<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('Kohana bootstrap needs to be included before tests run'); /** * Tests the Validation lib that's shipped with Kohana * * @group kohana * @group kohana.core * @group kohana.core.validation * * @package Kohana * @category Tests * @author Kohana Team * @author BRMatt <matthew@sigswitch.com> * @copyright (c) 2008-2012 Kohana Team * @license http://kohanaframework.org/license */ class Kohana_ValidationTest extends Unittest_TestCase { /** * Tests Validation::factory() * * Makes sure that the factory method returns an instance of Validation lib * and that it uses the variables passed * * @test */ public function test_factory_method_returns_instance_with_values() { $values = array( 'this' => 'something else', 'writing tests' => 'sucks', 'why the hell' => 'amIDoingThis', ); $instance = Validation::factory($values); $this->assertTrue($instance instanceof Validation); $this->assertSame( $values, $instance->data() ); } /** * When we copy() a validation object, we should have a new validation object * with the exact same attributes, apart from the data, which should be the * same as the array we pass to copy() * * @test * @covers Validation::copy */ public function test_copy_copies_all_attributes_except_data() { $validation = new Validation(array('foo' => 'bar', 'fud' => 'fear, uncertainty, doubt', 'num' => 9)); $validation->rule('num', 'is_int')->rule('foo', 'is_string'); $copy_data = array('foo' => 'no', 'fud' => 'maybe', 'num' => 42); $copy = $validation->copy($copy_data); $this->assertNotSame($validation, $copy); foreach (array('_rules', '_bound', '_labels', '_empty_rules', '_errors') as $attribute) { // This is just an easy way to check that the attributes are identical // Without hardcoding the expected values $this->assertAttributeSame( self::readAttribute($validation, $attribute), $attribute, $copy ); } $this->assertSame($copy_data, $copy->data()); } /** * When the validation object is initially created there should be no labels * specified * * @test */ public function test_initially_there_are_no_labels() { $validation = new Validation(array()); $this->assertAttributeSame(array(), '_labels', $validation); } /** * Adding a label to a field should set it in the labels array * If the label already exists it should overwrite it * * In both cases thefunction should return a reference to $this * * @test * @covers Validation::label */ public function test_label_adds_and_overwrites_label_and_returns_this() { $validation = new Validation(array()); $this->assertSame($validation, $validation->label('email', 'Email Address')); $this->assertAttributeSame(array('email' => 'Email Address'), '_labels', $validation); $this->assertSame($validation, $validation->label('email', 'Your Email')); $validation->label('name', 'Your Name'); $this->assertAttributeSame( array('email' => 'Your Email', 'name' => 'Your Name'), '_labels', $validation ); } /** * Using labels() we should be able to add / overwrite multiple labels * * The function should also return $this for chaining purposes * * @test * @covers Validation::labels */ public function test_labels_adds_and_overwrites_multiple_labels_and_returns_this() { $validation = new Validation(array()); $initial_data = array('kung fu' => 'fighting', 'fast' => 'cheetah'); $this->assertSame($validation, $validation->labels($initial_data)); $this->assertAttributeSame($initial_data, '_labels', $validation); $this->assertSame($validation, $validation->labels(array('fast' => 'lightning'))); $this->assertAttributeSame( array('fast' => 'lightning', 'kung fu' => 'fighting'), '_labels', $validation ); } /** * Using bind() we should be able to add / overwrite multiple bound variables * * The function should also return $this for chaining purposes * * @test * @covers Validation::bind */ public function test_bind_adds_and_overwrites_multiple_variables_and_returns_this() { $validation = new Validation(array()); $data = array('kung fu' => 'fighting', 'fast' => 'cheetah'); $bound = array(':foo' => 'some value'); // Test binding an array of values $this->assertSame($validation, $validation->bind($bound)); $this->assertAttributeSame($bound, '_bound', $validation); // Test binding one value $this->assertSame($validation, $validation->bind(':foo', 'some other value')); $this->assertAttributeSame(array(':foo' => 'some other value'), '_bound', $validation); } /** * We should be able to used bound variables in callbacks * * @test * @covers Validation::check */ public function test_bound_callback() { $data = array( 'kung fu' => 'fighting', 'fast' => 'cheetah', ); $validation = new Validation($data); $validation->bind(':class', 'Valid') // Use the bound value in a callback ->rule('fast', array(':class', 'max_length'), array(':value', 2)); // The rule should have run and check() should fail $this->assertSame($validation->check(), FALSE); } /** * Provides test data for test_check * * @return array */ public function provider_check() { // $data_array, $rules, $labels, $first_expected, $expected_error return array( array( array('foo' => 'bar'), array('foo' => array(array('not_empty', NULL))), array(), TRUE, array(), ), array( array('unit' => 'test'), array( 'foo' => array(array('not_empty', NULL)), 'unit' => array(array('min_length', array(':value', 6)) ), ), array(), FALSE, array( 'foo' => 'foo must not be empty', 'unit' => 'unit must be at least 6 characters long' ), ), array( array('foo' => 'bar'), array( // Tests wildcard rules TRUE => array(array('min_length', array(':value', 4))), 'foo' => array( array('not_empty', NULL), // Tests the array syntax for callbacks array(array('Valid', 'exact_length'), array(':value', 3)), // Tests the Class::method syntax for callbacks array('Valid::exact_length', array(':value', 3)), // Tests the lambda function syntax for callbacks // Commented out for PHP 5.2 support // array(function($value){return TRUE;}, array(':value')), // Tests using a function as a rule array('is_string', array(':value')), ), // Tests that rules do not run on empty fields unless they are in _empty_rules 'unit' => array(array('exact_length', array(':value', 4))), ), array(), FALSE, array('foo' => 'foo must be at least 4 characters long'), ), // Switch things around and make :value an array array( array('foo' => array('test', 'data')), array('foo' => array(array('in_array', array('kohana', ':value')))), array(), FALSE, array('foo' => 'foo must be one of the available options'), ), // Test wildcard rules with no other rules array( array('foo' => array('test')), array(TRUE => array(array('is_string', array(':value')))), array('foo' => 'foo'), FALSE, array('foo' => '1.foo.is_string'), ), // Test array rules use method as error name array( array('foo' => 'test'), array('foo' => array(array(array('Valid', 'min_length'), array(':value', 10)))), array(), FALSE, array('foo' => 'foo must be at least 10 characters long'), ), ); } /** * Tests Validation::check() * * @test * @covers Validation::check * @covers Validation::rule * @covers Validation::rules * @covers Validation::errors * @covers Validation::error * @dataProvider provider_check * @param array $array The array of data * @param array $rules The array of rules * @param array $labels The array of labels * @param boolean $expected Is it valid? * @param boolean $expected_errors Array of expected errors */ public function test_check($array, $rules, $labels, $expected, $expected_errors) { $validation = new Validation($array); foreach ($labels as $field => $label) { $validation->label($field, $label); } foreach ($rules as $field => $field_rules) { foreach ($field_rules as $rule) $validation->rule($field, $rule[0], $rule[1]); } $status = $validation->check(); $errors = $validation->errors(TRUE); $this->assertSame($expected, $status); $this->assertSame($expected_errors, $errors); $validation = new validation($array); foreach ($rules as $field => $rules) { $validation->rules($field, $rules); } $validation->labels($labels); $this->assertSame($expected, $validation->check()); } /** * Tests Validation::check() * * @test * @covers Validation::check */ public function test_check_stops_when_error_added_by_callback() { $validation = new Validation(array( 'foo' => 'foo', )); $validation ->rule('foo', array($this, '_validation_callback'), array(':validation')) // This rule should never run ->rule('foo', 'min_length', array(':value', 20)); $validation->check(); $errors = $validation->errors(); $expected = array( 'foo' => array( 0 => '_validation_callback', 1 => NULL, ), ); $this->assertSame($errors, $expected); } public function _validation_callback(Validation $object) { // Simply add the error $object->error('foo', '_validation_callback'); } /** * Provides test data for test_errors() * * @return array */ public function provider_errors() { // [data, rules, expected], ... return array( // No Error array( array('username' => 'frank'), array('username' => array(array('not_empty', NULL))), array(), ), // Error from message file array( array('username' => ''), array('username' => array(array('not_empty', NULL))), array('username' => 'username must not be empty'), ), // No error message exists, display the path expected array( array('username' => 'John'), array('username' => array(array('strpos', array(':value', 'Kohana')))), array('username' => 'Validation.username.strpos'), ), ); } /** * Tests Validation::errors() * * @test * @covers Validation::errors * @dataProvider provider_errors * @param array $array The array of data * @param array $rules The array of rules * @param array $expected Array of expected errors */ public function test_errors($array, $rules, $expected) { $validation = Validation::factory($array); foreach ($rules as $field => $field_rules) { $validation->rules($field, $field_rules); } $validation->check(); $this->assertSame($expected, $validation->errors('Validation', FALSE)); // Should be able to get raw errors array $this->assertAttributeSame($validation->errors(NULL), '_errors', $validation); } /** * Provides test data for test_translated_errors() * * @return array */ public function provider_translated_errors() { // [data, rules, expected], ... return array( array( array('Spanish' => ''), array('Spanish' => array(array('not_empty', NULL))), // Errors are not translated yet so only the label will translate array('Spanish' => 'Español must not be empty'), array('Spanish' => 'Spanish must not be empty'), ), ); } /** * Tests Validation::errors() * * @test * @covers Validation::errors * @dataProvider provider_translated_errors * @param array $data The array of data to test * @param array $rules The array of rules to add * @param array $translated_expected The array of expected errors when translated * @param array $untranslated_expected The array of expected errors when not translated */ public function test_translated_errors($data, $rules, $translated_expected, $untranslated_expected) { $validation = Validation::factory($data); $current = i18n::lang(); i18n::lang('es'); foreach ($rules as $field => $field_rules) { $validation->rules($field, $field_rules); } $validation->check(); $result_1 = $validation->errors('Validation', TRUE); $result_2 = $validation->errors('Validation', 'en'); $result_3 = $validation->errors('Validation', FALSE); // Restore the current language i18n::lang($current); $this->assertSame($translated_expected, $result_1); $this->assertSame($translated_expected, $result_2); $this->assertSame($untranslated_expected, $result_3); } /** * Tests Validation::errors() * * @test * @covers Validation::errors */ public function test_parameter_labels() { $validation = Validation::factory(array('foo' => 'bar')) ->rule('foo', 'equals', array(':value', 'something')) ->label('something', 'Spanish'); $current = i18n::lang(); i18n::lang('es'); $validation->check(); $translated_expected = array('foo' => 'foo must equal Español'); $untranslated_expected = array('foo' => 'foo must equal Spanish'); $result_1 = $validation->errors('Validation', TRUE); $result_2 = $validation->errors('Validation', 'en'); $result_3 = $validation->errors('Validation', FALSE); // Restore the current language i18n::lang($current); $this->assertSame($translated_expected, $result_1); $this->assertSame($translated_expected, $result_2); $this->assertSame($untranslated_expected, $result_3); } /** * Tests Validation::errors() * * @test * @covers Validation::errors */ public function test_arrays_in_parameters() { $validation = Validation::factory(array('foo' => 'bar')) ->rule('foo', 'equals', array(':value', array('one', 'two'))); $validation->check(); $expected = array('foo' => 'foo must equal one, two'); $this->assertSame($expected, $validation->errors('Validation', FALSE)); } /** * Tests Validation::check() * * @test * @covers Validation::check */ public function test_data_stays_unaltered() { $validation = Validation::factory(array('foo' => 'bar')) ->rule('something', 'not_empty'); $before = $validation->data(); $validation->check(); $after = $validation->data(); $expected = array('foo' => 'bar'); $this->assertSame($expected, $before); $this->assertSame($expected, $after); } /** * Tests Validation::errors() * * @test * @covers Validation::errors */ public function test_object_parameters_not_in_messages() { $validation = Validation::factory(array('foo' => 'foo')) ->rule('bar', 'matches', array(':validation', ':field', 'foo')); $validation->check(); $errors = $validation->errors('validation'); $expected = array('bar' => 'bar must be the same as foo'); $this->assertSame($expected, $errors); } /** * Tests Validation::as_array() * * @test * @covers Validation::as_array */ public function test_as_array_returns_original_array() { $data = array( 'one' => 'hello', 'two' => 'world', 'ten' => '', ); $validation = Validation::factory($data); $this->assertSame($data, $validation->as_array()); } /** * Tests Validation::data() * * @test * @covers Validation::data */ public function test_data_returns_original_array() { $data = array( 'one' => 'hello', 'two' => 'world', 'ten' => '', ); $validation = Validation::factory($data); $this->assertSame($data, $validation->data()); } // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function test_offsetExists() // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { $array = array( 'one' => 'Hello', 'two' => 'World', 'ten' => NULL, ); $validation = Validation::factory($array); $this->assertTrue(isset($validation['one'])); $this->assertFalse(isset($validation['ten'])); $this->assertFalse(isset($validation['five'])); } // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function test_offsetSet_throws_exception() // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { $this->setExpectedException('Kohana_Exception'); $validation = Validation::factory(array()); // Validation is read-only $validation['field'] = 'something'; } // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function test_offsetGet() // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { $array = array( 'one' => 'Hello', 'two' => 'World', 'ten' => NULL, ); $validation = Validation::factory($array); $this->assertSame($array['one'], $validation['one']); $this->assertSame($array['two'], $validation['two']); $this->assertSame($array['ten'], $validation['ten']); } // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function test_offsetUnset() // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { $this->setExpectedException('Kohana_Exception'); $validation = Validation::factory(array( 'one' => 'Hello, World!', )); // Validation is read-only unset($validation['one']); } /** * http://dev.kohanaframework.org/issues/4365 * * @test * @covers Validation::errors */ public function test_error_type_check() { $array = array( 'email' => 'not an email address', ); $validation = Validation::factory($array) ->rule('email', 'not_empty') ->rule('email', 'email') ; $validation->check(); $errors = $validation->errors('tests/validation/error_type_check'); $this->assertSame($errors, $validation->errors('validation')); } /** * Provides test data for test_rule_label_regex * * @return array */ public function provider_rule_label_regex() { // $data, $field, $rules, $expected return array( array( array( 'email1' => '', ), 'email1', array( array( 'not_empty' ) ), array( 'email1' => 'email1 must not be empty' ), ) ); } /** * http://dev.kohanaframework.org/issues/4201 * * @test * @ticket 4201 * @covers Validation::rule * @dataProvider provider_rule_label_regex */ public function test_rule_label_regex($data, $field, $rules, $expected) { $validation = Validation::factory($data)->rules($field, $rules); $validation->check(); $errors = $validation->errors(''); $this->assertSame($errors, $expected); } }