
104 lines
2.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-09-16 22:10:19 +10:00
namespace App\Traits;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use App\Media\QuickTime\Atom;
trait FindQuicktimeAtoms
protected function get_atoms(string $class_prefix,string $unknown,int $offset,int $size,string $atom=NULL,string $passthru=NULL,\Closure $callback=NULL): Collection
// List of atoms
// File Type atom should proceed move, movie data, preview. free space atoms, if it exists.
// Can assume it doesnt exist if those other atoms are discovered first.
// Atoms can be present in any order
// Must contain a movie atom.
// Movie data atoms can exceed 2^32.
$rp = 0;
if (! $atom) {
$fh = fopen($this->filename,'r');
$result = collect();
while ($rp < $size) {
$read = $atom ? substr($atom,$rp,8) : fread($fh,8);
$rp += strlen($read);
$header = unpack('Nsize/a4atom',$read);
// For mdat atoms, if size = 1, the true size is in the 64 bit extended header
if (($header['atom'] === 'mdat') && ($header['size'] === 1))
throw new \Exception(sprintf('%s:! We havent handed large QT files yet.',self::LOGKEY));
// Load our class for this supplier
$class = $class_prefix.$header['atom'];
$data = $atom
? substr($atom,$rp,$header['size']-8)
: ($header['size']-8 && ($header['size']-8 <= self::BLOCK_SIZE) ? fread($fh,$header['size']-8) : NULL);
if ($header['size'] >= 8) {
$o = class_exists($class)
? new $class($offset+$rp,$header['size']-8,$this->filename,$data,$passthru)
: new $unknown($offset+$rp,$header['size']-8,$this->filename,$header['atom'],$data);
$rp += $header['size']-8;
// Only need to seek if we didnt read all the data
if ((! $atom) && ($header['size'] > self::BLOCK_SIZE))
} else {
dd([get_class($this) => $data]);
// Work out if data from the last atom next to be passed onto the next one
if ($callback)
$passthru = $callback($o);
if (! $atom) {
return $result;
* Recursively look through our object hierarchy of atoms for a specific atom class
* @param string $subatom
* @param int|NULL $expect
* @param int $depth
* @return Collection|Atom|NULL
* @throws \Exception
public function find_atoms(string $subatom,?int $expect=NULL,int $depth=100): Collection|Atom|NULL
if (! isset($this->atoms) || ($depth < 0))
return NULL;
$subatomo = $this->atoms->filter(fn($item)=>get_class($item)===$subatom);
$subatomo = $subatomo
->filter(fn($item)=>$item ? $item->count() : NULL)
if (! $subatomo->count())
return $subatomo;
if ($expect && ($subatomo->count() !== $expect))
throw new \Exception(sprintf('! Expected %d subatoms of %s, but have %d',$expect,$subatom,$subatomo->count()));
return ($expect === 1) ? $subatomo->pop() : $subatomo;