_display_filters as $column => $formats) $this->_object_formated[$column] = $this->run_filter($column,$this->__get($column),array($column=>$formats)); $this->_formated = TRUE; } /** * Overrides Kohana cache so that it can be globally disabled. */ public function cached($lifetime=NULL) { return $this->_db->caching($this->_table_name) ? parent::cached($lifetime) : $this; } /** * Return a formated columns, as per the model definition */ public function display($column) { // Trigger a load of the record. $value = $this->__get($column); // If some of our fields need to be formated for display purposes. if (! $this->_formated AND $this->_display_filters) $this->_format(); if (isset($this->_object_formated[$column])) return $this->_object_formated[$column]; else return is_array($value) ? join(', ',$value) : $value; } public function display_filters(array $filters) { $this->_display_filters = Arr::merge($this->_display_filters,$filters); } public function dump() { $result = array(); $result['this'] = $this->object(); foreach ($this->_sub_items as $o) $result['sub'][] = $o->dump(); return $result; } /** * Return an array of data that can be used in a SELECT statement. * The ID and VALUE is defined in the model for the select. */ public function list_select($blank=FALSE) { $result = array(); if ($blank) $result[] = ''; if ($this->_form AND array_intersect(array('id','value'),$this->_form)) foreach ($this->find_all() as $o) $result[$o->{$this->_form['id']}] = $o->resolve($this->_form['value']); return $result; } /** * This function is used so that methods can be called via variables */ public function resolve($key) { eval("\$x = \$this->$key;"); return $x; } public function save(Validation $validation=NULL) { parent::save(); if ($this->saved() AND $this->_save_message AND (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli')) SystemMessage::factory() ->title('Record Updated') ->type('success') ->body(sprintf('Record %s:%s Updated',$this->_table_name,$this->id)); return $this; } /** * We override this function, because we do set our own primary key value */ public function values(array $values, array $expected = NULL) { parent::values($values,$expected); if (isset($values[$this->_primary_key])) $this->{$this->_primary_key} = $values[$this->_primary_key]; return $this; } } ?>