<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct script access.');
 * Database query builder for UPDATE statements. See [Query Builder](/database/query/builder) for usage and examples.
 * @package    Kohana/Database
 * @category   Query
 * @author     Kohana Team
 * @copyright  (c) 2008-2009 Kohana Team
 * @license    http://kohanaphp.com/license
class Kohana_Database_Query_Builder_Update extends Database_Query_Builder_Where {

	// UPDATE ...
	protected $_table;

	// SET ...
	protected $_set = array();

	 * Set the table for a update.
	 * @param   mixed  $table  table name or array($table, $alias) or object
	 * @return  void
	public function __construct($table = NULL)
		if ($table)
			// Set the inital table name
			$this->_table = $table;

		// Start the query with no SQL
		return parent::__construct(Database::UPDATE, '');

	 * Sets the table to update.
	 * @param   mixed  $table  table name or array($table, $alias) or object
	 * @return  $this
	public function table($table)
		$this->_table = $table;

		return $this;

	 * Set the values to update with an associative array.
	 * @param   array   $pairs  associative (column => value) list
	 * @return  $this
	public function set(array $pairs)
		foreach ($pairs as $column => $value)
			$this->_set[] = array($column, $value);

		return $this;

	 * Set the value of a single column.
	 * @param   mixed  $column  table name or array($table, $alias) or object
	 * @param   mixed  $value   column value
	 * @return  $this
	public function value($column, $value)
		$this->_set[] = array($column, $value);

		return $this;

	 * Compile the SQL query and return it.
	 * @param   mixed  $db  Database instance or name of instance
	 * @return  string
	public function compile($db = NULL)
		if ( ! is_object($db))
			// Get the database instance
			$db = Database::instance($db);

		// Start an update query
		$query = 'UPDATE '.$db->quote_table($this->_table);

		// Add the columns to update
		$query .= ' SET '.$this->_compile_set($db, $this->_set);

		if ( ! empty($this->_where))
			// Add selection conditions
			$query .= ' WHERE '.$this->_compile_conditions($db, $this->_where);

		if ( ! empty($this->_order_by))
			// Add sorting
			$query .= ' '.$this->_compile_order_by($db, $this->_order_by);

		if ($this->_limit !== NULL)
			// Add limiting
			$query .= ' LIMIT '.$this->_limit;

		$this->_sql = $query;

		return parent::compile($db);

	public function reset()
		$this->_table = NULL;

		$this->_set   =
		$this->_where = array();

		$this->_limit = NULL;

		$this->_parameters = array();

		$this->_sql = NULL;

		return $this;

} // End Database_Query_Builder_Update