
namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Igaster\LaravelTheme\Facades\Theme;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

use App\Models\{Account,Product,Service};
use App\User;

class OrderController extends Controller
	public function index()
		return view('order');

	public function product_order(Product $o)

		return view('widgets.product_order',['o'=>$o]);

	public function product_info(Product $o)

		return view('widgets.product_description',['o'=>$o]);

	public function submit(Request $request)
			// Reseller
			->sometimes('account_id','required|email',function($input) use ($request) {
				return is_null($input->account_id) AND is_null($input->order_email_manual);
			// Un-Authed User
			->sometimes('order_email_manual','required|email|unique:users,email,NULL,id',function($input) use ($request) {
				return (is_null($input->order_email_manual) AND ! isset($input->account_id)) OR $input->order_email_manual;
			// Authed User
			->sometimes('account_id','required|email',function($input) use ($request) {
				return is_null($input->account_id) AND ! isset($input->order_email_manual);

		// Check the plugin details.
		$po = Product::findOrFail($request->input('product_id'));

		// Check we have the custom attributes for the product
		$options = $po->orderValidation($request);

		$uo = User::firstOrNew(['email'=>$request->input('order_email') ?: $request->input('order_email_manual')]);

		// If this is a new client
		if (! $uo->exists)
			// @todo Make this automatic
			$uo->site_id = config('SITE_SETUP')->id;
			$uo->active = FALSE;
			$uo->firstname = '';
			$uo->lastname = '';
			$uo->country_id = config('SITE_SETUP')->country_id; // @todo This might be wrong
			$uo->parent_id = Auth::id() ?: 1; // @todo This should be configured to a default user
			$uo->active = 1;

		// If we have a new account.
		if (is_null($request->input('account_id')))
			$ao = new Account;
			//$ao->id = Account::NextId();
			// @todo Make this automatic
			$ao->site_id = config('SITE_SETUP')->id;
			$ao->country_id = config('SITE_SETUP')->country_id; // @todo This might be wrong
			$ao->language_id = config('SITE_SETUP')->language_id; // @todo This might be wrong
			$ao->currency_id = config('SITE_SETUP')->currency_id; // @todo This might be wrong
			$ao->active = 1;

		} else {
			// @todo This logic may be wrong, if account_id is not set, it'll pick the first account, which may be wrong.
			$ao = $request->input('account_id')
				? $uo->accounts->where('account_id',$request->input('account_id'))
				: $uo->accounts->first();

		$so = new Service;

		// @todo Make this automatic
		$so->site_id = config('SITE_SETUP')->id;
		$so->product_id = $request->input('product_id');
		$so->order_status = 'ORDER-SUBMIT';
		$so->orderby_id = Auth::id();

		if ($options->order_info)
			$so->order_info = $options->order_info;

		$so = $ao->services()->save($so);

		if ($options instanceOf Model) {
			$options->service_id = $so->id;

		return view('order_received',['o'=>$so]);