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2009-06-30 18:05:37 +10:00
* functions.php
* A collection of functions used throughout phpLDAPAdmin.
@include 'config.php';
* Given a DN and server ID, this function reads the DN's objectClasses and
* determines which icon best represents the entry.
function get_icon( $server_id, $dn )
// fetch and lowercase all the objectClasses in an array
$object_classes = get_object_attr( $server_id, $dn, 'objectClass' );
if( $object_classes === null )
return 'object.png';
// If there is only one objectClass, make it an array with one element instead
if( ! is_array( $object_classes ) )
$object_classes = array( $object_classes );
foreach( $object_classes as $i => $class )
$object_classes[$i] = strtolower( $class );
// get the prefix (ie: dc, ou, cn, uid)
$exploded_dn = ldap_explode_dn( $dn, 0 );
$rdn = $dn[0];
$prefix = explode( '=', $rdn );
$prefix = $prefix[0];
// Is it a person or some type of account/user?
if( in_array( 'person', $object_classes ) ||
in_array( 'organizationalperson', $object_classes ) ||
in_array( 'inetorgperson', $object_classes ) ||
in_array( 'account', $object_classes ) ||
in_array( 'posixaccount', $object_classes ) )
return 'user.png';
// Is it an organization?
elseif ( in_array( 'organization', $object_classes ) )
return 'o.png';
// Is it an organizational Unit?
elseif( in_array( 'organizationalunit', $object_classes ) )
return 'ou.png';
// Is it a domain controler (dc)
elseif( in_array( 'dcobject', $object_classes ) ||
in_array( 'domainrelatedobject', $object_classes ) )
return 'dc.png';
elseif( in_array( 'country', $object_classes ) )
return 'country.png';
elseif( in_array( 'jammvirtualdomain', $object_classes ) )
return 'mail.png';
elseif( in_array( 'locality', $object_classes ) )
return 'locality.png';
// Oh well, I don't know what it is. Use a generic icon.
return 'object.png';
* Given a server_id, returns whether or not we have enough information
* to authenticate against the server. For example, if the user specifies
* 'cookie' in the config for that server, it checks the $_COOKIE array to
* see if the cookie username and password is set for the server.
function have_auth_info( $server_id )
global $servers;
if( ! is_numeric( $server_id ) || ! isset( $servers[$server_id] ) )
return false;
$server = $servers[$server_id];
if( $server['auth_type'] == 'form' )
global $_COOKIE;
if( isset( $_COOKIE[ 'pla_login_dn_' . $server_id ] ) &&
isset( $_COOKIE[ 'pla_pass_' . $server_id ] ) )
return true;
return false;
// whether or not the login_dn or pass is specified, we return
// true here. (if they are blank, we do an anonymous bind anyway)
elseif( $server['auth_type'] == 'config' )
return true;
pla_error( "Error: You have an error in your config file. The only two allowed
values for 'auth_type' in the $servers section are 'config' and
'form'. You entered '" . htmlspecialchars($server['auth_type']) . "', which
is not allowed. " );
function get_logged_in_pass( $server_id )
global $_COOKIE;
$pass = $_COOKIE[ 'pla_login_pass_' . $server_id ];
if( $pass == '0' )
return false;
return $pass;
function get_logged_in_dn( $server_id )
global $_COOKIE;
$dn = $_COOKIE[ 'pla_login_dn_' . $server_id ];
if( $dn == '0' )
return 'Anonymous';
return $dn;
* Specify a $server_id (0,1,2...) based on the order it appears in config.php.
* The first is 0, the second is 1, etc. You rarely will need to consult
* config.php since those values are usually generated dynamically in hrefs.
function pla_ldap_connect( $server_id )
if( ! check_server_id( $server_id ) )
return false;
if( ! have_auth_info( $server_id ) )
return false;
global $servers;
// cache the connection, so if we are called multiple
// times, we don't have to reauthenticate with the LDAP server
static $conns;
if( $conns[$server_id] )
return $conns[$server_id];
$host = $servers[$server_id]['host'];
$port = $servers[$server_id]['port'];
if( ! $port ) $port = 389;
$conn = @ldap_connect( $host, $port );
if( ! $conn ) return false;
// go with LDAP version 3 if possible (needed for renaming and Novell schema fetching)
@ldap_set_option( $conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3 );
// try to fire up TLS is specified in the config
if( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'tls' ] == true ) {
function_exists( 'ldap_start_tls' ) or pla_error( "Your PHP install does not support TLS" );
@ldap_start_tls( $conn ) or pla_error( "Could not start TLS.<br />Please check your ".
"LDAP server configuration." );
// grab the auth info based on the auth_type for this server
if( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ] == 'config' ) {
$login_dn = $servers[$server_id]['login_dn'];
$login_pass = $servers[$server_id]['login_pass'];
} elseif( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ] == 'form' ) {
global $_COOKIE;
$login_dn = $_COOKIE['pla_login_dn_' . $server_id ];
$login_pass = $_COOKIE['pla_pass_' . $server_id ];
// Was this an anonyous bind (the cookie stores 0 if so)?
if( '0' == $login_dn ) {
$login_dn = null;
$login_pass = null;
} else {
pla_error( "You have an error in your config file. auth_type of " .
htmlspecialchars( $servers[ $server_id ][ 'auth_type' ] ) .
" is not valid." );
$res = @ldap_bind( $conn, $login_dn, $login_pass );
if( ! $res ) return false;
// store the cached connection resource
$conns[$server_id] = $conn;
return $conn;
* Returns an array listing the DNs contained by the specified $dn
function get_container_contents( $server_id, $dn, $size_limit=0 )
$con = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
if( ! $con ) return false;
$search = @ldap_list( $con, $dn, 'objectClass=*', array( 'dn' ), 1, $size_limit );
if( ! $search )
return array();
$search = ldap_get_entries( $con, $search );
$return = array();
for( $i=0; $i<$search['count']; $i++ )
$entry = $search[$i];
$dn = $entry['dn'];
$return[] = $dn;
return $return;
* Builds the initial tree that is stored in the session variable 'tree'.
* Simply returns an array with an entry for each active server in
* config.php
function build_initial_tree()
global $servers;
$tree = array();
foreach( $servers as $id => $server ) {
if( $server['host'] == '' ) {
$root_dn = try_to_get_root_dn( $id );
echo "Root is $root_dn<br />";
if( $root_dn )
$tree[$id][$root_dn] = array();
$dn = $server['base'];
$tree[$id] = array();
return $tree;
* Builds the initial array that stores the icon-lookup for each DN in the tree browser
function build_initial_tree_icons()
global $servers;
$tree_icons = array();
// initialize an empty array for each server
foreach( $servers as $id => $server ) {
if( $server['host'] == '' )
$tree_icons[ $id ] = array();
$tree_icons[ $id ][ $server['base'] ] = get_icon( $id, $server['base'] );
return $tree_icons;
function get_entry_system_attrs( $server_id, $dn )
$conn = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
if( ! $conn ) return false;
$search = @ldap_read( $conn, $dn, '(objectClass=*)', array("+"), 0, 200, 0, LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS );
if( ! $search )
return false;
$entry = ldap_first_entry( $conn, $search );
$attrs = ldap_get_attributes( $conn, $entry );
foreach( $attrs as $name => $vals )
if( is_numeric( $name ) || $name == 'count' )
unset( $attrs[$name] );
$attrs[$name] = $vals[0];
return $attrs;
* Returns the attribute/value pairs for the given $dn on the given
* $server_id. If the attribute is single valued, it will return
* a single value for that attribute. Otherwise, it will return an
* array of values for that attribute. Here's a sample return value:
* Array
* (
* [objectclass] => Array
* (
* [0] => organizationalRole
* [1] => krb5principal
* [2] => kerberosSecurityObject
* )
* [cn] => Manager
* [krbname] => phpldap@EXAMPLE.COM
* [dn] => cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
* )
function get_object_attrs( $server_id, $dn, $lower_case_attr_names = false )
$conn = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
if( ! $conn ) return false;
$search = @ldap_read( $conn, $dn, '(objectClass=*)' );
if( ! $search )
return false;
$entry = ldap_first_entry( $conn, $search );
$attrs = ldap_get_attributes( $conn, $entry );
//$attrs = ldap_get_entries( $conn, $search );
if( ! $attrs || $attrs['count'] == 0 )
return false;
//$attrs = $attrs[0];
$num_attrs = $attrs['count'];
unset( $attrs['count'] );
for( $i=0; $i<$num_attrs; $i++ )
unset( $attrs[$i] );
$return_array = array();
foreach( $attrs as $attr => $vals ) {
if( $lower_case_attr_names )
$attr = strtolower( $attr );
$count = $vals['count'];
unset( $vals['count'] );
if( $count == 1 )
$return_array[ $attr ] = $vals[0];
$return_array[ $attr ] = $vals;
ksort( $return_array );
return $return_array;
* Returns true if the passed string $temp contains all printable
* ASCII characters. Otherwise (like if it contains binary data),
* returns false.
function is_printable_str($temp) {
$len = strlen($temp);
for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
$ascii_val = ord( substr( $temp,$i,1 ) );
if( $ascii_val < 32 || $ascii_val > 126 )
return false;
return true;
* Much like get_object_attrs(), but only returns the entry for
* one attribute of an object. Again, if the attribute contains
* multiple values, returns an array of values. Otherwise, it
* returns the single attribute value.
* TODO: Don't call get_object_attrs() and filter. Do the actual ldap_read() ourselves (for efficiencey)
function get_object_attr( $server_id, $dn, $attr )
$attr = strtolower( $attr );
$attrs = get_object_attrs( $server_id, $dn, true );
if( isset( $attrs[$attr] ) )
return $attrs[$attr];
return false;
* Returns true if $var is not white space only, and false otherwise.
function not_white( $var )
return trim($var) != "" ? true : false;
* Returns an associative array of objectClasses for the specified
* $server_id. Each array entry's key is the name of the objectClass
* in lower-case.
* The sub-entries consist of sub-arrays called 'must_attrs' and
* 'may_attrs', and sub-entries called 'oid', 'name' and 'description'.
* The bulk of this function came from the good code in the
* GPL'ed LDAP Explorer project. Thank you.
function get_schema_objectclasses( $server_id )
$ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
if( ! $ds )
return false;
// get all the objectClasses
$result = @ldap_read($ds, 'cn=subschema', '(objectClass=*)',
array( 'objectclasses' ), 0, 200, 0, LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS );
if( ! $result )
$result = @ldap_read($ds, 'cn=schema', '(objectClass=*)',
array( 'objectclasses' ), 0, 200, 0, LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS );
if( ! $result ) return false;
if( $result ) $raw_oclasses = ldap_get_entries($ds,$result );
// build the array of objectClasses
$oclasses = array();
for( $att=0; $att < count( $raw_oclasses[0]["objectclasses"] ); $att++ )
$class = $raw_oclasses[0]["objectclasses"][$att];
preg_match( "/[\s]+NAME[\s'\(]+([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)[\s'\)]/" , $class, $name);
preg_match( "/[\s]+([\d\.]+)[\s]+NAME/", $class, $oid );
preg_match( "/[\s]+DESC[\s]+'([a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]+)'/", $class, $description );
preg_match( "/[\s]+SUP[\s]+([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)[\s]/", $class, $sup );
$key = strtolower( trim( $name[1] ) );
$oclass_name = trim( $name[1] );
if( ! $key ) continue;
$oclasses[$key] = array();
$oclasses[$key]['oid'] = trim( $oid[1] );
$oclasses[$key]['description'] = trim( $description[1] );
$oclasses[$key]['sup'] = trim( $sup[1] );
unset( $name );
unset( $syntax );
unset( $desription );
// get all the required attributes
preg_match( "/MUST[\s\(]+([a-zA-Z0-9\s$]+)(MAY|\))/" , $class, $must_attrs );
$must_attrs = str_replace( ' ', '', $must_attrs[1] );
$oclasses[$key]['must_attrs'] = array_filter( explode( '$', $must_attrs ), "not_white" );
// get all the optional attributes
preg_match( "/MAY[\s\(]+([a-zA-Z0-9\s$]+)(MUST|\))/" , $class, $may_attrs );
$may_attrs = str_replace( ' ', '', $may_attrs[1] );
$oclasses[$key]['may_attrs'] = array_filter( array_merge( $oclasses[$key]['must_attrs'], explode( '$', $may_attrs) ), "not_white" );
unset( $must_attrs );
unset( $may_attrs );
$oclasses[$key]['name'] = $oclass_name;
// go back and add any inherited MUST/MAY attrs to each objectClass
foreach( $oclasses as $oclass => $attrs )
$new_must = $attrs['must_attrs'];
$new_may = $attrs['may_attrs'];
$sup_attr = $attrs['sup'];
while( $sup_attr && $sup_attr != "top" ) {
$new_must = array_merge( $new_must, $oclasses[strtolower($sup_attr)]['must_attrs'] );
$new_may = array_merge( $new_may, $oclasses[strtolower($sup_attr)]['may_attrs'] );
$sup_attr = $oclasses[strtolower($sup_attr)]['sup'];
$oclasses[$oclass]['must_attrs'] = array_unique( $new_must );
$oclasses[$oclass]['may_attrs'] = array_unique( $new_may );
ksort( $oclasses );
return $oclasses;
* Returns an associate array of the server's schema matching rules
function get_schema_matching_rules( $server_id )
static $cache;
if( isset( $cache[$server_id] ) )
return $cache[$server_id];
$ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
if( ! $ds )
return false;
// get all the attributeTypes
$result = @ldap_read($ds, 'cn=subschema', '(objectClass=*)',
array( 'matchingRules', 'matchingRuleUse' ), 0, 200, 0, LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS );
if( ! $result )
$result = @ldap_read($ds, 'cn=schema', '(objectClass=*)',
array( 'matchingRules', 'matchingRuleUse' ), 0, 200, 0, LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS );
if( $result )
$raw = ldap_get_entries( $ds, $result );
return( array() );
// build the array of attributes
$rules = array();
for( $i=0; $i < $raw[0]['matchingrules']['count']; $i++ )
$rule = $raw[0]['matchingrules'][$i];
preg_match( "/[\s]+([\d\.]+)[\s]+/", $rule, $oid);
preg_match( "/[\s]+NAME[\s]+'([\)\(:?\.a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]+)'/", $rule, $name );
$key = strtolower( trim( $oid[1] ) );
if( ! $key ) continue;
$rules[$key] = $name[1];
//$rules[$key]['name'] = $name[1];
ksort( $rules );
$cache[$server_id] = $rules;
return $rules;
* Returns an associate array of the syntax OIDs that this LDAP server uses mapped to
* their descriptions.
function get_schema_syntaxes( $server_id )
static $cache;
if( isset( $cache[$server_id] ) )
return $cache[$server_id];
$ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
if( ! $ds )
return false;
// get all the attributeTypes
$result = @ldap_read($ds, 'cn=subschema', '(objectClass=*)',
array( 'ldapSyntaxes' ), 0, 200, 0, LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS );
if( ! $result )
$result = @ldap_read($ds, 'cn=schema', '(objectClass=*)',
array( 'ldapSyntaxes' ), 0, 200, 0, LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS );
if( $result )
$raw = ldap_get_entries( $ds, $result );
return( array() );
// build the array of attributes
$syntaxes = array();
for( $i=0; $i < $raw[0]['ldapsyntaxes']['count']; $i++ )
$syntax = $raw[0]['ldapsyntaxes'][$i];
preg_match( "/[\s]+([\d\.]+)[\s]+/", $syntax, $oid);
preg_match( "/[\s]+DESC[\s]+'([\)\(:?\.a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]+)'/", $syntax, $description );
$key = strtolower( trim( $oid[1] ) );
if( ! $key ) continue;
$syntaxes[$key] = array();
$syntaxes[$key]['description'] = $description[1];
ksort( $syntaxes );
$cache[$server_id] = $syntaxes;
return $syntaxes;
* Returns an associative array of attributes for the specified
* $server_id. Each array entry's key is the name of the attribute,
* in lower-case.
* The sub-entries are 'oid', 'syntax', 'equality', 'substr', 'name',
* and 'single_value'.
* The bulk of this function came from the good code in the
* GPL'ed LDAP Explorer project. Thank you. It was extended
* considerably for application here.
function get_schema_attributes( $server_id )
$ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
if( ! $ds )
return false;
// get all the attributeTypes
$result = @ldap_read($ds, 'cn=subschema', '(objectClass=*)',
array( 'attributeTypes' ), 0, 200, 0, LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS );
if( ! $result )
$result = @ldap_read($ds, 'cn=schema', '(objectClass=*)',
array( 'attributeTypes' ), 0, 200, 0, LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS );
if( $result )
$raw_attrs = ldap_get_entries( $ds, $result );
$raw_attrs = array();
$syntaxes = get_schema_syntaxes( $server_id );
// build the array of attributes
$attrs = array();
for( $i=0; $i < $raw_attrs[0]['attributetypes']['count']; $i++ )
$attr = $raw_attrs[0]['attributetypes'][$i];
preg_match( "/[\s]+NAME[\s'\(]+([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)[\s'\)]/" , $attr, $name);
preg_match( "/\s+NAME\s+'([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)'\s/" , $attr, $name);
preg_match( "/[\s]+([\d\.]+)[\s]+NAME/", $attr, $oid );
preg_match( "/[\s]+DESC[\s]+'([\)\(:?\.a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]+)'/", $attr, $description );
preg_match( "/[\s]+SYNTAX[\s]+([\d\.]+)/", $attr, $syntax);
preg_match( "/[\s]+EQUALITY[\s]+([a-zA-Z]+)/", $attr, $equality);
preg_match( "/[\s]+SUBSTR[\s]+([a-zA-Z]+)/", $attr, $substr);
preg_match( "/[\s]+SUP[\s]+([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)/", $attr, $sup );
if( preg_match( "/[\s]+SINGLE-VALUE[\s]+/", $attr, $single_value ) )
$single_value = 'Yes';
$single_value = 'No';
// If this schema attribute has multiple names (like: "NAME ( 'uid' 'userid' )"), then we need
// to create a matching attribute entry for each name it bares.
if( preg_match( "/\s+NAME\s+\(\s*['\sa-zA-Z0-9\-_]+\s*\)/", $attr, $multi_name ) ) {
$multi_name = $multi_name[0];
preg_match_all( "/'([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)'/", $multi_name, $multiple_names );
$multiple_names = $multiple_names[1];
//print_r( $multiple_names );
foreach( $multiple_names as $name ) {
$key = strtolower( trim( $name ) );
$attr_name = trim( $name );
if( ! $key ) continue;
$attrs[$key] = array();
$attrs[$key]['oid'] = trim( $oid[1] );
$attrs[$key]['description'] = trim( $description[1] );
$attrs[$key]['syntax'] = trim( $syntax[1] );
$attrs[$key]['type'] = $syntaxes[ trim($syntax[1]) ]['description'];
$attrs[$key]['equality'] = trim( $equality[1] );
$attrs[$key]['substr'] = trim( $substr[1] );
$attrs[$key]['single_value'] = $single_value;
$attrs[$key]['sup'] = trim( $sup[1] );
$attrs[$key]['name'] = $attr_name;
$count = 1;
for( $j=0; $j<count($multiple_names); $j++ ) {
$alias_name = $multiple_names[$j];
if( $alias_name != $name ) {
$attrs[$key]['alias' . $count] = $alias_name;
} else {
// this attribute bares only a single name.
$key = strtolower( trim( $name[1] ) );
$attr_name = trim( $name[1] );
if( ! $key ) continue;
$attrs[$key] = array();
$attrs[$key]['oid'] = trim( $oid[1] );
$attrs[$key]['description'] = trim( $description[1] );
$attrs[$key]['syntax'] = trim( $syntax[1] );
$attrs[$key]['type'] = $syntaxes[ trim($syntax[1]) ]['description'];
$attrs[$key]['equality'] = trim( $equality[1] );
$attrs[$key]['substr'] = trim( $substr[1] );
$attrs[$key]['single_value'] = $single_value;
$attrs[$key]['sup'] = trim( $sup[1] );
$attrs[$key]['name'] = $attr_name;
// go back and add any inherited descriptions from parent attributes (ie, cn inherits name)
foreach( $attrs as $attr => $desc )
$sup_attr = $desc['sup'];
while( $sup_attr ) {
if( ! $attrs[ $sup_attr ]['sup'] ) {
$attrs[ $attr ][ 'syntax' ] = $attrs[ $sup_attr ]['syntax'];
$attrs[ $attr ][ 'equality' ] = $attrs[ $sup_attr ]['equality'];
$attrs[ $attr ][ 'substr' ] = $attrs[ $sup_attr ]['substr'];
$attrs[ $attr ][ 'single_value' ] = $attrs[ $sup_attr ]['single_value'];
} else {
$sup_attr = $attrs[ $sup_attr ]['sup'];
ksort( $attrs );
return $attrs;
* A wrapper function to save you from having to call get_schema_objectclasses()
* and get_schema_attributes(). Returns an array with two indexes: 'oclasses'
* and 'attributes', as defined by their respective functions above.
function get_schema( $server_id )
$ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
if( ! $ds )
return false;
$attrs = get_schema_attributes($server_id, $lower_case_all );
$oclasses = get_schema_objectclasses($server_id, $lower_case_all );
if( ! $oclasses )
return false;
$schema = array( 'attrs' => $attrs,
'oclasses' => $oclasses );
return $schema;
* A do-it-all ldap_search function. You can even specify the search scope. Other than
* that, it's pretty much the same as the PHP ldap_search() call, except it returns
* an array of results, rather than an LDAP result resource.
function pla_ldap_search( $server_id, $filter, $base_dn=null, $attrs=array(), $scope='sub', $sort_results=true )
global $servers;
if( ! isset($servers[$server_id]) || $servers[$server_id]['host'] == '' )
return false;
if( $base_dn == null )
$base_dn = $servers[$server_id]['base'];
$ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
if( ! $ds )
return false;
switch( $scope ) {
case 'base':
$search = @ldap_read( $ds, $base_dn, $filter, $attrs );
case 'one':
$search = @ldap_list( $ds, $base_dn, $filter, $attrs );
case 'sub':
$search = @ldap_search( $ds, $base_dn, $filter, $attrs );
if( ! $search )
return array();
$search = ldap_get_entries( $ds, $search );
$return = array();
foreach( $search as $id => $attrs ) {
if( ! is_array( $attrs ) )
for( $i=0; $i<$attrs['count']; $i++ )
unset( $attrs[$i] );
$dn = $attrs['dn'];
foreach( $attrs as $attr => $vals ) {
$count = $vals['count'];
unset( $vals['count'] );
if( $count == 1 )
$return[$dn][$attr] = $vals[0];
$return[$dn][$attr] = $vals;
if( $sort_results ) ksort( $return );
return $return;
* Transforms the user-configured lists into arrays and such. This is a little weird, but
* it takes the comma-separated lists (like the search result attribute list) in config.php
* and turns them into arrays. Only call this ONCE per script. Any subsequent call will
* mess up the arrays. This function operates only on global variables defined in config.php.
function process_config()
global $search_result_attributes;
$search_result_attributes = explode( ",", $search_result_attributes );
array_walk( $search_result_attributes, "trim_it" );
global $search_attributes_display;
$search_attributes_display = explode( ",", $search_attributes_display );
array_walk( $search_attributes_display, "trim_it" );
global $search_attributes;
$search_attributes= explode( ",", $search_attributes);
array_walk( $search_attributes, "trim_it" );
global $search_criteria_options;
$search_criteria_options= explode( ",", $search_criteria_options);
array_walk( $search_criteria_options, "trim_it" );
* Call-by-reference to trim a string. Used to filter empty entries out of the arrays
* that we generate in process_config().
function trim_it( &$str )
$str = trim($str);
* Checks the server id for sanity. Ensures that the server is indeed in the configured list and active
function check_server_id( $server_id )
global $servers;
if( ! is_numeric( $server_id ) || ! isset( $servers[$server_id] ) || $servers[$server_id]['host'] == '' )
return false;
return true;
* Used to generate a random salt for crypt-style passwords
* --- added 20021125 by bayu irawan <> ---
* --- ammended 20030625 by S C Rigler <> ---
function random_salt( $length )
$possible = '0123456789'.
$str = "";
mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000);
while( strlen( $str ) < $length )
$str .= substr( $possible, ( rand() % strlen( $possible ) ), 1 );
* Commented out following line because of problem
* with crypt function in update.php
* --- 20030625 by S C Rigler <> ---
//$str = "\$1\$".$str."\$";
return $str;
* Goes through the user-configured server list and looks for an available server_id,
* ie one that has specified enough information to login. This is for choosing the
* server to display in the drop-down box in search.php mostly.
function get_avail_server_id()
global $servers;
for( $i=0; $i<count($servers); $i++ )
if( check_server_id( $i ) && have_auth_info( $i ) )
return $i;
return false;
* Given a DN string, this returns the 'RDN' portion of the string.
* For example. given 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com', this function returns
* 'cn=Manager' (it is really the exact opposite of get_container()).
function get_rdn( $dn )
$rdn = ldap_explode_dn( $dn, 0 );
$rdn = $rdn[0];
return $rdn;
* Given a DN string, this returns the 'container' portion of the string.
* For example. given 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com', this function returns
* 'dc=example,dc=com'.
function get_container( $dn )
$rdn = ldap_explode_dn( $dn, 0 );
$container = $rdn[ 1 ];
for( $i=2; $i<count($rdn)-1; $i++ )
$container .= ',' . $rdn[$i];
return $container;
* This function parses ldap_error_codes.txt and looks up the specified
* ldap error number, and returns the verbose message defined in that file.
function pla_verbose_error( $err_no )
static $err_codes;
if( count($err_codes) > 0 ) {
return $err_codes[ $err_no ];
} else {
$err_codes_file = 'ldap_error_codes.txt';
if( ! file_exists( $err_codes_file ) )
return false;
if( ! is_readable( $err_codes_file ) )
return false;
if( ! ($f = fopen( $err_codes_file, 'r' )) )
return false;
$contents = fread( $f, filesize( $err_codes_file ) );
preg_match_all( "/0x[A-Fa-f0-9][A-Za-z0-9]\s+[0-9A-Za-z_]+\s+\"[^\"]*\"\n/", $contents, $entries );
$err_codes = array();
foreach( $entries[0] as $e )
preg_match( "/(0x[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9])\s+([0-9A-Za-z_]+)\s+\"([^\"]*)\"/", $e, $entry );
$hex_code = $entry[1];
$title = $entry[2];
$desc = $entry[3];
$desc = preg_replace( "/\s+/", " ", $desc );
$err_codes[ $hex_code ] = array( 'title' => $title, 'desc' => $desc );
return $err_codes[ $err_no ];
* Spits out an HTML-formatted error string. If you specify the optional
* parameters, pla_error will lookup the error number and display a
* verbose message in addition to the message you pass it.
function pla_error( $msg, $ldap_err_msg=null, $ldap_err_no=-1 )
include_once 'header.php';
echo "<center>";
echo "<div class=\"error\">\n\n";
echo "<center><h3>Error</h3></center>\n\n";
echo "<center>$msg</center>";
echo "<br /><br />\n";
if( $ldap_err_msg )
echo "LDAP Server Said: <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $ldap_err_msg ) . "</tt><br /><br />\n";
if( $ldap_err_no != -1 ) {
$ldap_err_no = ( '0x' . str_pad( dechex( $ldap_err_no ), 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ) );
$verbose_error = pla_verbose_error( $ldap_err_no );
if( $verbose_error ) {
echo "Error number: <tt>$ldap_err_no (" .
$verbose_error['title'] . ")</tt><br /><br />\n";
echo "Description: <tt>" . $verbose_error['desc'] . "</tt><br /><br />\n\n";
} else {
echo "Error number: <tt>$ldap_err_no</tt><br /><br />\n";
echo "Description: (no description available)<br />\n\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</center>";
* Reads the friendly_attrs array as defined in config.php and lower-cases all
* the keys. Will return an empty array if the friendly_attrs array is not defined
* in config.php.
function process_friendly_attr_table()
require 'config.php';
global $friendly_attrs;
$attrs_table = array();
if( isset( $friendly_attrs ) && is_array( $friendly_attrs ) )
foreach( $friendly_attrs as $old_name => $new_name )
$attrs_table[ strtolower( $old_name ) ] = $new_name;
return array();
return $attrs_table;
* Returns true if the specified DN exists on the specified server, or false otherwise
function dn_exists( $server_id, $dn )
if( ! check_server_id( $server_id ) )
return false;
$ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
if( ! $ds )
return false;
$search_result = @ldap_read( $ds, $dn, 'objectClass=*', array('dn') );
if( ! $search_result )
return false;
$num_entries = ldap_count_entries( $ds, $search_result );
if( $num_entries > 0 )
return true;
return false;
* Given a DN and server_id, this draws fetches the jpegPhoto binary data and echo's the
* HTML necesary to draw it. You can optionally have it draw the 'delete' button below
* each image. This function supports multiple jpegPhotos.
function draw_jpeg_photos( $server_id, $dn, $draw_delete_buttons=false )
global $jpeg_temp_dir;
global $jpeg_tmp_keep_time;
$conn = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
$search_result = ldap_search( $conn, $dn, 'objectClass=*', array( 'jpegPhoto' ) );
$entry = ldap_first_entry( $conn, $search_result );
echo "<table align=\"right\"><td><center>\n\n";
// for each jpegPhoto in the entry, draw it (there may be only one, and that's okay)
$jpeg_data = ldap_get_values_len( $conn, $entry, "jpegphoto");
for( $i=0; $i<$jpeg_data['count']; $i++ )
$jpeg_filename = $jpeg_temp_dir . '/' . basename( tempnam ('.', 'djp') );
$outjpeg = fopen($jpeg_filename, "wb");
fwrite($outjpeg, $jpeg_data[$i]);
fclose ($outjpeg);
$jpeg_data_size = filesize( $jpeg_filename );
if( $jpeg_data_size < 6 ) {
echo "jpegPhoto contains errors<br />";
echo '<a href="javascript:deleteJpegPhoto();" style="color:red; font-size: 75%">Delete Photo</a>';
$jpeg_dimensions = getimagesize ($jpeg_filename);
$width = $jpeg_dimensions[0];
$height = $jpeg_dimensions[1];
if( $width > 300 ) {
$scale_factor = 300 / $width;
$img_width = 300;
$img_height = $height * $scale_factor;
} else {
$img_width = $width;
$img_height = $height;
echo "<img width=\"$img_width\" height=\"$img_height\"
src=\"view_jpeg_photo.php?file=" . basename($jpeg_filename) . "\" /><br />\n";
echo "<small>" . number_format($jpeg_data_size) . " bytes. ";
echo "$width x $height pixels.<br /></small>\n\n";
if( $draw_delete_buttons )
{ ?>
<!-- JavaScript function deleteJpegPhoto() to be defined later by calling script -->
<a href="javascript:deleteJpegPhoto();" style="color:red; font-size: 75%">Delete Photo</a>
<?php }
echo "</center></td></table>\n\n";
// If they have misconfigured their config.php, use default values
if( ! isset( $jpeg_tmp_keep_time ) )
$jpeg_tmp_keep_time = 120;
if( $jpeg_tmp_keep_time == 0 )
$jpeg_tmp_keep_time = 10;
// delete old jpeg files.
$jpegtmp_wildcard = "djp.*";
$handle = opendir($jpeg_temp_dir);
while (($file = readdir($handle)) != false)
if (eregi($jpegtmp_wildcard, $file))
$file = "$jpeg_temp_dir/$file";
if ((time() - filemtime($file)) > $jpeg_tmp_keep_time)
unlink ( $file );
* Returns the root DN of the specified server_id, or false if it
* can't find it (ie, the server won't give it to us).
* Tested with OpenLDAP 2.0, Netscape iPlanet, and Novell eDirectory 8.7 (
* Please report any and all bugs!!
function try_to_get_root_dn( $server_id )
if( ! have_auth_info( $server_id ) )
return false;
$ds = pla_ldap_connect( $server_id );
if( ! $ds )
return false;
$r = @ldap_read( $ds, '', 'objectClass=*', array( 'namingContexts' ) );
if( ! $r )
return false;
$r = @ldap_get_entries( $ds, $r );
if( isset( $r[0]['namingcontexts'][0] ) ) {
$root_dn = $r[0]['namingcontexts'][0];
return $root_dn;
} else {
return false;
* Hashes a password and returns the hash based on the enc_type, which can be one of
* crypt, md5, sha, or clear.
function password_hash( $password_clear, $enc_type )
switch( $enc_type )
case 'crypt':
$new_value = '{crypt}' . crypt( $password_clear, random_salt(2) );
case 'md5':
$new_value = '{md5}' . base64_encode( pack( 'H*' , md5( $password_clear) ) );
case 'md5crypt':
$new_value = '{crypt}' . crypt( $password_clear , '$1$' . random_salt(9) );
case 'blowfish':
$new_value = '{crypt}' . crypt( $password_clear , '$2$' . random_salt(13) );
case 'sha':
if( function_exists( 'mhash' ) ) {
$new_value = '{sha}' . base64_encode( mhash( MHASH_SHA1, $password_clear) );
} else {
pla_error( "Your PHP install does not have the mhash() function." .
" Cannot do SHA hashes." );
case 'clear':
$new_value = $password_clear;
return $new_value;
* Returns the version as a string as stored in the VERSION file.
function pla_version()
if( ! file_exists( 'VERSION' ) )
return 'unknown version';
$f = fopen( 'VERSION', 'r' );
$version = fread( $f, filesize( 'VERSION' ) );
fclose( $f );
return $version;
function draw_chooser_link( $form_element )
$href = "javascript:dnChooserPopup('$form_element');";
echo "<a href=\"$href\"><img src=\"images/find.png\" /></a>";
echo "<a href=\"$href\">browse</a>\n";