<?php namespace App\Traits; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; trait Files { /** * Get a list of files */ public function getFiles(array $option,string $type): Collection { // Make sure we got a directory or a file to import if (is_null($option['file']) AND is_null($option['dir'])) abort(500,'Missing filename, please use --file= OR --dir='); Log::debug(sprintf('%s: Processing: %s',__METHOD__,($option['file'] ? $option['file'] : $option['dir']))); $files = collect(); $dir = ''; if ($option['dir'] AND is_dir($option['dir'])) { // Remove our trailing slash from the directory. $dir = preg_replace('/\/$/','',$option['dir']); // Exclude . & .. from the path. $files = $files->merge(array_filter(array_diff(scandir($dir),array('.','..')),function($item) use ($dir) { return is_file($dir.'/'.$item); })); } elseif ($option['file'] AND ! is_dir($option['file']) AND file_exists($option['file'])) { $dir = dirname($option['file']); $files->push(basename($option['file'])); } // Determine if our dir is relative to where we store data $dir = static::path($dir,$type); // Add our path if ($dir) $files->transform(function($value) use ($dir) { return sprintf('%s/%s',$dir,$value); }); Log::debug(sprintf('%s: Processing: %s (%s)',__METHOD__,($option['file'] ? $option['file'] : $option['dir']),count($files))); return $files; } /** * Recursively make a parent dir to hold files. * * @param $dir * @return bool */ public function makeParentDir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) return TRUE; if (! file_exists(dirname($dir)) AND ! $this->makeParentDir(dirname($dir))) return FALSE; else return is_writable(dirname($dir)) AND mkdir($dir); } /** * Return if the dir is a sub dir of our config. * * @param $path * @param $type * @return string */ public static function path($path,$type): string { return (strpos($path,config($type.'.dir').'/') === 0) ? str_replace(config($type.'.dir').'/','',$path) : $path; } }