2016-06-29 20:49:02 +10:00

224 lines
5.4 KiB

namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Log;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use App\Model\Person;
use App\Model\PhotoPerson;
use App\Model\Photo;
use App\Model\PhotoTag;
use App\Model\Tag;
class Import extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'photo:import
{--dir= : Directory to Parse}
{--file= : File to import}
{--ignoredupe : Ignore duplicate files}
{--deletedupe : Delete duplicate files}
{--people= : People to reference in photo}
{--tags= : Add tag to photo}';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Import photos into the database';
* Create a new command instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Execute the console command.
* @return mixed
public function handle()
// Make sure we got a directory or a file to import
if (is_null($this->option('file')) AND is_null($this->option('dir')))
abort(500,'Missing filename, please use --file= OR --dir=');
Log::info('Processing: '.($this->option('file') ? $this->option('file') : $this->option('dir')));
$files = [];
if ($this->option('dir'))
// Remove our trailing slash from the directory.
$dir = preg_replace('/\/$/','',$this->option('dir'));
// Exclude . & .. from the path.
$files = array_diff(scandir($dir),array('.','..'));
elseif ($this->option('file'))
$dir = dirname($this->option('file'));
$files = array(basename($this->option('file')));
// Determine if our dir is releative to where we store data
$dir = Photo::path($dir);
// Add our path
if ($dir)
array_walk($files,function(&$value,$key,$path='') {
if ($path) {
$value = sprintf('%s/%s',$path,$value);
// Show a progress bar
$bar = $this->output->createProgressBar(count($files));
$bar->setFormat("%current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% (%memory%) (%remaining%) ");
$tags = NULL;
$t = $p = array();
// Tags
if ($this->option('tags'))
$tags = explode(',',$this->option('tags'));
$t = Tag::whereIn('tag',$tags)->get();
// People
if ($this->option('people'))
$tags = explode(',',$this->option('people'));
$p = Person::whereIn('tag',$tags)->get();
$c = 0;
foreach ($files as $file)
if (preg_match('/@__thumb/',$file) OR preg_match('/\/._/',$file))
$this->warn(sprintf('Ignoring file [%s]',$file));
if (! in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION)),config('photo.import.accepted')))
$this->warn(sprintf('Ignoring [%s]',$file));
if ($this->option('verbose'))
$this->info(sprintf('Processing file [%s]',$file));
$po = Photo::where('filename',$file)->first();
if (is_null($po))
$po = new Photo;
$po->filename = $file;
$po->date_taken = strtotime($po->io('exif:DateTime'));
$po->subsectime = $po->io('exif:SubSecTimeOriginal');
$po->signature = $po->io()->getImageSignature();
$po->make = $po->io('exif:Make');
$po->model = $po->io('exif:Model');
$po->height = $po->io()->getImageheight();
$po->width = $po->io()->getImageWidth();
$po->orientation = $po->io()->getImageOrientation();
$po->gps_lat = Photo::latlon(preg_split('/,\s?/',$po->io()->getImageProperty('exif:GPSLatitude')),$po->io()->getImageProperty('exif:GPSLatitudeRef'));
$po->gps_lon = Photo::latlon(preg_split('/,\s?/',$po->io()->getImageProperty('exif:GPSLongitude')),$po->io()->getImageProperty('exif:GPSLongitudeRef'));
try {
$po->thumbnail = exif_thumbnail($po->file_path());
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// @todo Couldnt get the thumbnail, so we should create one.
// If this is a duplicate
$x = $po->list_duplicate()->get();
if (count($x)) {
$skip = FALSE;
foreach ($x as $o) {
// We'll only ignore based on the same signature.
if ($po->signature != $o->signature AND ! $po->exists)
if ($this->option('ignoredupe'))
$skip = TRUE;
$this->warn(sprintf("Ignoring file [%s], it's the same as [%s] with id %s",$po->file_path(),$o->filename,$o->id));
elseif ($this->option('deletedupe') AND ($po->filename != $o->filename))
$skip = TRUE;
$this->error(sprintf("Deleting file [%s], it's the same as [%s] with id %s and signature [%s]\n",$po->file_path(),$o->filename,$o->id,$po->signature));
if ($skip)
$po->duplicate = '1';
$this->warn(sprintf('Image [%s] marked as a duplicate',$file));
if ($po->exists)
$this->warn(sprintf('Image [%s] already in DB: %s',$file,$po->id));
if ($po->wasRecentlyCreated)
$this->info(sprintf('Image [%s] stored in DB: %s',$file,$po->id));
// Record our tags
foreach ($t as $o)
if (! (new PhotoTag)->where('tag_id','=',$o->id)->where('photo_id','=',$po->id)->count())
$x = new PhotoTag;
$x->tag_id = $o->id;
$x->photo_id = $po->id;
// Record our people
foreach ($p as $o)
if (! (new PhotoPerson)->where('people_id','=',$o->id)->where('photo_id','=',$po->id)->count())
$x = new PhotoPerson;
$x->people_id = $o->id;
$x->photo_id = $po->id;
return $this->info(sprintf('Images processed: %s',$c));