
return [

    | Invite Table Name
    'invite_table_name' => 'invites',

     | Invite Model Class
     | This option allows you to override the default model.
     | Your model MUST extend the base Invite model.
     | Default: Clarkeash\Doorman\Models\Invite::class
    'invite_model' => Clarkeash\Doorman\Models\Invite::class,

    | Default Code Generator
    | This option controls how the invite codes are generated.
    | You should adjust this based on your needs.
    | Supported: "basic", "uuid"
    'driver' => env('DOORMAN_DRIVER', 'basic'),

    | Driver Configurations
    | Here are each of the driver configurations for your application.
    | You can customize should your application require it.
    'basic' => [
        'length' => 6,

    | UUID
    | supported versions: 1,3,4,5
    | Versions 3 & 5, require 'namespace' and 'name' to be set
    'uuid' => [
        'version' => 4,
