<?php namespace App\Console\Commands; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use QuickBooksOnline\API\Data\IPPEmailAddress; use QuickBooksOnline\API\Data\IPPPhysicalAddress; use App\Classes\External\Accounting\Quickbooks; use App\Models\{Account,External\Integrations,User}; class QuickAccounts extends Command { /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'external:sync:accounts {--m|match : Match Display Name}'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Sync Account numbers with External Sources'; /** * Create a new command instance. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed * @throws \Exception */ public function handle() { foreach (Integrations::active()->type('ACCOUNTING')->get() as $into) { switch ($into->name) { case 'quickbooks': $api = new Quickbooks($into->user); break; default: throw new \Exception('No handler for: ',$into-name); } foreach ($api->getCustomers(TRUE) as $r) { $this->info(sprintf('Checking [%s] (%s)',$r->Id,$r->DisplayName)); if ($r->Notes == 'Cash Only') { $this->warn(sprintf('Skipping [%s] (%s)',$r->Id,$r->DisplayName)); continue; } if (! $this->option('match') AND (! $r->CompanyName AND (! $r->FamilyName AND ! $r->GivenName))) { $this->error(sprintf('No COMPANY or PERSONAL details for [%s] (%s)',$r->Id,$r->DisplayName)); continue; } if ($this->option('match')) { $ao = Account::where('company',$r->DisplayName); if (! $ao->count()) { $uo = User::where('lastname',$r->FamilyName); if ($r->GivenName) $uo->where('firstname',$r->GivenName); if ($uo->count() > 1 OR (! $uo->count())) { $this->error(sprintf('No SINGLE Users matched for [%s] (%s)',$r->Id,$r->DisplayName)); continue; } $uo = $uo->first(); $ao = $uo->accounts->where('active',TRUE); } } else { if ($r->CompanyName) { $ao = Account::where('company',$this->option('match') ? $r->DisplayName : $r->CompanyName); } else { $uo = User::where('lastname',$r->FamilyName); if ($r->GivenName) $uo->where('firstname',$r->GivenName); if ($uo->count() > 1 OR (! $uo->count())) { $this->error(sprintf('No SINGLE matched for [%s] (%s)',$r->Id,$r->DisplayName)); continue; } $uo = $uo->first(); $ao = $uo->accounts->where('active',TRUE); } } if (! $ao->count()) { $this->error(sprintf('No Accounts matched for [%s] (%s)',$r->Id,$r->DisplayName)); continue; } if ($ao->count() > 1) { $this->error(sprintf('Too Many Accounts (%s) matched for [%s] (%s)',$ao->count(),$r->Id,$r->DisplayName)); continue; } $ao = $ao->first(); // If we are matching on DisplayName, make sure the account is updated correct for Business or Personal Accounts $oldr = clone $r; // @NOTE: This overwrites the ABN if it exists. if ($r->PrimaryTaxIdentifier) { $this->warn(sprintf('ABN Overwrite for (%s)',$r->DisplayName)); } switch ($ao->type) { case 'Business': $r->CompanyName = $ao->company; $r->ResaleNum = $ao->AccountId; $r->SalesTermRef = '7'; // @todo if ($ao->first_name) $r->GivenName = chop($ao->user->firstname); // @todo shouldnt be required if ($ao->last_name) $r->FamilyName = $ao->user->lastname; if ($ao->address1) { if (! $r->BillAddr) $r->BillAddr = new IPPPhysicalAddress; $r->BillAddr->Line1 = $ao->user->address1; $r->BillAddr->Line2 = $ao->user->address2; $r->BillAddr->City = $ao->user->city; $r->BillAddr->CountrySubDivisionCode = strtoupper($ao->user->state); $r->BillAddr->PostalCode = $ao->user->postcode; $r->BillAddr->Country = 'Australia'; // @todo //$r->ShipAddr = $r->BillAddr; } if ($ao->email) { if (! $r->PrimaryEmailAddr) $r->PrimaryEmailAddr = new IPPEmailAddress; $r->PrimaryEmailAddr->Address = $ao->user->email; $r->PreferredDeliveryMethod = 'Email'; } if (! $r->Balance) $r->Active = $ao->active ? 'true' : 'false'; break; case 'Private': $r->CompanyName = NULL; $r->DisplayName = sprintf('%s %s',$ao->user->lastname,$ao->user->firstname); $r->ResaleNum = $ao->AccountId; $r->SalesTermRef = '7'; // @todo if ($ao->first_name) $r->GivenName = chop($ao->user->firstname); // @todo shouldnt be required if ($ao->last_name) $r->FamilyName = $ao->user->lastname; if ($ao->address1) { if (! $r->BillAddr) $r->BillAddr = new IPPPhysicalAddress; $r->BillAddr->Line1 = $ao->user->address1; $r->BillAddr->Line2 = $ao->user->address2; $r->BillAddr->City = $ao->user->city; $r->BillAddr->CountrySubDivisionCode = strtoupper($ao->user->state); $r->BillAddr->PostalCode = $ao->user->postcode; $r->BillAddr->Country = 'Australia'; // @todo //$r->ShipAddr = $r->BillAddr; } if ($ao->email) { if (! $r->PrimaryEmailAddr) $r->PrimaryEmailAddr = new IPPEmailAddress; $r->PrimaryEmailAddr->Address = $ao->user->email; $r->PreferredDeliveryMethod = 'Email'; } if (! $r->Balance) $r->Active = $ao->active ? 'true' : 'false'; break; default: throw new \Exception('Unhandled account type: '.$ao->type); } // If something changed, lets update it. if (count(array_diff_assoc(object_to_array($r,FALSE),object_to_array($oldr,FALSE)))) { $api->updateCustomer($r,[]); } // If external integration doesnt exist, lets create it. if (! $ao->ExternalAccounting($into)) { $ao->external()->attach([$into->id=>['site_id'=>1,'link'=>$r->Id]]); // @todo site_id } // If the integration ID doesnt exist in the integration source, add it. if (! $r->ResaleNum) { $api->updateCustomer($r,['ResaleNum'=>$ao->AccountId]); } // If integration exist, double check the numbers match if ($r->ResaleNum != $ao->AccountId) { $this->warn(sprintf('Integration ID Mismatch AID [%s] ID [%s]',$ao->id,$r->Id)); continue; } } } } } function object_to_array($object,$encode=TRUE) { // For child arrays, we just encode if ($encode) return json_encode($object); if (is_object($object)) { return array_map(__FUNCTION__,get_object_vars($object)); } else if (is_array($object)) { return array_map(__FUNCTION__,$object); } else { return $object; } }