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2014-02-07 23:34:37 +11:00

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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');
* Kohana ORM LDAP Extension
* @package LDAP/ORM
* @category Helpers
* @author Deon George
* @copyright (c) 2013 phpLDAPadmin Development Team
* @license
abstract class Kohana_ORM_LDAP extends ORM {
protected $_disable_wild_select = TRUE;
protected $_disable_join_table_name = TRUE;
protected $_primary_key = 'dn';
protected $_sub_items = array();
public function __construct($id = NULL) {
// We'll process our $id
if (empty($this->_cast_data) AND $id) {
if (is_array($id)) {
// Passing an array of column => values
foreach ($id as $column => $value)
$this->where($column, '=', $value);
} else {
// Passing the primary key
* Initializes the Database Builder to given query type
* @param integer $type Type of Database query
* @return ORM
protected function _build($type) {
// Construct new builder object based on query type
switch ($type) {
case Database::SELECT:
$this->_db_builder = new Database_LDAP_Search($this->_db,NULL);
throw HTTP_Exception::factory(501,'Unknown type :type',array(':type'=>$type));
// Process pending database method calls
foreach ($this->_db_pending as $method) {
$name = $method['name'];
$args = $method['args'];
$this->_db_applied[$name] = $name;
call_user_func_array(array($this->_db_builder, $name), $args);
return $this;
protected function _initialize() {
// Check if this model has already been initialized
if ($init = Arr::get(ORM::$_init_cache, $this->_object_name, FALSE)) {
// We need to make sure that our _db is an LDAP DB source.
if ( ! is_object($this->_db) OR ! $this->_db instanceof LDAP) {
// Get database instance
$init['_db'] = LDAP::factory('user',NULL,$this->_db_group);
ORM::$_init_cache[$this->_object_name] = $init;
$this->_db = $init['_db'];
public function base($value) {
// Add pending database call which is executed after query type is determined
$this->_db_pending[] = array(
'name' => 'base',
'args' => array(array($value)),
return $this;
* Handles getting of column
* We override Kohana's get() to allow for LDAP symantics.
* @param string $column Column name
* @throws Kohana_Exception
* @return mixed
public function get($column)
if (array_key_exists($column, $this->_object))
return (in_array($column, $this->_serialize_columns))
? $this->_unserialize_value($this->_object[$column])
: $this->_object[$column];
elseif (isset($this->_related[$column]))
// Return related model that has already been fetched
return $this->_related[$column];
elseif (isset($this->_belongs_to[$column]))
$model = $this->_related($column);
// Use this model's column and foreign model's primary key
$col = ($this->_disable_join_table_name ? '' : $model->_object_name.'.').$model->_primary_key;
$val = $this->_object[$this->_belongs_to[$column]['foreign_key']];
// Make sure we don't run WHERE "AUTO_INCREMENT column" = NULL queries. This would
// return the last inserted record instead of an empty result.
// See:
if ($val !== NULL)
$model->where($col, '=', $val)->find();
return $this->_related[$column] = $model;
elseif (isset($this->_has_one[$column]))
$model = $this->_related($column);
if (! is_array($this->_has_one[$column]['foreign_key']))
// Use this model's primary key value and foreign model's column
$col = ($this->_disable_join_table_name ? '' : $model->_object_name.'.').$this->_has_one[$column]['foreign_key'];
$val = $this->_object[$this->_has_one[$column]['far_key']];
$val = array_pop($val);
foreach ($this->_has_one[$column]['foreign_key'] as $fk)
// Simple has_many relationship, search where target model's foreign key is this model's primary key
$col = ($this->_disable_join_table_name ? '' : $model->_object_name.'.').$fk;
$val = $this->_object[$fk];
$model = $model->where($col, '=', $val);
if ($col = 'dn' AND $val)
$model->where($col, '=', $val)->find();
return $this->_related[$column] = $model;
elseif (isset($this->_has_many[$column]))
$model = ORM::factory($this->_has_many[$column]['model']);
if (! is_array($this->_has_many[$column]['foreign_key']))
if (isset($this->_has_many[$column]['through']))
// Grab has_many "through" relationship table
$through = $this->_has_many[$column]['through'];
// Join on through model's target foreign key (far_key) and target model's primary key
$join_col1 = ($this->_disable_join_table_name ? '' : $through.'.').$this->_has_many[$column]['far_key'];
$join_col2 = ($this->_disable_join_table_name ? '' : $model->_object_name.'.').$model->_primary_key;
$model->join($through)->on($join_col1, '=', $join_col2)
->on(($this->_disable_join_table_name ? '' : $through.'.').'site_id', '=', ($this->_disable_join_table_name ? '' : $model->_object_name.'.').'site_id');
// Through table's source foreign key (foreign_key) should be this model's primary key
$col = ($this->_disable_join_table_name ? '' : $through.'.').$this->_has_many[$column]['foreign_key'];
$val = $this->pk();
// Simple has_many relationship, search where target model's foreign key is this model's primary key
$col = ($this->_disable_join_table_name ? '' : $model->_object_name.'.').$this->_has_many[$column]['foreign_key'];
$val = $this->_object[$this->_has_many[$column]['far_key']];
return $model->where($col, '=', $val);
foreach ($this->_has_many[$column]['foreign_key'] as $mk => $fk)
if (isset($this->_has_many[$column]['through']))
throw new Kohana_Exception('This code hasnt been written yet!');
// Simple has_many relationship, search where target model's foreign key is this model's primary key
$col = ($this->_disable_join_table_name ? '' : $model->_object_name.'.').$fk;
$val = $this->_object[$mk];
$model = $model->where($col, '=', $val);
return $model;
throw new Kohana_Exception('The :property property does not exist in the :class class',
array(':property' => $column, ':class' => get_class($this)));