option('file')) AND is_null($this->option('dir'))) abort(500,'Missing filename, please use --file= OR --dir='); Log::info(sprintf('%s: Processing: %s',__METHOD__,($this->option('file') ? $this->option('file') : $this->option('dir')))); $files = []; if ($this->option('dir')) { // Remove our trailing slash from the directory. $dir = preg_replace('/\/$/','',$this->option('dir')); // Exclude . & .. from the path. $files = array_diff(scandir($dir),array('.','..')); } elseif ($this->option('file')) { $dir = dirname($this->option('file')); $files = array(basename($this->option('file'))); } // Determine if our dir is releative to where we store data $dir = Photo::path($dir); // Add our path if ($dir) array_walk($files,function(&$value,$key,$path='') { if ($path) { $value = sprintf('%s/%s',$path,$value); } },$dir); // Show a progress bar $bar = $this->output->createProgressBar(count($files)); $bar->setFormat("%current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% (%memory%) (%remaining%) "); $c = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { $bar->advance(); if (preg_match('/@__thumb/',$file) OR preg_match('/\/._/',$file)) { $this->warn(sprintf('Ignoring file [%s]',$file)); continue; } if (! in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION)),config('photo.import.accepted'))) { $this->warn(sprintf('Ignoring [%s]',$file)); continue; } if ($this->option('verbose')) $this->info(sprintf('Processing file [%s]',$file)); $c++; $po = Photo::where('filename',$file)->first(); if (is_null($po)) { $this->error(sprintf('File is not in the database [%s]?',$file)); Log::error(sprintf('%s: File is not in the database [%s]?',__METHOD__,$file)); continue; } $po->signature = $po->property('signature'); try { $po->thumbnail = exif_thumbnail($po->file_path()); } catch (\Exception $e) { // @todo Couldnt get the thumbnail, so we should create one. } if ($po->isDirty()) { if (count($po->getDirty()) > 1 OR ! array_key_exists('signature',$po->getDirty())) $this->error(sprintf('More than the signature changed for [%s] (%s)?',$po->id,join('|',array_keys($po->getDirty())))); $this->info(sprintf('Signature update for [%s]',$po->id)); $po->save(); } } $bar->finish(); return $this->info(sprintf('Images processed: %s',$c)); } }