<?php namespace App\Models; use App\Media\{Base,Factory}; class Video extends Abstracted\Catalog { public const config = 'video'; protected $casts = [ 'created'=>'datetime:Y-m-d H:i:s', ]; // Media Object private ?Base $_o; protected array $init = [ 'creation_date', 'gps', 'heightwidth', 'signature', 'software', ]; public function __get($key): mixed { if ($key === 'o') { if (isset($this->_o)) return $this->_o; if ((! file_exists($this->file_name(FALSE))) || (! is_readable($this->file_name(FALSE)))) return $this->_o = NULL; if (! isset($this->_o)) { $this->_o = Factory::create($this->file_name(FALSE)); return $this->_o; } } return parent::__get($key); } /* METHODS */ public function custom_init() { $this->audio_channels = $this->getObjectOriginal('audio_channels'); $this->audio_codec = $this->getObjectOriginal('audio_codec'); $this->audio_samplerate = $this->getObjectOriginal('audio_samplerate'); $this->gps_altitude = $this->getObjectOriginal('gps_altitude'); $this->length = round($this->getObjectOriginal('length'),2); $this->type = $this->getObjectOriginal('type'); $this->video_codec = $this->getObjectOriginal('video_codec'); $this->video_framerate = $this->getObjectOriginal('video_framerate'); /* $x = new \getID3; $x->analyze($this->file_name(FALSE)); dump(['id3'=>$x,'me'=>$this]); */ } public function getObjectOriginal(string $property): mixed { switch ($property) { case 'file_signature': return md5_file($this->file_name(FALSE)); case 'length': return $this->o?->duration; case 'audio_channels': case 'audio_codec': case 'audio_samplerate': case 'creation_date': case 'gps_altitude': case 'gps_lat': case 'gps_lon': case 'height': case 'make': case 'model': case 'signature': case 'software': case 'type': case 'width': case 'video_codec': case 'video_framerate': return $this->o?->{$property}; default: throw new \Exception('To implement: '.$property); } } /** * Return the extension of the video */ public function type($mime=FALSE): string { return strtolower($mime ? File::mime_by_ext(pathinfo($this->filename,PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) : pathinfo($this->filename,PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); } }