2022-02-02 10:43:59 +11:00

467 lines
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namespace App\Models;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Clarkeash\Doorman\Facades\Doorman;
use Clarkeash\Doorman\Models\Invite;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Leenooks\Traits\ScopeActive;
use App\Interfaces\IDs;
use App\Traits\{NextKey,PushNew};
* Class Invoice
* Invoices that belong to an Account
* Attributes for services:
* + due : Balance due on an invoice
* + due_date : Date the invoice is due
* + invoice_date : Date the invoice was created
* + lid : Local ID for invoice
* + paid : Total of payments received (excluding pending)
* + paid_date : Date the invoice was paid in full
* + paid_pending : Total of pending payments received
* + sid : System ID for invoice
* + total_sub : Invoice sub-total before taxes
* + total_tax : Invoices total of taxes
* + total : Invoice total
* @package App\Models
class Invoice extends Model implements IDs
use NextKey,PushNew,ScopeActive;
const RECORD_ID = 'invoice';
public $incrementing = FALSE;
protected $table = 'ab_invoice';
const CREATED_AT = 'date_orig';
const UPDATED_AT = 'date_last';
protected $dates = ['date_orig','due_date'];
public $dateFormat = 'U';
/* Our available billing periods */
public const billing_periods = [
0 => [
'name' => 'Weekly',
'interval' => 0.25,
1 => [
'name' => 'Monthly',
'interval' => 1,
2 => [
'name' => 'Quarterly',
'interval' => 3,
3 => [
'name' => 'Semi-Annually',
'interval' => 6,
4 => [
'name' => 'Annually',
'interval' => 12,
5 => [
'name' => 'Two years',
'interval' => 24,
6 => [
'name' => 'Three Years',
'interval' => 36,
7 => [
'name' => 'Four Years',
'interval' => 48,
8 => [
'name' => 'Five Years',
'interval' => 60,
// Array of items that can be updated with PushNew
protected $pushable = ['items'];
protected $with = [
// Caching variables
private int $_paid = 0;
private int $_total = 0;
private int $_total_tax = 0;
/* STATIC */
* This works out what multiplier to use to change billing periods
* @param int $source
* @param int $target
* @return float
public static function billing_change(int $source,int $target): float
return Arr::get(self::billing_periods,$target.'.interval')/Arr::get(self::billing_periods,$source.'.interval');
* Return the name for the billing interval
* @param int $interval
* @return string
public static function billing_name(int $interval): string
$interval = collect(self::billing_periods)->get($interval);
return Arr::get($interval,'name','Unknown');
* Return the number of months in the billing interval
* @param int $interval
* @return int
public static function billing_period(int $interval): int
$interval = collect(self::billing_periods)->get($interval);
return Arr::get($interval,'interval',0);
* Given a contract in months, this will calculate the number of billing intervals required
* @param int $contract_term
* @param int $source
* @return int
public static function billing_term(int $contract_term,int $source): int
return ceil(($contract_term ?: 1)/(Arr::get(self::billing_periods,$source.'.interval') ?: 1));
public function account()
return $this->belongsTo(Account::class);
public function items()
return $this->hasMany(InvoiceItem::class)
public function payments()
return $this->hasManyThrough(Payment::class,PaymentItem::class,NULL,'id',NULL,'payment_id');
public function paymentitems()
return $this->hasMany(PaymentItem::class);
/* SCOPES */
* Search for a record
* @param $query
* @param string $term
* @return mixed
public function scopeSearch($query,string $term)
return $query->where('id','like','%'.$term.'%');
* Balance due on an invoice
* @return string
public function getDueAttribute(): float
return sprintf('%3.2f',$this->getTotalAttribute()-$this->getPaidAttribute());
* @return mixed
* @deprecated use self::due_date;
public function getDateDueAttribute()
return $this->due_date->format('Y-m-d');
* Date the invoices was created
* @return Carbon
public function getInvoiceDateAttribute(): Carbon
return $this->date_orig;
* Get account System ID
* @return string
* @deprecated use getSIDAttribute()
public function getInvoiceAccountIdAttribute()
return $this->getSIDAttribute();
// @todo Move this to a site configuration
public function getInvoiceTextAttribute()
return sprintf('Thank you for using %s for your Internet Services.',config('site')->site_name);
* Invoice Local ID
* @return string
public function getLIDAttribute(): string
return sprintf('%06s',$this->id);
* Total of payments received for this invoice
* excluding pending payments
* @return float
public function getPaidAttribute(): float
return $this->paymentitems
->filter(function($item) { return ! $item->payment->pending_status; })
* Get the date that the invoice was paid in full.
* We assume the last payment received pays it in full, if its fully paid.
* @return Carbon|null
public function getPaidDateAttribute(): ?Carbon
if ($this->getDueAttribute())
return NULL;
$o = $this->payments
->filter(function($item) { return ! $item->pending_status; })
return $o ? $o->payment_date : NULL;
* Total of pending payments received for this invoice
* @return mixed
public function getPaidPendingAttribute(): float
return $this->paymentitems
->filter(function($item) { return $item->payment->pending_status; })
* Total of pending payments received for this invoice
* @return mixed
* @deprecated use getPaidPendingAttribute()
public function getPendingPaidAttribute(): float
return $this->getPaidPendingAttribute();
* Invoice System ID
* @return string
public function getSIDAttribute(): string
return sprintf('%02s-%04s-%s',$this->site_id,$this->account_id,$this->getLIDAttribute());
* Get invoice subtotal before taxes
* @return float
* @deprecated use getTotalSubAttribute()
public function getSubTotalAttribute(): float
return $this->getTotalSubAttribute();
* Get invoice subtotal before taxes
* @return float
public function getTotalSubAttribute(): float
return $this->items->where('active',TRUE)->sum('sub_total');
* Get the invoices taxes total
* @return float
* @deprecated use getTotalTaxAttribute();
public function getTaxTotalAttribute(): float
return $this->getTotalTaxAttribute();
* Get the invoices taxes total
* @return float
public function getTotalTaxAttribute(): float
return $this->items->where('active',TRUE)->sum('tax');
* Invoice total due
* @return float
public function getTotalAttribute(): float
return $this->getTotalSubAttribute()+$this->getTotalTaxAttribute();
public function currency()
return $this->account->country->currency;
* Return a download link for non-auth downloads
* @return string
public function download_link(): string
// Re-use an existing code
$io = Invite::where('for',$this->account->user->email)->first();
$tokendate = ($x=Carbon::now()->addDays(21)) > ($y=$this->due_date->addDays(21)) ? $x : $y;
// Extend the expire date
if ($io AND ($tokendate > $io->valid_until)) {
$io->valid_until = $tokendate;
$code = (! $io) ? Doorman::generate()->for($this->account->user->email)->uses(0)->expiresOn($tokendate)->make()->first()->code : $io->code;
return url('u/invoice',[$this->id,'email',$code]);
public function products()
$return = collect();
foreach ($this->items->groupBy('product_id') as $o)
$po = $o->first()->product;
$po->count = count($o->pluck('service_id')->unique());
$lo = $this->account->user->language;
return $return->sortBy(function ($item) use ($lo) {
return $item->name;
public function product_services(Product $po)
$return = collect();
foreach ($this->items->filter(function ($item) use ($po) {
return $item->product_id == $po->id;
}) as $o)
$so = $o->service;
return $return->unique()->sortBy('name');
public function product_service_items(Product $po,Service $so)
return $this->items->filter(function ($item) use ($po,$so) {
return $item->product_id == $po->id AND $item->service_id == $so->id;
* @param string $key
* @return string
* @todo Ugly hack to update reminders
public function reminders(string $key) {
$r = unserialize($this->reminders);
if (! Arr::get($r,$key)) {
$r[$key] = time();
return serialize($r);
* Automatically set our due_date at save time.
* @param array $options
* @return bool
public function save(array $options = []) {
// Automatically set the date_due attribute for new records.
if (! $this->exists AND ! $this->due_date) {
$this->due_date = $this->items->min('date_start');
// @todo This 7 days should be sysetm configurable
if (($x=Carbon::now()->addDay(7)) > $this->due_date)
$this->due_date = $x;
return parent::save($options);