<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct script access.'); /** * Log writer abstract class. All [Log] writers must extend this class. * * @package Kohana * @category Logging * @author Kohana Team * @copyright (c) 2008-2012 Kohana Team * @license http://kohanaframework.org/license */ abstract class Kohana_Log_Writer { /** * @var string timestamp format for log entries. * * Defaults to Date::$timestamp_format */ public static $timestamp; /** * @var string timezone for log entries * * Defaults to Date::$timezone, which defaults to date_default_timezone_get() */ public static $timezone; /** * Numeric log level to string lookup table. * @var array */ protected $_log_levels = array( LOG_EMERG => 'EMERGENCY', LOG_ALERT => 'ALERT', LOG_CRIT => 'CRITICAL', LOG_ERR => 'ERROR', LOG_WARNING => 'WARNING', LOG_NOTICE => 'NOTICE', LOG_INFO => 'INFO', LOG_DEBUG => 'DEBUG', ); /** * @var int Level to use for stack traces */ public static $strace_level = LOG_DEBUG; /** * Write an array of messages. * * $writer->write($messages); * * @param array $messages * @return void */ abstract public function write(array $messages); /** * Allows the writer to have a unique key when stored. * * echo $writer; * * @return string */ final public function __toString() { return spl_object_hash($this); } /** * Formats a log entry. * * @param array $message * @param string $format * @return string */ public function format_message(array $message, $format = "time --- level: body in file:line") { $message['time'] = Date::formatted_time('@'.$message['time'], Log_Writer::$timestamp, Log_Writer::$timezone, TRUE); $message['level'] = $this->_log_levels[$message['level']]; $string = strtr($format, $message); if (isset($message['additional']['exception'])) { // Re-use as much as possible, just resetting the body to the trace $message['body'] = $message['additional']['exception']->getTraceAsString(); $message['level'] = $this->_log_levels[Log_Writer::$strace_level]; $string .= PHP_EOL.strtr($format, $message); } return $string; } } // End Kohana_Log_Writer