
namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;

use App\Http\Requests\ServiceChangeRequest;
use App\Mail\{CancelRequest,ChangeRequest};
use App\Models\{Charge,Invoice,Product,Service};

class ServiceController extends Controller

	 * Cancel a request to cancel a service
	 * @param Service $o
	 * @return bool
	private function action_cancel_cancel(Service $o): bool
		if (! $o->order_info)
			$o->order_info = collect();

		$o->order_info->put('cancel_cancel',Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
		$o->order_status = 'ACTIVE';

		return $o->save();

	private function action_cancel_pending_enter(Service $o): bool
		$o->order_status = 'CANCEL-PENDING';

		return $o->save();

	private function action_cancelled(Service $o): bool
		$o->order_status = 'CANCELLED';
		$o->active = FALSE;

		return $o->save();

	 * Cancel a request to change a service
	 * @param Service $o
	 * @return bool
	private function action_change_cancel(Service $o): bool
		if (! $o->order_info)
			$o->order_info = collect();

		// @todo add some validation if this doesnt return a result
		$np = $o->changes()->where('service__change.active',TRUE)->where('complete',FALSE)->get()->pop();
		$np->pivot->active = FALSE;

		$o->order_status = 'ACTIVE';

		return $o->save();

	 * Action to change a service order_status to another stage
	 * This is a generic function that can redirect the user to a page that is required to completed to enter
	 * the new stage
	 * @param Service $o
	 * @param string  $stage
	 * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
	private function action_request_enter_redirect(Service $o,string $stage)
		return redirect(sprintf('u/service/%d/%s',$o->id,strtolower($stage)));


	public function change_pending(ServiceChangeRequest $request,Service $o)
		// @todo add some validation if this doesnt return a result
		$np = $o->changes()->where('service__change.active',TRUE)->where('complete',FALSE)->get()->pop();

		if ($request->post()) {
			foreach ($this->service_change_charges($request,$o) as $co)

			$o->product_id = Arr::get($request->broadband,'product_id');
			$o->price = Arr::get($request->broadband,'price');
			$o->order_status = 'ACTIVE';

			$np->pivot->complete = TRUE;
			$np->pivot->effective_at = Carbon::now();

			return redirect()->to(url('u/service',[$o->id]));

		return view('theme.backend.adminlte.service.change_pending')

	 * Process a request to cancel a service
	 * @param Request $request
	 * @param Service $o
	 * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View|RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
	public function cancel_request(Request $request,Service $o)
		if ($request->post()) {

			if (! $o->order_info)
				$o->order_info = collect();

			$o->stop_at = $request->stop_at;
			$o->order_status = 'CANCEL-REQUEST';

			//@todo Get email from DB.
				->queue((new CancelRequest($o,$request->notes))->onQueue('email'));

			return redirect('u/service/'.$o->id)->with('success','Cancellation lodged');

		return view('theme.backend.adminlte.service.cancel_request')

	 * Change the status of a service
	 * @todo This needs to be optimized
	 * @note This route is protected by middleware @see ServicePolicy::progress()
	 *       It is assumed that the next stage is valid for the services current stage - validated in ServicePolicy::progress()
	 * @param Service $o
	 * @param string  $stage
	 * @return RedirectResponse
	public function change(Service $o,string $stage): RedirectResponse
		// While stage has a string value, that indicates the next stage we want to go to
		// If stage is NULL, the current stage hasnt been completed
		// If stage is FALSE, then the current stage failed, and may optionally be directed to another stage.

		while ($stage) {
			// Check that stage is a valid next action for the user currently performing it
			//$current = $this->getStageParameters($this->order_status);
			$next = $o->getStageParameters($stage);

			// If valid, call the method to confirm that the current stage is complete
			if ($x=$next->get('enter_method')) {
				if (! method_exists($this,$x))
					abort(500,sprintf('ENTER_METHOD [%s]defined doesnt exist',$x));

				Log::debug(sprintf('Running ENTER_METHOD [%s] on Service [%d] to go to stage [%s]',$x,$o->id,$stage));

				// @todo Should call exit_method of the current stage first, to be sure we can change

				try {
					$result = $this->{$x}($o,$stage);

					// If we have a form to complete, we need to return with a URL, so we can catch that with an Exception
				} catch (HttpException $e) {
					if ($e->getStatusCode() == 301)
						return ($e->getMessage());

				// An Error Condition
				if (is_null($result))
					return redirect()->to('u/service/'.$o->id);

				elseif ($result instanceof RedirectResponse)
					return $result;

				// The service cannot enter the next stage
				elseif (! $result)
					abort(500,'Current Method FAILED: '.$result);

			} else {
				$o->order_status = $stage;

				if ($stage == 'ACTIVE')
					$o->active = TRUE;


			// If valid, call the method to start the next stage
			$stage = '';        // @todo this is temporary, we havent written the code to automatically jump to the next stage if wecan

		return redirect()->to('u/service/'.$o->id);

	 * Process a request to cancel a service
	 * @param Request $request
	 * @param Service $o
	 * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View|RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
	public function change_request(Request $request,Service $o)
		if ($request->post()) {

				'site_id'=> $o->site_id,
				'ordered_by' => Auth::id(),
				'ordered_at' => Carbon::now(),
				'effective_at' => $request->change_date,
				'product_id' => $request->product_id,
				'notes' => $request->notes,
				'active' => TRUE,
				'complete' => FALSE,

			$o->order_status = 'CHANGE-REQUEST';

			//@todo Get email from DB.
				->queue((new ChangeRequest($o,$request->notes))->onQueue('email'));

			return redirect('u/service/'.$o->id)->with('success','Upgrade requested');

		switch (get_class($o->type)) {
				return view('theme.backend.adminlte.service.change_request')

	 * List all the domains managed by the user
	 * @return View
	 * @todo revalidate
	public function domain_list(): View
		$o = Service\Domain::ServiceActive()

		return view('theme.backend.adminlte.service.domain.list')

	public function email_list(): View
		$o = Service\Email::ServiceActive()

		return view('theme.backend.adminlte.service.email.list')

	 * Return details on the users service
	 * @param Service $o
	 * @return View
	public function home(Service $o): View
		return view('theme.backend.adminlte.service.home')

	public function hosting_list(): View
		$o = Service\Host::ServiceActive()

		return view('theme.backend.adminlte.service.hosting.list')

	private function service_change_charges(Request $request,Service $o): Collection
		$charges = collect();
		$po = Product::findOrFail(Arr::get($request->broadband,'product_id'));
		$start_at = Carbon::create(Arr::get($request->broadband,'start_at'));

		// Get the invoiced items covering the start_at date
		foreach ($o->invoiced_items->filter(function($item) use ($start_at) {
			return ($item->start_at < $start_at) && ($item->stop_at > $start_at) && ($item->item_type === 0);
		}) as $iio)
			// Reverse the original charge
			$co = new Charge;
			$co->active = TRUE;
			$co->service_id = $o->id;
			$co->account_id = $o->account_id;
			$co->sweep_type = 6;
			$co->product_id = $iio->product_id;
			$co->description = 'Plan Upgrade Adjustment';
			$co->user_id = Auth::id();
			$co->type = $iio->item_type;
			$co->start_at = $start_at;
			$co->stop_at = $iio->stop_at;
			$co->amount = $iio->price_base;
			$co->taxable = TRUE;		// @todo this should be determined
			$co->quantity = -1*$start_at->diffInDays($iio->stop_at)/$iio->start_at->diffInDays($iio->stop_at);

			// Add the new charge
			$co = new Charge;
			$co->active = TRUE;
			$co->service_id = $o->id;
			$co->account_id = $o->account_id;
			$co->sweep_type = 6;
			$co->product_id = $po->id;
			$co->description = 'Plan Upgrade Adjustment';
			$co->user_id = Auth::id();
			$co->type = $iio->item_type;
			$co->start_at = $start_at;
			$co->stop_at = $iio->stop_at;
			$co->amount = Arr::get($request->broadband,'price') ?: $po->base_charge;
			$co->taxable = TRUE;		// @todo this should be determined
			$co->quantity = $start_at->diffInDays($iio->stop_at)/$iio->start_at->diffInDays($iio->stop_at);

		// Add any fee
		if (Arr::get($request->broadband,'change_fee')) {
			$co = new Charge;
			$co->active = TRUE;
			$co->service_id = $o->id;
			$co->account_id = $o->account_id;
			$co->sweep_type = 6;
			$co->product_id = $po->id;
			$co->description = 'Plan Upgrade Fee';
			$co->user_id = Auth::id();
			$co->type = 3;
			$co->start_at = $start_at;
			$co->stop_at = $start_at;
			$co->amount = Arr::get($request->broadband,'change_fee');
			$co->taxable = TRUE;		// @todo this should be determined
			$co->quantity = 1;

		return $charges;

	 * This is an API method, that works with service change - to return the new charges as a result of changing a service
	 * @param Request $request
	 * @param Service $o
	 * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View
	public function service_change_charges_display(Request $request,Service $o)
		return view('theme.backend.adminlte.a.charge.service_change')

	 * Update details about a service
	 * @param Request $request
	 * @param Service $o
	 * @return RedirectResponse
	 * @throws ValidationException
	public function update(Request $request,Service $o)

		// We dynamically create our validation
		$validator = Validator::make(
					? preg_replace('/^exclude_without:/',sprintf('exclude_without:%s.',$o->product->category),$item)
					: $item)
						'external_billing' => 'nullable|in:on',
						'suspend_billing' => 'nullable|in:on',
						'recur_schedule' => ['required',Rule::in(collect(Invoice::billing_periods)->keys())],
						'invoice_next_at' => 'nullable|date',
						'price' => 'nullable|numeric',
						$o->product->category => 'array|min:1',

		if ($validator->fails()) {
			return redirect()

		$validated = collect($validator->validated());

		// Store our service type values

		// Some special handling
		switch ($o->product->category) {
			case 'broadband':
				// If pppoe is not set, then we dont need username/password
				$o->type->pppoe = ($x=data_get($validated,$o->product->category.'.pppoe',FALSE));

				if (! $x) {
					$o->type->service_username = NULL;
					$o->type->service_password = NULL;



		if ($validated->has('invoice_next_at'))
			$o->invoice_next_at = $validated?->get('invoice_next_at');

		if ($validated->has('recur_schedule'))
			$o->recur_schedule = $validated->get('recur_schedule');

		$o->suspend_billing = ($validated->get('suspend_billing') == 'on');
		$o->external_billing = ($validated->get('external_billing') == 'on');
		$o->price = $validated->get('price');

		// Also update our service start_at date.
		// @todo We may want to make start_at/stop_at dynamic values calculated by the type records
		if ($validated->has('start_at'))
			$o->start_at = $validated->get('start_at');

		else {
			// For broadband, start_at is connect_at in the type record
			switch ($o->product->category) {
				case 'broadband':
					$o->start_at = $o->type->connect_at;


		return redirect()
			->with('success','Record Updated');