array('foreign_key'=>'id','far_key'=>'admin_id'), 'country'=>array('foreign_key'=>'id','far_key'=>'country_id'), 'language'=>array('foreign_key'=>'id','far_key'=>'language_id'), ); protected $_has_many = array( 'dates'=>array('model'=>'Site_Dates','far_key'=>'id','foreign_key'=>'site_id'), 'rooms'=>array('far_key'=>'id','foreign_key'=>'site_id'), ); protected $_compress_column = array( 'module_config', 'site_details', ); // Validation rules public function rules() { $x = Arr::merge(parent::rules(), array( 'url' => array( array('not_empty'), array('min_length', array(':value', 8)), array('max_length', array(':value', 127)), array('url'), ), )); // This module doesnt use site_id. unset($x['site_id']); return $x; } /** * Get/Set Module Configuration * * @param $key Module name. * @param $value Values to store. If NULL, retrieves the value stored, otherwise stores value. */ public function module_config($key,array $value=NULL) { // If we are not loaded, we dont have any config. if (! $this->loaded() OR (is_null($value) AND ! $this->module_config)) return array(); $mo = ORM::factory('Module',array('name'=>$key)); if (! $mo->loaded()) throw new Kohana_Exception('Unknown module :name',array(':name'=>$key)); $mc = $this->module_config ? $this->module_config : array(); // If $value is NULL, we are a getter if ($value === NULL) return empty($mc[$mo->id]) ? array() : $mc[$mo->id]; // Store new value $mc[$mo->id] = $value; $this->module_config = $mc; return $this; } public function module_config_id($key=NULL) { $result = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->module_config) as $mid) { if (is_null($key) OR $key == $mid) { $result[$mid] = array( 'object'=>ORM::factory('Module',$mid), 'data'=>$this->module_config[$mid], ); // If we are just after our key, we can continue here if ($key AND $key==$mid) break; } } return $result; } public function open_dates($date,$days=0) { $result = array(); $date_end = $date+$days*86400; foreach ($this->dates->where('code','=','O')->where_startstop($date,$date_end)->find_all() as $o) while ($date<$date_end) { // If we havent made the start date yet, we need to advance if ($o->date_start > $date AND $o->date_stop > $date_end) { $result[$date] = FALSE; $date += 86400; continue; } // Check that this record covers our current date if ($o->date_stop < $date) break; $result[$date] = $o->open(date('w',$date)) ? TRUE : FALSE; $date += 86400; } // If we broke out and our date $days hasnt ben evaluated, we are closed while ($date<$date_end) { $result[$date] = FALSE; $date += 86400; } return $result; } /** * Get/Set our Site Configuration from the DB * * @param $key Key * @param $value Values to store. If NULL, retrieves the value stored, otherwise stores value. */ public function site_details($key,array $value=NULL) { if (! in_array($key,array('name','address1','address2','city','state','pcode','phone','fax','email','faqurl'))) throw new Kohana_Exception('Unknown Site Configuration Key :key',array(':key'=>$key)); // If $value is NULL, we are a getter if ($value === NULL) return empty($this->site_details[$key]) ? '' : $this->site_details[$key]; // Store new value $sc[$key] = $value; return $this; } } ?>