
26 lines
982 B

namespace App\Media\QuickTime\Atoms\moov\meta;
// The metadata item keys atom holds a list of the metadata keys that may be present in the metadata atom.
// This list is indexed starting with 1; 0 is a reserved index value. The metadata item keys atom is a full atom with an atom type of "keys".
use App\Media\QuickTime\Atoms\SubAtom;
class keys extends SubAtom
public function __construct(int $offset,int $size,string $filename,?string $data)
$this->keys = collect();
$read = unpack($this->unpack(self::atom_record),substr($data,0,$ptr=$this->unpack_size(self::atom_record)));
for ($i=0; $i<$read['count']; $i++) {
$key_size = unpack('Nsize',substr($data,$ptr,4));
$keys = unpack(sprintf('a4namespace/a%dname',$key_size['size']-8),substr($data,$ptr+4,4+$key_size['size']-8));
$ptr += $key_size['size'];
$this->cache = $this->cache->push(sprintf('%s.%s',$keys['namespace'],$keys['name']));