2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
< ? php
// $Header$
* Classes and functions for XML based templates .
* @ author The phpLDAPadmin development team
* @ package phpLDAPadmin
* XML Templates Class
* @ package phpLDAPadmin
* @ subpackage Templates
abstract class xmlTemplates {
# The server ID that these templates are configured for.
protected $server_id ;
# Our array of the available templates.
protected $templates = array ();
function __construct ( $server_id ) {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
$this -> server_id = $server_id ;
$server = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getServer ( $this -> server_id );
$custom_prefix = $server -> getValue ( 'custom' , 'pages_prefix' );
$class = $this -> getClassVars ();
$changed = false ;
# Try to get the templates from our CACHE.
if ( $this -> templates = get_cached_item ( $server_id , $class [ 'item' ])) {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
debug_log ( 'Using CACHED templates' , 4 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
# See if the template_time has expired to see if we should reload the templates.
foreach ( $this -> templates as $index => $template ) {
# If the file no longer exists, we'll delete the template.
if ( ! file_exists ( $template -> getFileName ())) {
unset ( $this -> templates [ $index ]);
$changed = true ;
system_message ( array (
'title' => _ ( 'Template XML file removed.' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s %s (%s)' , _ ( 'Template XML file has removed' ), $template -> getName ( false ), $template -> getType ()),
'type' => 'info' , 'special' => true ));
continue ;
if (( $template -> getReadTime () < ( time () - $class [ 'cachetime' ]))
&& ( filectime ( $template -> getFileName ()) > $template -> getReadTime ())) {
system_message ( array (
'title' => _ ( 'Template XML file changed.' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s %s (%s)' , _ ( 'Template XML file has changed and been reread' ), $template -> getName ( false ), $template -> getType ()),
'type' => 'info' , 'special' => true ));
$changed = true ;
eval ( sprintf ( '$this->templates[$index] = new %s($this->server_id,$template->getName(false),$template->getFileName(),$template->getType(),$index);' , $class [ 'name' ]));
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
debug_log ( 'Templates refreshed' , 4 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
# See if there are any new template files
$index = max ( array_keys ( $this -> templates )) + 1 ;
foreach ( $class [ 'types' ] as $type ) {
$dir = $class [ 'dir' ] . $type ;
$dh = opendir ( $dir );
if ( ! $type )
$type = 'template' ;
while ( $file = readdir ( $dh )) {
# Ignore any files that are not XML files.
if ( ! preg_match ( '/.xml$/' , $file ))
continue ;
# Ignore any files that are not the predefined custom files.
if ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'appearance' , 'custom_templates_only' )
&& ! preg_match ( " /^ ${ custom_prefix } / " , $file ))
continue ;
$filename = sprintf ( '%s/%s' , $dir , $file );
if ( ! in_array ( $filename , $this -> getTemplateFiles ())) {
$templatename = preg_replace ( '/.xml$/' , '' , $file );
eval ( sprintf ( '$this->templates[$index] = new %s($this->server_id,$templatename,$filename,$type,$index);' , $class [ 'name' ]));
$index ++ ;
$changed = true ;
system_message ( array (
'title' => _ ( 'New Template XML found.' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s %s (%s)' , _ ( 'A new template XML file has been loaded' ), $file , $type ),
'type' => 'info' , 'special' => true ));
} else {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
debug_log ( 'Parsing templates' , 4 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
# Need to reset this, as get_cached_item() returns null if nothing cached.
$this -> templates = array ();
$changed = true ;
$counter = 0 ;
foreach ( $class [ 'types' ] as $type ) {
$dir = $class [ 'dir' ] . $type ;
$dh = opendir ( $class [ 'dir' ] . $type );
if ( ! $type )
$type = 'template' ;
while ( $file = readdir ( $dh )) {
# Ignore any files that are not XML files.
if ( ! preg_match ( '/.xml$/' , $file ))
continue ;
# Ignore any files that are not the predefined custom files.
if ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'appearance' , 'custom_templates_only' )
&& ! preg_match ( " /^ ${ custom_prefix } / " , $file ))
continue ;
$filename = sprintf ( '%s/%s' , $dir , $file );
# Store the template
$templatename = preg_replace ( '/.xml$/' , '' , $file );
eval ( sprintf ( '$this->templates[$counter] = new %s($this->server_id,$templatename,$filename,$type,$counter);' , $class [ 'name' ]));
$counter ++ ;
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
debug_log ( 'Templates loaded' , 4 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
if ( $changed ) {
masort ( $this -> templates , 'title' );
set_cached_item ( $server_id , $class [ 'item' ], 'null' , $this -> templates );
* This will return our custom class variables , used by the parent to create objects .
private function getClassVars () {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
$class = array ();
switch ( get_class ( $this )) {
case 'Queries' :
$class [ 'item' ] = 'query' ;
$class [ 'name' ] = 'Query' ;
$class [ 'cachetime' ] = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'cache' , 'query_time' );
$class [ 'types' ] = array ( '' );
$class [ 'dir' ] = QUERYDIR ;
break ;
case 'Templates' :
$class [ 'item' ] = 'template' ;
$class [ 'name' ] = 'Template' ;
$class [ 'cachetime' ] = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'cache' , 'template_time' );
$class [ 'types' ] = array ( 'creation' , 'modification' );
$class [ 'dir' ] = TMPLDIR ;
break ;
default :
debug_dump_backtrace ( sprintf ( 'Unknown class %s' , get_class ( $this )), 1 );
return $class ;
* Return a list of templates by their type
* This function should return a sorted list , as the array is built sorted .
* @ param string Type of template , eg : creation , modification
2009-08-17 16:10:21 +10:00
* @ param boolean Exclude templates purposely disabled .
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
* @ return array List of templates of the type
2009-08-17 16:10:21 +10:00
public function getTemplates ( $type = null , $container = null , $disabled = false ) {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
$result = array ();
if ( is_array ( $this -> templates ))
2009-08-17 16:10:21 +10:00
foreach ( $this -> templates as $details ) {
# Clone this, as we'll disable some templates, as a result of the container being requested.
$template = clone $details ;
if ( ! is_null ( $container ) && ( $regexp = $template -> getRegExp ()) && ( ! @ preg_match ( '/' . $regexp . '/i' , $container )))
$template -> setInvalid ( _ ( 'This template is not valid in this container' ), true );
if ( $template -> isVisible () && ( ! $disabled || ! $template -> isAdminDisabled ()))
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
if ( is_null ( $type ) || ( ! is_null ( $type ) && $template -> isType ( $type )))
array_push ( $result , $template );
2009-08-17 16:10:21 +10:00
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
return $result ;
* Return a template by its ID
* @ param string The template ID as it was when it was generated ( normally used in $_REQUEST vars ) .
* @ return object Template ( or default template if the ID doesnt exist )
function getTemplate ( $templateid ) {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
$class = $this -> getClassVars ();
foreach ( $this -> templates as $template )
if ( $template -> getID () === $templateid )
return clone $template ;
# If we get here, the template ID didnt exist, so return a blank template, which be interpreted as the default template
eval ( sprintf ( '$object = new %s($this->server_id,null,null,"default");' , $class [ 'name' ]));
return $object ;
* Get a list of template filenames .
private function getTemplateFiles () {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> templates as $template )
array_push ( $result , $template -> getFileName ());
return $result ;
* XML Template Class
* @ package phpLDAPadmin
* @ subpackage Templates
abstract class xmlTemplate {
# Server ID that the template is linked to
protected $server_id ;
# Template unique ID
protected $id ;
# Template name - as extracted from the filename
protected $name ;
# Template type - creation/modification
protected $type ;
# Time this object was created
protected $readtime ;
# Template file name
protected $filename ;
# The TEMPLATE attributes as per the template definition, or the DN entry
protected $attributes = array ();
public function __construct ( $server_id , $name = null , $filename = null , $type = null , $id = null ) {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
$this -> server_id = $server_id ;
$this -> name = $name ;
$this -> type = $type ;
$this -> filename = $filename ;
$this -> readtime = time ();
$this -> id = $id ;
# If there is no filename, then this template is a default template.
if ( is_null ( $filename ))
return ;
# If we have a filename, parse the template file and build the object.
$objXML = new xml2array ();
$xmldata = $objXML -> parseXML ( file_get_contents ( $filename ), $filename );
$this -> storeTemplate ( $xmldata );
* Get an attribute ID
* @ param string The Attribute being searched .
* @ return int Attribute ID in the array
protected function getAttrID ( $attr ) {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
foreach ( $this -> attributes as $index => $attribute )
if ( strtolower ( $attr ) == $attribute -> getName () || in_array ( strtolower ( $attr ), $attribute -> getAliases ()))
return $index ;
return null ;
* Get the Template filename .
public function getFileName () {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs , $this -> filename );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
return $this -> filename ;
* Return the template by ID
public function getID () {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs , $this -> id );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
if ( $this -> name )
return sprintf ( '%s:%s' , $this -> getName ( false ), $this -> id );
return 'none' ;
* Return the template name
* @ param boolean Force the name to be lowercase ( default )
public function getName ( $lower = true ) {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs , $this -> name );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
if ( $lower )
return strtolower ( $this -> name );
return $this -> name ;
* Get the Template read time .
public function getReadTime () {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs , $this -> readtime );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
return $this -> readtime ;
* Return this LDAP Server object
* @ return object DataStore Server
protected function getServer () {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
return $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getServer ( $this -> getServerID ());
* Return the LDAP server ID
* @ return int Server ID
protected function getServerID () {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs , $this -> server_id );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
return $this -> server_id ;
* Test if a template is of a type
* @ return boolean
public function isType ( $type ) {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs , $this -> type );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
if ( $this -> type == $type )
return true ;
return false ;
* Return the template type
public function getType () {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs , $this -> type );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
return $this -> type ;
* Get template title
public function getTitle () {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
if ( ! isset ( $this -> title ) && ! isset ( $this -> description ))
return '' ;
return isset ( $this -> title ) ? $this -> title : $this -> description ;
* Add another attribute to this template
* @ return int Attribute ID
public function addAttribute ( $name , $value , $source = null ) {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
if ( ! is_array ( $value ))
debug_dump_backtrace ( 'Value should be an array()' , 1 );
$server = $this -> getServer ();
# Initialise the Attribute Factory.
$attribute_factory = new AttributeFactory ();
# If there isnt a schema item for this attribute
$attribute = $attribute_factory -> newAttribute ( $name , $value , $server -> getIndex (), $source );
$attrid = $this -> getAttrID ( $attribute -> getName ());
if ( is_null ( $attrid ))
array_push ( $this -> attributes , $attribute );
debug_dump_backtrace ( sprintf ( 'There was a request to add an attribute (%s), but it was already defined? (%s)' , $attrid , __METHOD__ ), true );
if ( $this -> getID () == 'none' )
usort ( $this -> attributes , 'sortAttrs' );
return $attribute ;
* Get the attribute names
* @ return array Array of attributes Names
public function getAttributeNames () {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
$result = array ();
foreach ( $this -> attributes as $attribute )
array_push ( $result , $attribute -> getName ());
return $result ;
* Get a specific Attribute
* @ param string Name of attribute to retrieve
* @ return object Attribute
public function getAttribute ( $name ) {
2009-08-19 13:39:37 +10:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 5 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00
foreach ( $this -> attributes as $attribute )
if (( $attribute -> getName () == strtolower ( $name )) || in_array ( strtolower ( $name ), $attribute -> getAliases ()))
return $attribute ;
return null ;
2009-08-18 19:13:50 +10:00
* May be overloaded in other classes
public function isAdminDisabled () {}
2009-07-01 16:09:17 +10:00