argument('type'); if (! class_exists($class)) abort(500,sprintf('No class [%s]',$this->argument('type'))); $o = $class::findOrFail($this->argument('id')); if (! is_readable($o->file_path())) { $this->warn(sprintf('Ignoring [%s], it is not readable',$o->file_path())); return; } $o->setDateCreated(); $o->setSubSecTime(); $o->setSignature(); $o->setMakeModel(); $o->setLocation(); $o->setHeightWidth(); $o->setThumbnail(); // If this is a duplicate $x = $class::whereIN('id',$o->list_duplicate())->get(); if (count($x)) { foreach ($x as $oo) { // And that photo is not marked as a duplicate if (! $oo->duplicate) { $o->duplicate = '1'; $this->warn(sprintf('Image [%s] marked as a duplicate',$o->file_path())); // If the file signature also matches, we'll mark it for deletion if ($oo->file_signature AND $o->file_signature == $oo->file_signature) { $this->warn(sprintf('Image [%s] marked for deletion',$o->file_path())); $o->remove = '1'; } break; } } } $o->scanned = '1'; if ($o->getDirty()) { $this->warn(sprintf('Image [%s] metadata changed',$o->file_path())); //dump($o->getDirty()); } $o->save(); } }