NULL, // Directory of Photos to Import 'file'=>NULL, // Photo File to Import 'tags'=>NULL, 'people'=>NULL, 'ignoredupe'=>FALSE, // Skip duplicate photos 'deletedupe'=>FALSE, // Skip duplicate photos 'verbose'=>FALSE, // Photo File to Import ); private function _adddir(&$value,$key,$path='') { if ($path) $value = sprintf('%s/%s',$path,$value); } protected function _execute(array $params) { $tags = NULL; $t = $p = array(); if (is_null($params['file']) AND is_null($params['dir']) OR ($params['file'] AND $params['dir'])) throw new Kohana_Exception('Missing filename, please use --file= OR --dir='); if ($params['dir']) { $files = array_diff(scandir($params['dir']),array('.','..')); array_walk($files,'static::_adddir',$params['dir']); } else $files = array($params['file']); // Tags if ($params['tags']) { $tags = explode(',',$params['tags']); $t = ORM::factory('Tags')->where('tag','IN',$tags)->find_all(); } // People if ($params['people']) { $tags = explode(',',$params['people']); $p = ORM::factory('People')->where('tag','IN',$tags)->find_all(); } $c = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { if ($params['verbose']) printf("Processing file [%s]\n",$file); if (preg_match('/@__thumb/',$file) OR preg_match('/\/._/',$file)) { $this->writelog(sprintf("Ignoring file [%s]\n",$file)); continue; } if (! in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION)),$this->_accepted)) { $this->writelog(sprintf("Ignoring file [%s]\n",$file)); continue; } $c++; $po = ORM::factory('Photo',array('filename'=>$file)); if (! $po->loaded()) $po->filename = realpath($file); $po->date_taken = $this->dbcol(strtotime($po->io('exif:DateTime'))); $po->signature = $this->dbcol($po->io()->getImageSignature()); $po->make = $this->dbcol($po->io('exif:Make')); $po->model = $this->dbcol($po->io('exif:Model')); $po->height = $this->dbcol($po->io()->getImageheight()); $po->width = $this->dbcol($po->io()->getImageWidth()); $po->orientation = $this->dbcol($po->io()->getImageOrientation()); $po->subsectime = $this->dbcol($po->io('exif:SubSecTimeOriginal')); $po->gps_lat = $this->dbcol($po->gps(preg_split('/,\s?/',$po->io()->getImageProperty('exif:GPSLatitude')),$po->io()->getImageProperty('exif:GPSLatitudeRef'))); $po->gps_lon = $this->dbcol($po->gps(preg_split('/,\s?/',$po->io()->getImageProperty('exif:GPSLongitude')),$po->io()->getImageProperty('exif:GPSLongitudeRef'))); try { $po->thumbnail = $this->dbcol(exif_thumbnail($po->filename)); } catch (Exception $e) { } switch ($params['verbose']) { case 1: print_r($po->what_changed()); break; case 2: print_r($po->io()->getImageProperties()); break; } $x = $po->list_duplicate()->find_all(); if (count($x)) { $skip = FALSE; foreach ($x as $o) { # We'll only ignore based on the same signature. if ($params['ignoredupe'] AND ($po->signature == $o->signature)) { $skip = TRUE; $this->writelog(sprintf("Ignore file [%s], it's the same as [%s (%s)]\n",$po->filename,$o->id,$o->file_path())); break; } elseif ($params['deletedupe'] AND ($po->signature == $o->signature) AND ($po->filename != $o->filename)) { $skip = TRUE; $this->writelog(sprintf("Delete file [%s], it's the same as [%s (%s)] with signature [%s]\n",$po->filename,$o->id,$o->file_path(),$po->signature)); unlink($file); } } unset($x); if ($skip) continue; else $po->duplicate = '1'; } if (! $po->changed()) $this->writelog(sprintf("Image [%s] already in DB: %s\n",$file,$po->id)); $po->save(); if ($po->saved()) $this->writelog(sprintf("Image [%s] stored in DB: %s\n",$file,$po->id)); // Record our tags foreach ($t as $o) { $x = ORM::factory('Photo_Tag')->where('tag_id','=',$o->id)->where('photo_id','=',$po->id)->find(); $x->tag_id = $o->id; $x->photo_id = $po->id; $x->save(); } // Record our people foreach ($p as $o) { $x = ORM::factory('Photo_People',array('people_id'=>$o->id,'photo_id'=>$po->id)); $x->people_id = $o->id; $x->photo_id = $po->id; $x->save(); } unset($po); unset($x); unset($o); } if ($c > 1) return sprintf("Images processed: %s\n",$c); } // Force the return of a string or NULL private function dbcol($val,$noval=NULL) { return $val ? (string)$val : $noval; } private function writelog($msg) { if (! $this->_log) return; static $fh = NULL; if (is_null($fh)) $fh = fopen($this->_log,'a+'); fwrite($fh,$msg); } } ?>