<?php namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Interfaces\IDs; use App\Traits\NextKey; /** * Class Product * Products that are available to sale, and appear on invoices * * Attributes for products: * + lid : Local ID for product (part number) * * @package App\Models */ class Product extends Model implements IDs { use HasFactory,NextKey; const RECORD_ID = 'product'; public $incrementing = FALSE; const CREATED_AT = 'date_orig'; const UPDATED_AT = 'date_last'; public $dateFormat = 'U'; protected $table = 'ab_product'; protected $casts = [ // @todo convert existing data to a json array // 'price_group'=>'array', ]; protected $with = ['descriptions']; /* RELATIONS */ public function descriptions() { return $this->hasMany(ProductTranslate::class); } public function services() { return $this->hasMany(Service::class); } /** * Return a child model with details of the service * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo */ public function type() { return $this->morphTo(null,'model','prod_plugin_data'); } /* ATTRIBUTES */ /** * Get the service category (from the product) * * @return string */ public function getCategoryAttribute() { return $this->prod_plugin_file ?: 'Other'; } public function getContractTermAttribute() { switch ($this->prod_plugin_file) { case 'ADSL': return $this->plugin()->contract_term; // @todo Incorporate into DB case 'VOIP': return 12; // @todo Change this after contracts implemented. default: return 'TBA'; } } public function getDefaultBillingAttribute() { return Arr::get($this->PricePeriods(),$this->price_recurr_default); } public function getDefaultCostAttribute() { // @todo Integrate this into a Tax::class return Arr::get($this->price_array,sprintf('%s.1.price_base',$this->price_recurr_default))*1.1; } private function getDefaultLanguage() { return config('site')->language; } public function getDescriptionAttribute() { // @todo If the user has selected a specific language. return $this->description($this->getDefaultLanguage()); } /** * Product Local ID * * @return string */ public function getLIDattribute(): string { return sprintf('%04s',$this->id); } public function getMinimumCostAttribute() { $table = [ 0=>4, 1=>1, 2=>1/3, 3=>1/6, 4=>1/12, 5=>1/24, 6=>1/36, 7=>1/48, 8=>1/60, ]; return $this->setup_cost + ( $this->default_cost * Arr::get($table,$this->price_recurr_default) * $this->contract_term); } public function getNameAttribute(Language $lo=NULL) { if (is_null($lo)) $lo = $this->getDefaultLanguage(); return $this->descriptions->where('language_id',$lo->id)->first()->description_short; } public function getNameShortAttribute(Language $lo=NULL) { if (is_null($lo)) $lo = $this->getDefaultLanguage(); return $this->descriptions->where('language_id',$lo->id)->first()->name; } public function getProductTypeAttribute() { return $this->plugin()->product->name; } public function getPriceArrayAttribute() { try { return unserialize($this->attributes['price_group']); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::debug('Problem with Price array in product ',['pid'=>$this->id]); return []; } } public function getPriceTypeAttribute() { $table = [ 0=>_('One-time Charge'), 1=>_('Recurring Membership/Subscription'), 2=>_('Trial for Membership/Subscription'), ]; } public function getProductIdAttribute() { return sprintf('#%04s',$this->id); } public function getSetupCostAttribute() { // @todo Integrate this into a Tax::class return Arr::get($this->price_array,sprintf('%s.1.price_setup',$this->price_recurr_default))*1.1; } /** * Product System ID * * @return string */ public function getSIDattribute(): string { return sprintf('%02s-%s',$this->site_id,$this->getLIDattribute()); } /** * Return if this product captures usage data * * @return bool */ public function hasUsage(): bool { // @todo This should be configured in the DB return in_array($this->model, ['App\Models\Product\Adsl']); } public function scopeActive() { return $this->where('active',TRUE); } public function description(Language $lo=NULL) { if (is_null($lo)) $lo = $this->getDefaultLanguage(); return $this->descriptions->where('language_id',$lo->id)->first()->description_full; } public function orderValidation(Request $request) { return $this->plugin()->orderValidation($request); } private function plugin() { switch ($this->prod_plugin_file) { case 'ADSL': return AdslPlan::findOrFail($this->prod_plugin_data); case 'VOIP': return new PlanVoip; } } /** * Get the price for this product based on the period being requested. * * If the price period doesnt exist, we'll take the default period (0) which should. * * @param int $period * @return mixed */ public function price(int $period,string $key='price_base') { return Arr::get( $this->price_array, sprintf('%s.1.%s',$period,$key), Arr::get($this->price_array,sprintf('%s.0.%s',$period,$key)) ); } public function PricePeriods() { return [ 0=>_('Weekly'), 1=>_('Monthly'), 2=>_('Quarterly'), 3=>_('Semi-Annually'), 4=>_('Annually'), 5=>_('Two years'), 6=>_('Three Years'), 7=>_('Four Years'), 8=>_('Five Years'), ]; } /** * Get the product name * * @param Language $lo * @return string Product Name */ public function name(Language $lo=NULL) { if (is_null($lo)) $lo = $this->getDefaultLanguage(); return $this->descriptions->where('language_id',$lo->id)->first()->name; } }