<?php namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use App\Traits\NextKey; class Service extends Model { use NextKey; public $incrementing = FALSE; const CREATED_AT = 'date_orig'; const UPDATED_AT = 'date_last'; protected $table = 'ab_service'; protected $with = ['product.descriptions','account.language']; protected $dates = ['date_last_invoice','date_next_invoice']; public $dateFormat = 'U'; protected $casts = [ 'order_info'=>'array', ]; protected $appends = [ 'account_name', 'admin_service_id_url', 'name_short', 'next_invoice', 'product_category', 'product_name', 'service_id', 'service_id_url', 'status', ]; protected $visible = [ 'account_name', 'admin_service_id_url', 'active', 'data_orig', 'id', 'name_short', 'next_invoice', 'product_category', 'product_name', 'service_id', 'service_id_url', 'status', ]; private $inactive_status = [ 'CANCELLED', 'ORDER-REJECTED', 'ORDER-CANCELLED', ]; private $valid_status = [ // Order Submitted 'ORDER-SUBMIT' => ['approve'=>'ORDER-SENT','hold'=>'ORDER-HOLD','reject'=>'ORDER-REJECTED','cancel'=>'ORDER-CANCELLED'], // Order On Hold (Reason) 'ORDER-HOLD' => ['release'=>'ORDER-SUBMIT','update_reference'=>'ORDER-SENT'], // Order Rejected (Reason) 'ORDER-REJECTED' => [], // Order Cancelled 'ORDER-CANCELLED' => [], // Order Sent to Supplier 'ORDER-SENT' => ['update_reference'=>'ORDER-SENT','confirm'=>'ORDERED'], // Order Confirmed by Supplier 'ORDERED' => ['update_reference'=>'ORDER-SENT'], ]; /** * Account the service belongs to * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function account() { return $this->belongsTo(Account::class); } /** * Account that ordered the service * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function orderedby() { return $this->belongsTo(Account::class); } /** * Tenant that the service belongs to * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function site() { return $this->belongsTo(Site::class); } /** * Product of the service * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function product() { return $this->belongsTo(Product::class); } public function type() { return $this->morphTo(null,'model','id','service_id'); } /** * Only query active categories */ public function scopeActive($query) { return $query->where(function () use ($query) { $query->where('active',TRUE)->orWhereNotIn('order_status',$this->inactive_status); }); } /** * Find inactive services. * * @param $query * @return mixed */ public function scopeInActive($query) { return $query->where(function () use ($query) { $query->where('active',FALSE)->orWhereIn('order_status',$this->inactive_status); }); } /** * Name of the account for this service * * @return mixed */ public function getAccountNameAttribute() { return $this->account->name; } /** * Get the Product's Category for this service * */ public function getProductCategoryAttribute(): string { return $this->product->category; } /** * Get the Product's Short Name for the service * * @return string */ public function getProductNameAttribute(): string { return $this->product->name($this->account->language); } /** * Return the short name for the service. * EG: * For ADSL, this would be the phone number, * For Hosting, this would be the domain name, etc */ public function getNameShortAttribute() { return $this->model ? $this->type->name : NULL; } /** * Return the date for the next invoice * * @return null */ public function getNextInvoiceAttribute() { return $this->date_next_invoice ? $this->date_next_invoice->format('Y-m-d') : NULL; } //@todo public function getAdminServiceIdUrlAttribute() { return sprintf('<a href="/a/service/%s">%s</a>',$this->id,$this->service_id); } /** * This function will present the Order Info Details */ public function getOrderInfoDetailsAttribute(): string { if (! $this->order_info) return ''; $result = ''; foreach ($this->order_info as $k=>$v) { if (in_array($k,['order_reference'])) continue; $result .= sprintf('%s: <b>%s</b><br>',ucfirst($k),$v); } return $result; } public function getServiceExpireAttribute() { return 'TBA'; } public function getServiceIdAttribute() { return sprintf('%02s-%04s.%05s',$this->site_id,$this->account_id,$this->id); } public function getServiceIdUrlAttribute() { return sprintf('<a href="/u/service/%s">%s</a>',$this->id,$this->service_id); } public function getServiceNumberAttribute() { return sprintf('%02s.%04s.%04s',$this->site_id,$this->account_id,$this->id); } public function getStatusAttribute() { if (! $this->order_status) return $this->active ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'; return in_array($this->order_status,['ORDER-SENT','ORDER-HOLD','ORDERED']) ? sprintf('%s: <span class="white-space: nowrap"><small><b>#%s</b></small></span>',$this->order_status,array_get($this->order_info,'order_reference','Unknown')) : $this->order_status; } public function setDateOrigAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['date_orig'] = $value->timestamp; } public function setDateLastAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['date_last'] = $value->timestamp; } public function isActive() { return $this->active OR ($this->order_status AND ! in_array($this->order_status,$this->inactive_status)); } public function nextStatus(string $status) { if ($x=$this->validStatus($status)) { $this->order_status = $x; $this->save(); return $this; } abort(500,'Next Status not set up for:'.$this->order_status); } /** * This function will return the associated service model for the product type */ private function ServicePlugin() { // @todo: All services should be linked to a product. This might require data cleaning for old services not linked to a product. if (! is_object($this->product)) return NULL; switch ($this->product->prod_plugin_file) { case 'ADSL': return $this->service_adsl; case 'DOMAIN': return $this->service_domain; case 'HOST': return $this->service_host; case 'SSL': return $this->service_ssl; case 'VOIP': return $this->service_voip; default: return NULL; } } /** * Return if the proposed status is valid. * * @param string $status * @return string | NULL */ public function validStatus(string $status) { return array_get(array_get($this->valid_status,$this->order_status,[]),$status,NULL); } }