<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * This class is used to sort multiple dimension arrays. * * @package lnApp * @category lnApp/Helpers * @author Deon George * @copyright (c) 2009-2013 Deon George * @license http://dev.leenooks.net/license.html * @uses Style */ abstract class lnApp_Sort { /** * Sort a multi dimensional array. * * @param array Multi demension array passed by reference * @param string Comma delimited string of sort keys. * @param boolean Whether to reverse sort. * @return array Sorted multi demension array. */ public static function MAsort(&$data,$sortby,$rev=0) { // if the array to sort is null or empty, or our sortby is bad if (! preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\([a-zA-Z0-9_,]*\)(->[a-zA-Z0-9])?)?,?)+$/',$sortby) || ! $data) return; $code = '$c=0;'; foreach (explode(',',$sortby) as $key) { $code .= 'if (is_object($a) || is_object($b)) {'; foreach (array('a','b') as $x) { $code .= 'if (is_array($'.$x.'->'.$key.')) {'; $code .= 'asort($'.$x.'->'.$key.');'; $code .= '$x'.$x.' = array_shift($'.$x.'->'.$key.');'; $code .= '} else'; $code .= '$x'.$x.' = $'.$x.'->'.$key.';'; } $code .= 'if ($xa != $xb)'; if ($rev) $code .= 'return ($xa < $xb ? 1 : -1);'; else $code .= 'return ($xa > $xb ? 1 : -1);'; $code .= '} else {'; foreach (array('a','b') as $x) $code .= '$'.$x.' = array_change_key_case($'.$x.');'; $key = strtolower($key); $code .= 'if ((! isset($a[\''.$key.'\'])) && isset($b[\''.$key.'\'])) return 1;'; $code .= 'if (isset($a[\''.$key.'\']) && (! isset($b[\''.$key.'\']))) return -1;'; $code .= 'if ((isset($a[\''.$key.'\'])) && (isset($b[\''.$key.'\']))) {'; foreach (array('a','b') as $x) { $code .= 'if (is_array($'.$x.'[\''.$key.'\'])) {'; $code .= 'asort($'.$x.'[\''.$key.'\']);'; $code .= '$x'.$x.' = array_shift($'.$x.'[\''.$key.'\']);'; $code .= '} else'; $code .= '$x'.$x.' = $'.$x.'[\''.$key.'\'];'; } $code .= 'if ($xa != $xb)'; $code .= 'if (is_numeric($xa) && is_numeric($xb)) {'; if ($rev) $code .= 'return ($xa < $xb ? 1 : -1);'; else $code .= 'return ($xa > $xb ? 1 : -1);'; $code .= '} else {'; if ($rev) $code .= 'if (($c = strcasecmp($xb,$xa)) != 0) return $c;'; else $code .= 'if (($c = strcasecmp($xa,$xb)) != 0) return $c;'; $code .= '}}}'; } $code .= 'return $c;'; $result = create_function('$a, $b',$code); uasort($data,$result); } } ?>