true, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | File path where themes will be located. | Can be outside default views path EG: resources/themes | Leave it null if you place your themes in the default views folder | (as defined in config\views.php) |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'themes_path' => realpath(base_path('resources/theme')), // eg: realpath(base_path('resources/themes')) /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Set behavior if an asset is not found in a Theme hierarcy. | Available options: THROW_EXCEPTION | LOG_ERROR | ASSUME_EXISTS | IGNORE |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'asset_not_found' => 'THROW_EXCEPTION', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Set the Active Theme. Can be set at runtime with: | Themes::set('theme-name'); |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'active' => 'metronic-fe', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Define available themes. Format: | | 'theme-name' => [ | 'extends' => 'theme-to-extend', // optional | 'views-path' => 'path-to-views', // defaults to: resources/views/theme-name | 'asset-path' => 'path-to-assets', // defaults to: public/theme-name | | // you can add your own custom keys and retrieve them with Theme::getSetting('key'); | 'key' => 'value', | ], | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'themes' => [ 'adminlte-be' => [ 'extends' => null, 'views-path' => 'backend/adminlte', 'asset-path' => 'theme/backend/adminlte', ], 'metronic-fe' => [ 'extends' => null, 'views-path' => 'frontend/metronic', 'asset-path' => 'theme/frontend/metronic', ], 'metronic-be' => [ 'extends' => null, 'views-path' => 'backend/metronic', 'asset-path' => 'theme/backend/metronic', ], 'sbadmin-be' => [ 'extends' => null, 'views-path' => 'backend/sbadmin', 'asset-path' => 'theme/backend/sbadmin', ], ], ];