . "> ($role)";
$info['Release Date'] = $obj->getDate();
if ($time = $obj->getTime()) {
$info['Release Date'] .= ' ' . $time;
$info['Release Version'] = $obj->getVersion() . ' (' . $obj->getState() . ')';
$info['API Version'] = $obj->getVersion('api') . ' (' . $obj->getState('api') . ')';
$info['License'] = $obj->getLicense();
$uri = $obj->getLicenseLocation();
if ($uri) {
if (isset($uri['uri'])) {
$info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['uri'] . ')';
} else {
$extra = $obj->getInstalledLocation($info['filesource']);
if ($extra) {
$info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['filesource'] . ')';
$info['Release Notes'] = $obj->getNotes();
if ($compat = $obj->getCompatible()) {
if (!isset($compat[0])) {
$compat = array($compat);
$info['Compatible with'] = '';
foreach ($compat as $package) {
$info['Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] .
"\nVersions >= " . $package['min'] . ', <= ' . $package['max'];
if (isset($package['exclude'])) {
if (is_array($package['exclude'])) {
$package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']);
if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
$info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
} else {
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' .
$package['name'] . "\nVersions " . $package['exclude'];
$usesrole = $obj->getUsesrole();
if ($usesrole) {
if (!isset($usesrole[0])) {
$usesrole = array($usesrole);
foreach ($usesrole as $roledata) {
if (isset($info['Uses Custom Roles'])) {
$info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= "\n";
} else {
$info['Uses Custom Roles'] = '';
if (isset($roledata['package'])) {
$rolepackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($roledata, true);
} else {
$rolepackage = $roledata['uri'];
$info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= $roledata['role'] . ' (' . $rolepackage . ')';
$usestask = $obj->getUsestask();
if ($usestask) {
if (!isset($usestask[0])) {
$usestask = array($usestask);
foreach ($usestask as $taskdata) {
if (isset($info['Uses Custom Tasks'])) {
$info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= "\n";
} else {
$info['Uses Custom Tasks'] = '';
if (isset($taskdata['package'])) {
$taskpackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($taskdata, true);
} else {
$taskpackage = $taskdata['uri'];
$info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= $taskdata['task'] . ' (' . $taskpackage . ')';
$deps = $obj->getDependencies();
$info['Required Dependencies'] = 'PHP version ' . $deps['required']['php']['min'];
if (isset($deps['required']['php']['max'])) {
$info['Required Dependencies'] .= '-' . $deps['required']['php']['max'] . "\n";
} else {
$info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n";
if (isset($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) {
if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
$info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
} else {
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
if (is_array($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) {
$deps['required']['php']['exclude'] =
implode(', ', $deps['required']['php']['exclude']);
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PHP versions\n " .
$info['Required Dependencies'] .= 'PEAR installer version';
if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max'])) {
$info['Required Dependencies'] .= 's ' .
$deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . '-' .
} else {
$info['Required Dependencies'] .= ' ' .
$deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . ' or newer';
if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) {
if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
$info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
} else {
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
if (is_array($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) {
$deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'] =
implode(', ', $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']);
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PEAR installer\n Versions " .
foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) {
$index = strtolower($type);
if (isset($deps['required'][$index])) {
if (isset($deps['required'][$index]['name'])) {
$deps['required'][$index] = array($deps['required'][$index]);
foreach ($deps['required'][$index] as $package) {
if (isset($package['conflicts'])) {
$infoindex = 'Not Compatible with';
if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
$info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
} else {
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
} else {
$infoindex = 'Required Dependencies';
$info[$infoindex] .= "\n";
if ($index == 'extension') {
$name = $package['name'];
} else {
if (isset($package['channel'])) {
$name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'];
} else {
$name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)';
$info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name";
if (isset($package['uri'])) {
$info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]";
if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) {
$info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " .
$package['min'] . '-' . $package['max'];
} elseif (isset($package['min'])) {
$info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " .
$package['min'] . ' or newer';
} elseif (isset($package['max'])) {
$info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " .
$package['max'] . ' or older';
if (isset($package['recommended'])) {
$info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]";
if (isset($package['exclude'])) {
if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
$info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
} else {
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
if (is_array($package['exclude'])) {
$package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']);
$package['package'] = $package['name']; // for parsedPackageNameToString
if (isset($package['conflicts'])) {
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= '=> except ';
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= 'Package ' .
$reg->parsedPackageNameToString($package, true);
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n Versions " . $package['exclude'];
if (isset($deps['required']['os'])) {
if (isset($deps['required']['os']['name'])) {
$dep['required']['os']['name'] = array($dep['required']['os']['name']);
foreach ($dep['required']['os'] as $os) {
if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') {
if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
$info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
} else {
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "$os[name] Operating System";
} else {
$info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n";
$info['Required Dependencies'] .= "$os[name] Operating System";
if (isset($deps['required']['arch'])) {
if (isset($deps['required']['arch']['pattern'])) {
$dep['required']['arch']['pattern'] = array($dep['required']['os']['pattern']);
foreach ($dep['required']['arch'] as $os) {
if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') {
if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
$info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
} else {
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'";
} else {
$info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n";
$info['Required Dependencies'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'";
if (isset($deps['optional'])) {
foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) {
$index = strtolower($type);
if (isset($deps['optional'][$index])) {
if (isset($deps['optional'][$index]['name'])) {
$deps['optional'][$index] = array($deps['optional'][$index]);
foreach ($deps['optional'][$index] as $package) {
if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') {
$infoindex = 'Not Compatible with';
if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
$info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
} else {
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
} else {
$infoindex = 'Optional Dependencies';
if (!isset($info['Optional Dependencies'])) {
$info['Optional Dependencies'] = '';
} else {
$info['Optional Dependencies'] .= "\n";
if ($index == 'extension') {
$name = $package['name'];
} else {
if (isset($package['channel'])) {
$name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'];
} else {
$name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)';
$info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name";
if (isset($package['uri'])) {
$info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]";
if ($infoindex == 'Not Compatible with') {
// conflicts is only used to say that all versions conflict
if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) {
$info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " .
$package['min'] . '-' . $package['max'];
} elseif (isset($package['min'])) {
$info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " .
$package['min'] . ' or newer';
} elseif (isset($package['max'])) {
$info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " .
$package['min'] . ' or older';
if (isset($package['recommended'])) {
$info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]";
if (isset($package['exclude'])) {
if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
$info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
} else {
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
if (is_array($package['exclude'])) {
$package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']);
$info['Not Compatible with'] .= "Package $package\n Versions " .
if (isset($deps['group'])) {
if (!isset($deps['group'][0])) {
$deps['group'] = array($deps['group']);
foreach ($deps['group'] as $group) {
$info['Dependency Group ' . $group['attribs']['name']] = $group['attribs']['hint'];
$groupindex = $group['attribs']['name'] . ' Contents';
$info[$groupindex] = '';
foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) {
$index = strtolower($type);
if (isset($group[$index])) {
if (isset($group[$index]['name'])) {
$group[$index] = array($group[$index]);
foreach ($group[$index] as $package) {
if (!empty($info[$groupindex])) {
$info[$groupindex] .= "\n";
if ($index == 'extension') {
$name = $package['name'];
} else {
if (isset($package['channel'])) {
$name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'];
} else {
$name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)';
if (isset($package['uri'])) {
if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') {
$info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name";
} else {
$info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name";
$info[$groupindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]";
if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') {
$info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name";
$info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name";
if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) {
$info[$groupindex] .= " \n Versions " .
$package['min'] . '-' . $package['max'];
} elseif (isset($package['min'])) {
$info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " .
$package['min'] . ' or newer';
} elseif (isset($package['max'])) {
$info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " .
$package['min'] . ' or older';
if (isset($package['recommended'])) {
$info[$groupindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]";
if (isset($package['exclude'])) {
if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
$info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
} else {
$info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with\n";
if (is_array($package['exclude'])) {
$package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']);
$info[$groupindex] .= " Package $package\n Versions " .
if ($obj->getPackageType() == 'bundle') {
$info['Bundled Packages'] = '';
foreach ($obj->getBundledPackages() as $package) {
if (!empty($info['Bundled Packages'])) {
$info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n";
if (isset($package['uri'])) {
$info['Bundled Packages'] .= '__uri/' . $package['name'];
$info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n (URI: $package[uri]";
} else {
$info['Bundled Packages'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'];
$info['package.xml version'] = '2.0';
if ($installed) {
if ($obj->getLastModified()) {
$info['Last Modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $obj->getLastModified());
$v = $obj->getLastInstalledVersion();
$info['Previous Installed Version'] = $v ? $v : '- None -';
foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
$data['data'][] = array($key, $value);
$data['raw'] = $obj->getArray(); // no validation needed
$this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info');