<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');

 * This should test all our ORM methods
 * @package    Kohana/LDAP
 * @category   Test
 * @author     Deon George
 * @copyright  (c) 2013 phpLDAPadmin Development Team
 * @license    http://dev.phpldapadmin.org/license.html
 * @group      ldap
 * @group      ldap.server
Class LDAPorm extends Unittest_TestCase {
	function hosts() {
		return array(
	 * Test that we can connect to an LDAP server
	function testorm() {
		$x = ORM::factory('LDAP',NULL);


	function testormloaddn() {
		// @todo It would be nice if we auto connect as required.
		$y = LDAP::factory('auth');
		$y = LDAP::factory('user');

		$x = ORM::factory('LDAP','cn=Bart Simpson,ou=People,o=Simpsons');


	function testormdnval() {
		// @todo It would be nice if we auto connect as required.
		$y = LDAP::factory('auth');
		$y = LDAP::factory('user');

		$x = ORM::factory('LDAP','cn=Bart Simpson,ou=People,o=Simpsons');
		$this->assertEquals($x->cn['0'],'Bart Simpson');